Autism and My Odd Thankful List

Autism and My Odd Thankful List

Every year, the week of Thanksgiving, I share a list of what I’m thankful for. It’s an odd list, usually, because everyone knows I’m thankful for my kids, my family and friends and my dog. I share the “different” things I’m thankful for – the little things we sometimes take for granted.

1. I’m thankful that, so far, we are all healthy and that the cancellations of COVID have been taken in stride by Casey and Rob. Let me tell you – it wasn’t too long ago that major changes like this would have sent her into constant meltdowns and his anxiety through the roof. While she is getting a little irritated by what’s cancelled (the Christmas parade and camp weekend this week), she’s still being calm.

2. I’m thankful there is a young man on eBay that sells Legos by the shape and color you want. Rob absolutely loves the squares that are yellow and blue and the green and brown rectangles. I can buy each by the pound.

3. I’m thankful that neither of them mind wearing masks. They actually handle it better than me.

4. I’m thankful for all of the crafts and pictures they have been making at Hopewell. While Casey won’t share hers (they have to go in a basket in her room) Rob will share a few. Some must be hung in his room, though.

5. I’m thankful that what they “need” to buy when we go to the store are cheap and easy to find almost anywhere. Coloring books, socks, playing cards, construction paper – all things that make Casey and Rob happy.

6. I’m thankful that some of their super strict routines can be changed without drastic results. (Though, honestly, their evening routine isn’t one I mess with much – I need my sleep! ☺)

7. I’m thankful most junk mail is the perfect consistency he wants to rip up. He rarely rips magazines, anymore, but will grab them to add to his growing collection. So I limit what comes in the house because it’s nearly impossible to get rid of any without him knowing. (How do they DO that???)

8. I’m thankful for his bear hugs and her gentle not-quite-a-hug hugs. (She usually puts her hands on the other person’s shoulders and leans forward.) In pictures, he always throws his arms around people, while she keeps her hands together.

9. I’m thankful they will both fold their own laundry – hers, very precise, his, not so much. ☺

10. I’m thankful for what autism has brought into my life. Not the sleepless nights or meltdowns or other challenges, but the friends I would have never made. The confidence I gained from dealing with doctors and other professionals. The childlike wonder that will never leave our home. The ability to see the world differently – to see only the good and the beauty.

And I’m thankful for each of you that takes the time to read our story each week and follow our circus on Facebook.

Have a Happy and safe Thanksgiving! Look for your little, odd things to be thankful for!

Autism and Halloween Fun

Autism and Halloween Fun

I’ll be the first to say – Rob never enjoyed trick or treating. He didn’t like the costume (I was careful to pick something simple for him to try). He really didn’t like going up to strangers and he didn’t care about the candy. Mandy loved going. Casey wanted the candy, but her desire to go had more to do with “it’s what you are supposed to do” than any real understanding of it. And, when they were little, autism wasn’t well-known. I heard many comments about them not saying “trick or treat” or her trying to grab a certain piece of candy. I don’t miss it. The only times I remember Rob really enjoying it was the years my brother brought his 4 wheeler over and pulled them in a wagon. Rob loved that! (He may not look like in the picture- he was ready to ride and not sit for a picture! 😊)

When they got a little older, there wasn’t trick or treating for a few years and then I told Casey she was too old to go. I bought a little candy for them and we visited grandma and grandpa on trick or treat nights. Two years ago, she wanted to pass out candy and looked forward to that for weeks. The big day came and she laughed and giggled for hours. It was a cold, damp evening. She handed out candy to two children and said she was done. Guess who got stuck handing out the candy? (It had to go – we had too much to keep around here! 🙂 )

It also helped that our county board of DD held a Halloween dance every year and they got to wear their costumes to Hopewell. She still asks about trick or treating, but only for “da widdle kids.” Of course, this year, their dance had to be canceled so I decided to have a little party here. (No worries – only a small family group. 🙂 ) Casey is very excited about it and wants to pass out candy before it starts.

Holidays can be so hard for families like ours. Our kids don’t always understand that others think they are too old for some things. Personally, if your adult/teen child wants to go, take them! If someone doesn’t like it, tough. These days, most people are more aware of disabilities and are much more accepting. And you can always “educate” the idiots who choose to say something mean to your child. Some people have purchased blue pumpkin buckets (for autism) for their children to use. Others feel this isn’t necessary. Again, you need to do what you feel is best.

I am a firm believer in Casey and Rob getting to try everything they want to try. If Casey truly wanted to go trick or treating this year, I would take her. The people in our neighborhood would be happy to give her a piece of candy and I so appreciate all of them for that. Honestly, she just wants to celebrate the holiday in whatever form we choose. I did buy candy to hand out and I’ll let her try that in her fairy costume. He chose to wear a clown hat and tie this year. (And he has worn that hat many, many places already! He’s easy to spot! 🙂 )

We have our own traditions for enjoying each holiday and that may be what you need to do, too. If you are truly worried about the reaction your child may get trick or treating, talk to a few neighbors beforehand and explain the situation. That way, you can relax and enjoy watching your child try something new. Or go to a “trunk and treat” that many organizations have. These are often held in the afternoon and in a smaller area so it might be easier to keep track of a child who tends to run.

Maybe your child would enjoy passing out candy. Or decorating a pumpkin with paint or stickers instead of scooping out that yucky stuff. If your child can’t wear a costume, decorate a shirt for them or choose a silly hat. There are so many options to make this holiday fun and relaxing for all of you! Don’t feel like you have to follow everyone else’s ideas. Our lives are unique and our holidays should be, too! The smallest thing could make your child very happy – don’t compare what you did as a child to what your child might enjoy. Keep things simple for all of you!

As for us, we’ll be carving pumpkins this week. As much as Rob hates getting his hands gooey, he loves carving pumpkins. They will both carve the same faces in their pumpkins that they have for years. He might surprise me as the pumpkin he brought home from Hopewell is different, but I’m guessing someone else drew the face. Maybe not. He’s constantly surprising me these days.

Happy Halloween to all! Be safe and have fun!

Autism and an Awesome Birthday

Yesterday, Rob turned 28. While Casey has been talking about his birthday for a month, he rarely mentions it. He likes his birthday, but it doesn’t mean as much to him as it does Casey and me. I want their birthdays to always be something special. This year, Rob surprised me.

He got up early on his birthday! He had a big smile when he came out of his room. I’d like to think he was happy to see me, but I know that it was for his favorite chocolate covered doughnuts that we always have on birthdays. 🙂 I sang “Happy Birthday” to him, but he turned his back and ran for his room as soon as I was finished. (I didn’t think I sounded that bad! 🙂 )

We had talked about his birthday all week – how old he was, what he wanted for presents. He would repeat that he was going to be 28, but he didn’t care. As for presents, he just repeated what I suggested. He showed no interest at all, except for wanting Long John Silver for supper. He never asks for that except on his birthday. Unfortunately, the one in our town burned last year after his birthday and never reopened. The closest one is about 30 miles away.

All week, I thought maybe I could convince him to have KFC or Taco Bell for supper instead. Finally, Wednesday evening, I told him LJS was closed and asked if we could have something else instead. The look on his face broke my heart. He was so disappointed that he wouldn’t be having fish for supper – he was close to tears. I couldn’t stand it. I told him I would go get his LJS while he was with Bob on his birthday. (When I was in that town a few weeks ago, the dining room wasn’t open, so I knew we needed the drive-thru anyway). So, yeah – I drove almost 70 miles to get their supper last night. But – he was so happy! His smiles and giggles made it all worth it.

He bought playing cards when he was with Bob so as soon as he finished supper, he went to his room to rip them up and wait for Mandy and Cory, Grandma and Grandpa. Since he still had cards when they got here, he didn’t come right out and see everyone, but when I mentioned presents, it brought Casey running and convinced him to see what he had gotten.

He makes very few comments and rarely changes facial expressions when he is opening presents. He reads his cards and rips open the paper. He read the new signs he got and said “money” when it fell out of his card. As soon as he was finished, he grabbed the new decks of cards and ran back to his room to resume the ripping, until I asked him to come and blow out candles.

He did have a small smile on his face as I lit a few candles for him and he loudly sang Happy Birthday to himself before he blew them all out. And ran to his room again.

But that’s okay. Birthdays can be overwhelming for anyone, but when you have sensory issues, they can be even harder. The extra noise – extra people – the extra attention are all hard to handle. I’ve never made any of my kids stay in the room for their parties. They are free to do what they need to do to enjoy their day.

I’ve also never understood the reasoning for buying what you think they “should” like. As an adult, Rob should probably be thinking about a new phone, or clothes, or gift cards, or something for his car. But as Rob, a young man with autism, he wants signs for his room. He wants decks of cards to rip up. He wants foam stickers to put on his closet door. He wants foam puzzles to cut up. He wants money for more signs (tho we are really running out of room in there!). And so that what we get him. We don’t try to force “normal” things – they get what they like.

So while his day might not seem like much to most people, he had his favorite doughnut for breakfast, wore a favorite shirt to Hopewell, had taco meat in his lunch, went with Bob, had LJS for supper, saw Mandy and Cory and Grandma and Grandpa, opened presents, sang to himself, had cookies and ripped cards for more than 5 hours. It was a perfect day to him and that’s all I ever want – a special time just for them.

I encourage you to think before you plan parties for your children with autism. Be realistic – are you planning the party for them – or for you? Are they the ones who want a huge crowd with lots of balloons – or is it you? Trying to compete with your neighbors? Please – do what’s best for your child on their birthday and leave the huge party for yours!

An Autism Mom’s Thoughts on a Very Different Easter

An Autism Mom's Thoughts on A Very Different Easter

Holidays are special around our house. Birthdays, Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, Halloween, even Memorial Day and July 4th have their own traditions. And every one of them includes family and friends. The gatherings might be smaller because of autism, but we have celebrations. This last month has sure changed the way we follow our traditions.

Casey has a checklist in her head of every thing that needs done to make a special day complete. We colored eggs yesterday, the Easter Bunny came and left baskets and hid eggs. (By the way, the Easter Bunny should not hide eggs when she is mostly asleep… I hope we find the rest by Christmas! 🙂 )

Casey and Rob looked at their baskets, she looked for a few eggs (honestly, I don’t think she cares – it’s just what you are supposed to do!) and went back to their rooms. But not before asking about lunch at grandma’s house. Mandy and Cory are coming here for lunch, so Rob didn’t really care about not going anywhere.

What I have heard over and over is “grandma, grandpa coming here?” (way back when all of this social distancing started, we thought about having a cookout on Easter…we could be together, but apart) The weather simply isn’t cooperating for that idea and we need to protect grandma and grandpa. Casey is having a harder time with this. She will say “not sick!” and I try again to explain to her that she may not feel sick, but she still might get someone else sick.

She flips her head, sighs and stomps her foot. It just doesn’t make sense to her. As I write this, she is still smiling because Mandy and Cory are coming and she planned the menu (ham, baked beans, pasta salad, cookies, brownies and pie… Do you notice the sweet tooth? 🙂 )

What I want to say to her is that I want to see Grandma and Grandpa, too. I miss seeing my brother and his family. We are supposed to be laughing and goofing off – together – not texting Happy Easter to each other. I’ll be the first to admit – I really don’t mind staying home. When our lives are “normal” by the time the kids get home from Hopewell, they need to decompress in their rooms. They want to be alone for a while. And I have supper to make and laundry and… on and on…. Some nights, it seems like we barely connect.

But, since we are all home – we are walking every day (or as many as we can between rain drops and snow flakes!) and we are baking – making crafts – painting. We are just sitting on the swing and watching the birds and talking about Sesame Street or the Wizard of Oz. We are having long “talks” about fast food menus and where we have gone on vacation. We talk about who went to heaven and going to the zoo this summer (maybe!).

So, yeah, I’m missing my family and wishing we were all together. We have already talked about having a Casey/Grandpa/Jen/Jeff/Cory/Lacey/Anna birthday party/Lacey graduation/Mother’s Day/Memorial Day/July 4th party in July. I can only imagine the traditions that Casey will want to include on a day like that! 🙂 But, it won’t matter, because finally, we will all be together and acting like our usual goofy selves. I can’t wait!

I hope that when this is all over, I don’t fall back into my old habit of worrying about gatherings and how Rob will do. I hope I can just relax, grab the kids and go! I hope I remember not being able to see everyone and how little it matters if Rob is a little loud, as long as he is having fun. I’ll do my best, but I also know a lot of the worry depends on how tired I am.

I hope everyone has a blessed Easter with special traditions that are unique to your family! Be happy, be safe!

Autism, The Birthday Girl and Slightly Different Traditions

Autism, The Birthday Girl and Slightly Different Traditions

I’m actually having a hard time believing my sweet little girl is 32 today! No, it doesn’t make me feel old – just seems so odd to think about. She has such specific traditions that she wants for every birthday that I’ve been worried all week about her special day.

We always have special doughnuts for breakfast on birthdays, but I had no idea earlier in the week if I would be able to get to the store to get them so I asked her if it would be okay if we had them for breakfast on Wednesday – and she laughed and said yes! That is huge!! If you could have met the little girl she used to be, you would know just how big this is. You simply do not change routines – ever. And now, look at her! She’s okay with such a huge change to a day she looks forward to all year! (I did buy a little bag of powdered sugar doughnuts, just in case! 🙂 )

The birthday girl (or boy! 🙂 ) always gets to choose where we have supper from on their day. Another cause for stress for me all week – would the drive-thrus still be open today? (In Ohio, everything is closed for inside dining) Luckily, they are and she will get the Burger King she has talked about for a month. I have no idea why she is so excited about BK – we can practically see it from our house. It’s not like it’s some place we never go to! 🙂 But – Mandy will be picking it up for her soon and she’s over the moon excited about her grilled chicken sandwich! 🙂

Usually, my parents come over for dessert and to watch her open presents. They aren’t coming tonight and she seems to be okay with that. She has asked, but when I told her they have to stay home, she just giggled. (It could also be easier, because she knows their present for her is here! 🙂 ) We are going to video call them so they can still be part of the evening. We all need to do our part to stay away from each other and while I don’t think Casey or Rob understands why, they seem to be okay with it for now.

Last year, Casey chose a pie instead of cake for her birthday – we were all shocked! Cake and ice cream are just her things – every time she hears about a birthday, she wants to have cake for that person – or make sure that they are getting one. This year is the same – she chose pie. We do have to put candles on her pie and she sings Happy Birthday to herself as we sing. I’d like to know what she wishes for, but I don’t ask. If you say a wish out loud, it won’t come true! 🙂

I was looking through a box of pictures this morning and it just hit me again how far she has come. How different she is than even a few years ago. While she does still have certain issues, even those can often be worked through before they become huge problems. On her first birthday, I remember people saying how she liked being in her own little world – several times, as she would rarely look at people when they wanted to take her picture. Or really seem to care whether we were there or not. Some days, I wonder why I didn’t realize she had autism then. Except that no one knew anything about it 31 years ago.

Just now, she asked about going to Grandpa’s house tomorrow for his birthday. I had to tell her no, that we could go another day and she laughed and said another day! I am just so proud of her! She may not understand completely why everything has changed in the last week, but that she has taken it in stride this far is beyond my wildest hopes.

I want you all to remember how far she has come when you have bad days – those days when you are beyond exhausted and just don’t know what to do anymore. You have no idea how far your child will go – don’t stop dreaming and hoping and working. I can’t promise your child will accomplish everything, but I know if you never give up hope and have faith, one day, you will look back and see how far they have come, too. It may not look like our journey, but it will be amazing to you. 🙂

Be safe, everyone! 🙂

Autism and End of the Year Thoughts

Autism and End of Year Thoughts

Happy New Year! As Casey has been reminding me since Thursday, “Tuesday, December is all done.” Yes, Casey. “Wednesday is January” Yes, Casey. “Tuesday, 2019 is all done!” Yes, Casey. “Wednesday 2020” Yes, Casey. Over and over and over. 🙂 Is it just me or does 2020 seem like it should be a futuristic movie setting? It sure makes the 1999 seem like a million years ago. To me, anyway.

I hope each of you had a wonderful Christmas. Ours went as planned and expected which is always good. The only thing that was odd was the terrible fog we had on Christmas Eve. It lasted all day and through the night. Our drive to look at Christmas lights was severely shortened because we simply couldn’t see the lights on the houses (and honestly, it was terrible driving!). Casey seemed to be getting agitated after her bath, which is odd for her on Christmas Eve.

Until she was finally able to tell me it was foggy. I agreed but told her we were safe at home and so were Mandy and Cory. Then she mentioned Rudolph! I got it! I had to laugh and tell her I was sure that Rudolph would be able to help Santa that night – she didn’t need to worry. She giggled and went to bed. And went to bed again about 30 minutes later. And 45 minutes later. And 15 minutes later. Finally, at 12:30, I told her she had to stay in bed so I could go to bed and then Santa would come. I tucked her in, Santa came, and I heard her on the steps again.

I saw a light flash on, turn off and her running back to bed. I had to wake them both up at 9 the next morning to open their gifts. Apparently, she could only sleep once she knew he had actually made it! 🙂

Now that the excitement of Christmas is somewhat over, she is talking about New Year’s Eve. We are trying something different this year. Mandy and Cory are having a party at their house. This will be the first time Casey and Rob have ever gone anywhere on New Year’s Eve and I’m wondering how it will go. When we stay home, they take baths as usual, even with company here, eat snacks and go to bed. I think she stayed up one time, but they really could care less.

I’m going to make sure they have their bath/shower before we go to Mandy’s so they can just go to bed when we get home. I really, really doubt we stay until midnight, but you never know! They both constantly surprise me and this could be another of those times. Honestly, once Rob decides he is ready for sleep, that’s it. He may be sleeping at their house! 🙂

I just asked Casey what she would like to do in 2020. She wants to go to Walmart and McDonald’s (she got gifts cards for both for Christmas), go to the Cincinnati Zoo (and told me we went in June 1993 – which we did!) go to a hotel and go with Tracie. She doesn’t worry about losing weight, earning more, doing more…. blah blah. She is only concerned with fun things – and how I wish to be more like her!

I have things I want to accomplish in 2020. But when I looked at my list, I hadn’t written fun things. Who wants to accomplish only boring things? Where is the motivation? So I tossed my list away. I do want to write more, as that is fun to me. I am going to walk in the rain. I’m going to read more. I’m going to craft more and spend more time with my friends. I’m going to spend more time playing with Blue and laughing at the birds in my back yard.

Rob’s list is to go to Mandy and Cory’s house, go to Grandma and Grandpa’s house and go swimming with Tracie. Again, fun things. We all need to take a lesson from our kids.

I bet if you could ask your child with autism what they wanted, it wouldn’t be to lose weight or work more hours. It would be to enjoy the spinning lights of their favorite toy or to swing higher than anyone thinks is safe. It will be to stand under pouring water or sit by a waterfall. It would be to lay under heavy blankets and to squeeze play doh. It would be to throw away all of the “yucky” food and uncomfortable clothes. It would be to watch favorite movies and listen to favorite music.

We have so much stress in our lives that adding New Year’s resolutions is just crazy. For your resolutions, learn from your child. Choose fun over boring. Decide what would make you happy and go for that. Seriously, your life is stressful enough without adding more pressure to be perfect. Choose grace to be imperfect over the guilt of perfection.

You will never be stress free. Our lives are just simply different and everyone has a different kind of stress. Dealing with doctors, insurance, schools and therapist every day takes a huge toll on you. Trust me – been there, done that. Luckily, that’s not happening as much these days and I thank God for that.

So this year, resolve to do something for you! It doesn’t have to be a big thing – just something that makes you happy. A few minutes of happiness each day can change your whole attitude and we all need that.

Happy New Year from our circus to you. May you all have a safe and happy holiday!

Merry Christmas from Our Autism Circus

Merry Christmas from our Autism Circus

Christmas is only a few days away and Casey and Rob are getting excited. She keeps peaking at gifts to see the ones with her name on them. He is building Christmas trees with his Legos.

We went to their Christmas dance a few days ago. Mandy and Cory are coming after lunch on Tuesday to open presents and they know where they want to look at lights that evening.

We’ve watched Rudolph, the Grinch, Frosty and Charlie Brown. They have laughed at Kevin in Home Alone.

Cookies are made. Candy is made. They are having a Christmas lunch at Hopewell Monday and Casey has a new Christmas shirt to wear.

We plan to relax through our holiday and not rush from place to place. Casey will do her usual poses for pictures. Rob will wish I would get the camera away from him. She will be serious all Christmas Day until her “list” is complete, then she will laugh and smile.

Our wish is for each of you to have an amazing, relaxing Christmas – one that is perfect for your family! Maybe that means chicken nuggets for supper or bags of pretzels for presents.

Please, don’t compare your holiday to anyone else’s! Every family has their own traditions and struggles – what might look perfect from the outside probably isn’t. You can’t know what stress other families are under.

Do what’s best for your child and stay away from negative people. Enjoy the smiles and love you see in your child’s eyes – even when you can’t hear them say it.

We are so blessed to have all of you with us on our journey with autism. Merry, merry Christmas from our circus to yours with love and blessings for peace and joy.

Autism and Checking off the List

Autism and Checking off the List

Yesterday, I saw Casey’s “serious” holiday look. It happens when she starts thinking about her official list of what needs to be done for Christmas and other special days. She can get irritated if she feels I’m not following her list closely enough – or if I’m not doing things quick enough for her. Thank you, autism! 🙂

Luckily, the look went away quickly. I’m not sure what she was thinking about but she was giggling and happy within a few minutes, so I really didn’t care!

I took them shopping Thursday evening. As soon as we walked in the store, Casey took off for her first gifts. While I’m not going to tell what anything is, now, as some of the people she bought for read this blog (and one is writing it! lol – they always buy what they want to give me when I’m with them! 🙂 ). Anyway, I understood her reasoning for Grandma, but she had to tell me why she picked out Grandpa’s. Mandy’s is sparkly, mine is cute and Cory is a boy, so no sparkles. She picked out a squishy toy for Rob (they never pay any attention to what the other is doing) and when I asked why, she said because he squeezes. Yep – she’s right. 🙂

Rob waited patiently, but as soon as I asked what he wanted to get, he grabbed three of one thing (I knew these things had caught his eye as few weeks ago) – Grandma, Casey and me. Mandy got something different and he carefully picked out certain colors of another item for Cory and Grandpa. He was serious about those colors, too!

They got to wrap their presents yesterday and Casey is beyond happy that there are 3 presents under the tree for her, now. Rob never looked at the pile. He rarely does – it’s not time to open them. Even on Christmas Eve, he waits patiently for his gifts to be handed to him. Casey won’t touch the presents as long as she can read the name tags on each. And she carefully reads them over and over – just to be sure no new ones have been slipped under there while she isn’t looking! 🙂

I think we are coming close to checking off everything on her list. We are going to the Christmas dance Thursday evening – we’ve shopped and wrapped. We are making a craft later today with Mandy and baking cookies and candy next weekend. We’ve seen a drive thru light display. She mentioned going to the zoo and we have plans for that, but the day we planned on going is supposed to be bitterly cold, so that may change.

I wonder what is on holiday lists of other people with autism. I’m sure they each have their own ideas of what an “official” holiday looks like and what they would like as presents. I love the traditions that the kids look forward to each year – I just wish Casey wasn’t so strict with each of them. I wish she could relax and enjoy each a little more. I know she loves and enjoys each of our traditions, but she rarely smiles during any of them. I get the smiles after – when she is sure it happened exactly as she wanted it to.

Casey and Rob never spend much on their presents for others. Their reasoning may seem a little odd at first, but we can usually understand why after a few questions. They pick unique gifts and it’s obvious that they have thought about it. One year, Rob crawled around on the floor of the store until he found a bag of Funyuns for Grandpa. (I didn’t know my dad even liked them!) Casey likes to make gifts (No idea why she finally decided to buy her gifts this year!) but when she does buy them, she has a careful plan.

If you take your child shopping for gifts, you may not understand their reasons for purchasing a certain gift, but know that your child has perfect reasons – and you would probably get a laugh at the way they think and their choices. I know I’ve laughed at Casey and Rob’s reasoning before, but it does make perfect sense.

I hope each of you survived the full moon/Friday the 13th/2 weeks before Christmas storm. We did okay – they had trouble going to sleep a few nights, but nothing major. Thank God! The dread I felt when I saw the full moon and Friday the 13th … oh man – the dread. I know each of you understands exactly what I mean!

Remember to take care of you in the next few crazy weeks! Your child will feed off of your stress and you’ll be both be unhappy. Take time to breathe and read a Christmas book. Even if your child isn’t sitting still, they are listening. Read it for your enjoyment as much as theirs!

Autism and Crazy Christmas Tension

Autism and Crazy, Christmas Tension

When Casey was little, December was never a good month for her. For years, she started acting out and having meltdowns near the first part of the month that lasted until Christmas. I could never understand – we stayed with our same routine. We didn’t go overboard with activities that she couldn’t handle (while all the time making sure Mandy got to do what she wanted during the holidays.) I love Christmas, but I dreaded the month for years.

She finally started relaxing, a little, in her mid teens, but she still has an exact list of what she wants to happen and she will remind me of that list often. When she was in her early 20’s, I finally learned why December was so hard for her all those years ago and it about broke my heart.

Santa. She was never sure she had been “good” enough for Santa to bring her presents. She knew her behaviors weren’t acceptable – she knew I was upset. She knew she shouldn’t scream and beat her head. And she knew Santa wouldn’t like it. So she worried that Santa wouldn’t bring her any presents because she was “bad.” (Let me say right now – I NEVER called her bad for her meltdowns!! I was stressed and I cried about it, but I never told her she was bad). I could still cry thinking about all those years that my sweet little girl worried about Santa not being happy with her – and not being able to tell anyone what was wrong, so she screamed. She ran from teachers. She beat her head on walls. The month seemed endless at times.

I only found out what had happened because of Casey’s incredible memory. We were reading a Christmas book one year and she said, “bad.” I told her she wasn’t bad. She looked deep in my eyes and said, “Screaming bad!” I told her that screaming hurt my ears and she needed to tell me what was wrong instead of scream. Still looking so serious, she said “Screaming bad, no Santa!” and I finally knew – ten years later why she had such a hard time in December.

Everyone, everywhere is telling kids to be good or Santa won’t come. Imagine how you would feel if you thought you were a bad kid – that your sister and brother were good, because they didn’t scream – and you couldn’t tell anyone that you were scared Santa wouldn’t like you? How sad. I still get choked up thinking about that. What could I have done differently? What could I have said that would have alleviated her fears? And why didn’t I know it then? (nothing like a nice load of mom guilt for the holidays, right? UGH!)

I’ve let go of the guilt now. I still wish I had known, but I can’t change it. Casey loves the entire holiday season now, so she wasn’t scarred for life over her misconceptions of Santa. But, still…. sometimes, autism sucks.

Casey is well into her list of needs for Christmas. She has reminded me about 100 times since noon yesterday that she wants to go see Christmas lights tomorrow. (WHY did I tell her I was thinking about going???) We had a long discussion about where we were going to go (It’s posted on our Facebook page) and what we would see. She is excited – another thing to be checked off her list of “must-do’s” for the season.

She watched me wrap a few presents earlier today. I asked if she was going to make her presents this year or buy them. “Make.” ok – what do you want to make? “Ornaments.” Ok – do you want to paint them or use foam pieces? “Paint.” Ok – I’ll get you some and you can make them. “Buy!” Yes, I will buy some. “NO! BUY!” You want to buy your presents? “Yes. Shopping.” OK – we’ll go shopping. “Paint?” Casey – are you going to buy or make your presents? “YES!” and she giggled and danced out of the room. I have no clue what she wants to do.

Meanwhile, Rob heard the conversation and said “Cory? Mandy?” Yes, Rob you can buy them presents. He laughed and went back to his iPad. He keeps life simple. He won’t remind me constantly that we haven’t shopped, yet. He’ll go whenever I’m ready. He’ll wrap when we have time. He may or may not tell people what he got them. 🙂 He’ll go see lights and the only thing he’ll remind me about is that he would like a snack from somewhere.

Casey is laying on the couch now, giggling about the Christmas dance next week. She looked at me and reminded me that she needed to wear her light up necklace and head band. And a Christmas shirt and Christmas socks. I told her I wouldn’t forget (like she would let me!) and she went back to her iPad. Another thing on her list that we have to do every year.

The holidays may be hard for your child, too. You may see more behaviors. You may hear more screams or less sleeping or their diet may change. While you are looking for possible reasons why, look outside the box – sometimes, way outside the box. Whatever is bothering your child may have nothing to do with Christmas at all. If I’ve learned nothing else from 30 years of living with autism it’s to expect the unexpected and to know that nothing is too far outside the box to be true.

I’ve tried some weird ideas to help the kids. Some worked, some didn’t. The point is – be open to trying the strangest things. If your child can’t tell you the problem, how can you possibly know the answer? Just like with Casey and Santa – I never guessed that was her problem. Don’t limit yourself – you never know what might work for your child!

Casey is back. She just reminded me that I told her we could do a Christmas craft today (and yeah – I completely forgot! 🙁 ) She also reminded me that we are going to see Christmas lights tomorrow and see more on Christmas Eve and that we are making cookies with Mandy on the 22nd. Oh – and the dance is the 19th. Time to distract her with pretty papers before she really gets going on her list of plans for the holidays!

Have a great week, everyone! Take time to breathe and enjoy the peace of the season!

Autism and Colorful Traditions

Autism and Colorful Traditions

The house is decorated. A cookie baking day is planned. Most of the shopping is done and I’m in the process of making my Christmas cards. It’s time to sit back, relax and enjoy the pretty tree lights. And, time to think about how autism makes our Christmas different – and to celebrate those differences!

I saw pictures this morning of my cousin, Judy’s, house. It’s absolutely beautiful. Everything is coordinated and perfectly laid out. It’s the Christmas home of my dreams. I saw pictures that another friend had posted on Facebook of two beautiful trees. (By the way, I want to see both houses in person! So beautiful!)

I’m not saying our trees aren’t beautiful, because they are – to us. I decided this year to do both trees in the dining room bright colored and keep all the decorations in there the same. It mostly worked out that way – until Casey insisted that I change the table runner because she wanted our usual place mats. It’s not a big deal, but… It’s not what I wanted. 🙂

Casey and Rob like the house to be decorated the same every year. Some things can change, but others can’t. The picture with this post shows one thing that Rob insists on. Many, many years ago, he got this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle in a McDonald’s happy meal and decided that Baby Jesus needed a very special guard. Every year since then, there’s the turtle. This year, when I put the nativity out, I tucked the turtle in the stable (cause – hey – he’s still guarding the baby, right??). Yeah…. nope. As soon as Rob saw the nativity without the turtle, he started rocking and knocked poor Joseph over in his hurry to rescue the turtle and place him properly. And he checks every time he walks by to be sure I didn’t hide him again.

Casey has already started checking things off in her mind that have to be done as part of Christmas. She attended a performance of The Nutcracker yesterday with my mom and dad. My niece, Anna, was the Snow Queen (and other parts) and Casey said she was pretty and she danced fast. 🙂 And that she went to Steak and Shake for supper. We went to the Christmas parade and waved to Santa.

Casey will start reminding me she needs to go shopping and that we need to go somewhere to look at lights and we need to go to a dance and wrap presents and… The list goes on. Rob enjoys those things, too, but he takes it as it comes. He’s not pushy. 🙂

The tree in Casey’s room is all blue and purple ornaments, plus a few that she made or received (I have no idea what the criteria is for an ornament to be allowed on that tree – I tried to give her more and she strongly said NO!) Rob’s tree still has the unbreakable satin ornaments that he has used since he was a little boy. I found the cutest ornaments for him, but he refused them. Even his Wizard of Oz ornaments can’t be on that tree. (frankly, that little tree has seen better days, but when I brought a new tree in for him to use, he ran to the basement to get “his” tree.) It’s a sad little tree, but he is so happy with it! And that’s truly all that matters.

Our Christmas CDs are in the car (Toby Keith and Alabama are their preferred ones) and Casey will remind me when we leave later that it’s December and time for that music. (She has also reminded me 8 – 10 times that today is Tracie’s birthday! 🙂 ) She has Christmas sweatshirts ready to wear all month (but not on Christmas Day… she often has socks for a different holiday on that day, too! :0 ).

The presents they want from Santa are different than most people would imagine, but that’s okay. Santa knows what they really want. Please be careful when you talk about Santa around people with special needs. Casey is an adult, but she still believes in him. I am always very careful and if someone says something, I always make up a story so that belief isn’t ruined. Rob will talk about Santa, but he always has this look when he does. I’m not sure he believes, but he won’t ruin it for Casey. (We saw the Easter Bunny in the mall last spring. She ran up to him and swayed back and forth as she smiled. Rob looked at me and said “man” and grinned.)

Rob will find index cards and playing cards under the tree and a huge box of crayons. Casey will be the proud keeper of yet another Grover, Big Bird, Ernie and Bert. There won’t be any fancy gadgets or expensive clothes. There won’t be gift cards or jewelry. There will be coloring books, Legos, signs, Sesame Street DVDs and other toys. There won’t be many smiles, as both of them are very serious Christmas morning. The happy giggles come later and that’s okay, too. I know they are happy, even if they can’t tell me. Christmas magic is truly the best!

We may do Christmas differently, but that doesn’t change the love and magic of the season! We don’t go to a lot of parties. We don’t run ourselves ragged trying to do it all. We don’t spend more than we have to impress others. We spend lots of evenings in a dark living room with just the tree lights on and watching Christmas cartoons or movies. (Home Alone is their favorite!) We don’t overeat and we try to keep the same schedule as always. We all function better when our schedule stays close to usual. And we are happier with plenty of sleep! 🙂

Please, try to keep your routine as normal as possible. Your child (and you, I’m betting!) needs this. When you do attend an event, plan for what your child needs and don’t worry about what anyone else thinks. Start your own Christmas traditions and let go of what you imagine Christmas is supposed to look like. Decorate with Ninja Turtles and mixed up colors. Wear Halloween socks and Easter shirts (yep – that happened one year!). Include your child in whatever they are interested in but don’t take it personally if they don’t care about baking perfect cookies or wrapping the presents in matching paper.

Your child will enjoy Christmas on his or her own terms. You can’t make them enjoy the same things you do (do you enjoy everything everyone else does??). Let your child join in where they are comfortable and follow their lead for your traditions. You will all have a more relaxed and memorable Christmas!