A Proud Autism Mom

Every parent loves to brag about their children.  You want everyone to know about the awards your child has won or how well they are doing in school.  You want to share the details of their latest accomplishment with anyone who will listen.  I’m a proud autism mom.

When you have a child with a disability, you are no less proud of your child.  Pride comes even easier when you know how hard your child has struggled with even the simplest things.  Unfortunately, not everyone understands why you are so excited because your child ate a new food.  They don’t get why it’s amazing that your little one slept through the night or actually wore a new shirt!

I get it – and so will thousands of other parents like me.  I laugh about some of the phone calls I made to my friends or parents because I was so excited that Rob wore a shirt that wasn’t striped (when he was in elementary school, every t-shirt had to be striped with no pockets.)  I remember texting Mandy when she lived in Texas just to tell her that Rob tasted a new food!

I remember being close to tears watching Casey sing in her first talent show.  She was so excited (I thought I was going to get sick from nerves!) and she did it!   Or how about the time they both told the waitress at the restaurant what they wanted – after reading the menu!  Only another special needs parent would understand my celebration – and celebrate I did!

Our milestones may not match what others do, but who cares?  They are milestones – and we made it!  All of the stress and tears were worth it  because our kids reached for the sky and touched the stars.  Who knows just how far anyone of them will go?  Think about how far your child has already come and dream away!  Never let anyone tell you not to dream.

Your dreams may be of a full night of sleep or of a child who is finally potty-trained.  You may dream of watching your favorite TV show without sound effects from the child beside you.  Maybe you dream about watching your child graduate from high school.  Go for it!

There were many days (and I’m sure that the kids’ teachers knew this) that I just wanted to give up on school.  I was tired of fighting for what they needed (and I mean for Mandy, too!) and just wanted to give up.  We made it, though – Casey and Rob both graduated with diplomas, not just certificates of completion.

Yesterday, I was lucky enough to be able to watch Casey and Rob compete in a track and field day for adults with special needs.  For the first time, Rob RAN his entire race!  I couldn’t hold back the squeals – I was so excited for him.  He was having fun and I loved seeing that.  My heart was bursting as I watched each of them win 4 ribbons of different colors.  Casey is more excited about the ribbons than Rob is, but I did catch him looking at his once with a smile on his face.

So, yes, I’m one proud mom.  What makes me proud may not be what other parents brag about, but I don’t care – and you shouldn’t, either!  Brag about every little accomplishment your child makes!  You both deserve it!  Enjoy every minute – take tons of pictures and relax!  You got this!


4 Replies to “A Proud Autism Mom”

  1. Awesome article! Definitely appreciated reading a true to life successful history with special children that appreciate what they can do. Loved this!!!

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