With less than a week to go before Christmas, Casey is getting more excited every day. She reminds me every morning that Santa is coming soon and that she is hoping for a new Elmo. Rob just grins at her, but he never mentions Santa unless I ask him what he wants for Christmas – then he says “Santa.” It took years for us to get to this point and I plan to enjoy every single moment.
My wishes for you are the same as the ones I want. Simple ones, really.
- I wish for excitement on Christmas morning, whether it is squeals of joy, flapping hands, or beautiful twinkles of their eyes. Honestly, there won’t be any of that at our house. Casey will be in full-on holiday mode and until everything has happened that she expects for that day, she is unable to fully relax. But, I will catch a small grin as she opens a new Elmo or a whole book of color by number pictures. Rob won’t say a word, either. But, he will carefully peel of the plastic wrap on his new signs and hold them in his lap as he opens other gifts.
- I wish for a meal of laughs and fun. I don’t know what a quiet meal is – and imagine quiet dinners would be quite boring, unless you were having a romantic date with your significant other. I wish for food that Rob will enjoy ( he loves ham!) and disposable plates. I wish for my family to be together and for the laughs (and once in a while, a roll or carrot!) to fly!
- I wish for tons of pictures to capture each moment – even the “boring” ones.
- I wish for an anxiety free day – whatever that looks like for you. For us, that means Casey and Rob have plenty of downtime at home between their dad’s house and my parents’ house. They get to relax and unwind.
- I wish for health for everyone. This year, especially, things might look a little different for you. We have small family dinners each year, so that’s our plan for this year. I hope between now and Friday, no one is sick or quarantined.
- Most of all, I wish for you – peace, acceptance and love. None of this may look like you once thought, but that doesn’t mean it still isn’t perfect for you.
Merry Christmas to each of you! Be happy, be safe and remember the reason for the season.
With hugs and love,