Time for Summer Camp – Autism, Excitement and What did we Forget?

Summer Camp - Autism

It’s that time of the year again – a week of summer camp at Echoing Hills.  Casey and Rob are excited, I think, and I am, too – mostly.  It’s just such a weird time around the house without the constant thinking about what they are up to.  It’s so quiet.  It’s a time to realize just how much time I spend thinking about them.

That probably sounds odd.  I know so many families where autism is an incredibly difficult journey – every day.  I thank God that Casey and Rob are able to do as much as they do.  I don’t think about how much I still take care of them.  I’m told it’s because I’m used to it and just don’t think about it.  There’s probably a lot of truth there.  Autism is just our life.

It’s a different life than most people, but it’s not a bad life for any of us.  I hear people say they couldn’t live my life, but I couldn’t handle theirs, either.  Constant running their kids from place to place.  Late nights with the car.  Paying for car insurance.  Our life is just a different set of worries.

Worries for summer camp are the same, for the most part, I think.  Did we pack the right clothes?  Did I remember to pack the sun screen?  Will they get homesick?  Will they make any friends?  And every day, I wonder what they are doing and if they are thinking about me.  I’m never sure Rob really wants to go for the whole week.  I know he loves the weekend respites, but I also know that he’s a homebody and a few days away is about all he can handle.

He always seems happy to go, but he isn’t able to say he doesn’t want to.  The volunteers and staff of the camp never tell me he’s unhappy and I’m sure they would call or text me if there was a problem.  But, still, I worry.  Casey will just tell someone she wants to come home.  Rob won’t.  I don’t know how often they see each other at camp.  I know it would help Rob to see her and I’m sure she thinks about him. They watch out for each other when they go anywhere. (and that’s the coolest thing to see!)

I know when I get there Friday, they will both be waiting for me.  The camp is so organized that I can gather all of their stuff and sign them out before they see me.  That makes it so much easier!  Then, when they see me – oh!  The smiles!   Casey runs to me and gives me a real hug with her sweet smile.  She won’t let go of me as we walk to the car.  Rob will jump up and will probably ask for the van as soon as he sees me this year.  He will lean on me for a second, but it isn’t until we get home that he really says “hi.”

When they get home Friday, she will run to her room, turn on music and fold her socks.  He will grab his iPad, turn his AC on and hit the recliner in his room.  I will hear his giggles for a few minutes, then he will come to me and lean his forehead to mine or press his cheek against mine.  He does hug, but this is his preferred way to say he missed me.

It’s a strange week for me.  The quiet at home is interesting and it’s really strange to just go somewhere and not worry about being home when they get home from the workshop.  It’s strange to be able to go to sleep whenever I want and to not have to guard the food constantly.  It’s odd to be able to watch TV without the evening bath/shower ritual.  I’m not sure what to think.

It’s a freedom I don’t have often, but I’m not sure I can say I miss it.  It’s not something I ever had, so I can’t really miss it.  I think about the kids the whole time.  I know they are fine and I know they are having fun.  But, it’s just a mom thing, I guess.  I wish they could tell me what they did when they get home.  I wish I could hear about the friends they made.  I wish they could tell me what their favorite part of camp is.

The break is wonderful.  I have some projects that I want to do around the house that I don’t want to attempt when Casey and Rob are here, simply because it will stress them too much.  I plan to go to bed early some nights, just because I can.  I plan to spend time with Mandy and my friends.  I know I need the break.  You need one, too.

Hopefully, there is a summer camp near you for people with special needs.  We are blessed that Echoing Hills is only about 20 miles from our house.  Look on the internet or talk to your county board of developmental disabilities for possible camps.  Don’t worry about the cost right now – just search for one.  Ask other parents if their child attends camp and what they think of it.

Visit the camp before your child goes.  You won’t feel comfortable leaving your child until you have visited and asked every question you can think of.  Talk to the staff about specific issues your child may have.  Talk to the volunteers.

While you are visiting, ask the camp about possible scholarships to help pay for camp.  Many local service clubs offer to pay for camp for kids with special needs.  If your child has a waiver, the waiver may pay for it.  There are several ways to pay for camp – don’t let cost stop you from checking into it!  Every child deserves a chance to go to summer camp – your child’s autism shouldn’t make a difference.

You may think that the staff will never understand your child’s quirks.  You may think your little one will have meltdowns and then what will happen?  Trust me – I had those thoughts!  But – the application you fill out will be extremely detailed (and if it isn’t, consider another camp) about your child’s likes and dislikes.  You will also need to supply the camp with your child’s IEP or ISP.  You will have a chance to talk to the staff when you drop your child off.  At Echoing Hills, they are trained on each person in their cabin.  Safety is always the main concern.

It will be very hard to leave your child with strangers.  Trust me – the first time I dropped the kids off for a weekend, I cried all the way home and worried the entire weekend.  I couldn’t tell you anything I did except think about them.  I was early to pick them up – and they weren’t ready to leave.  They had fun and couldn’t wait to go again.  Hopefully, your child will have as much fun!

Even if you don’t think you do, you need a break.  Just a few days to feel like you – instead of an autism mom, dad, grandparents, whatever.  A few days to take a breath and watch TV or sleep the time away. (I’ll admit – a few weekends they went, that’s about all I did.  Rob wasn’t a good sleeper for many years!)  Explore summer camp options for your child and get the break you need!  Time to pack their bags – tomorrow is the big day!

Family Dinners and an Autism Mom Worries

Autism Worries

In a few hours, my family, plus my brother’s in-laws, will be gathering to celebrate the birthdays of my two beautiful nieces, Lacey and Anna.  I want to go.  I want to see everyone and I want to have fun.  But, as an autism mom, family dinners are something to be enjoyed – and worried about.

In my head, I know it’s silly to even worry about it.  I know that everyone who will be there loves and understands Casey and Rob.  I know everyone will help me watch them (the party is at a campground and close to a river).  I know that Casey is so excited about celebrating their birthdays she can’t stop giggling about it.  (Casey loves birthdays and firmly believes everyone’s birthday needs to have cake, presents and balloons – whether the birthday person wants them or not.)

Rob isn’t as excited about going.  He’ll go and he’ll be excited to see Uncle Jeff and Grandpa Mack.  But he probably won’t enjoy it like Casey will.  He will be in a strange place, with people he doesn’t know well.  If the campground is busy, there will be lots of strangers around.  He won’t want to eat anything and he won’t want to sit for long.

So, autism mom’s head is racing with crazy thoughts.  Should I take his iPad, even without WiFi?  Don’t forget his spinners and his fidget cube.  Don’t forget chairs.  Will he yell when he is stressed?  Will she try to eat before it’s time?  Will she grab at people’s shoes to see their socks?  Don’t forget their birthday cards.  Maybe I should have asked Tracie to go, just to have someone else.

What’s the weather going to do?  The crazy storms of the last few days have not been good to him.  (and the fact he is STILL asking for the van!)  Will Casey be careful on the playground with smaller children running around?  And on and on and on.   Anyone with a child with autism knows exactly how I’m feeling.  I want to go to the party.  Everyone loves the kids so if they do have issues, it won’t be any big deal.  I want to see everyone and I want to relax.

But… there’s always a “but” isn’t there?  Sometimes, it just seems like too much work to go new places.  I know they need to do it – I know they will probably be fine.  And I know I get so tired of worrying about it.  Sometimes, autism is not my friend.  Sometimes, I just want to toss chairs in the car, grab birthday cards and go.  Especially to a family function – what easier place is there to go than with people who love you?

No place, but sometimes, it’s still hard.  I’m lucky –  my family has always been supportive of the kids.  I’ve never had to deal with family members who say autism isn’t real or that if I spanked them enough, the autism would disappear.  I’ve heard stories from other families.  It’s insane, but true.

If Rob yells, others will help him calm down.  It won’t have to be me.  But I feel guilty and autism guilt sucks worse than plain mom guilt.  If Casey grabs at socks, she will be reminded she needs to ask first.  I may not remind her, but someone will.  They are both loved.

We could stay home tonight.  I could just put my comfy clothes on, pick up my book and kick back.  I could tell Casey the party was canceled.  If I write cancel on her calendar, she’ll be ok with it.  The sky is getting cloudy.  Rob is a little loud.  We’ll just stay home.

But – I miss my brother and want to celebrate with my nieces.  I don’t want autism to rule our lives.  So, we’ll go.  And Casey will grab socks and sneak food.  Rob will rock and squeal.  I’ll sit close and try to relax.  Jeff will tell me to chill out.

Decisions like this may sound silly to anyone who doesn’t have a child with autism, but they are all too real to our family.  Staying home isn’t fair to Casey, but Rob may not enjoy it.  Every day, little decisions that other families make without a thought are major decisions.  Whether to go.  What to eat.  Whether to attempt a trip to the store.  Believe me, I understand your thoughts.

So here is my advice.  Go.  Take whatever you think you may need and ignore people who say you are coddling to your child.  Do what you need.  Take food they like – if the hostess doesn’t like it, too bad.  Take their fidgets.  Take their headphones, security blankets and whatever else they need.  Don’t let what might happen keep you from experiencing life beyond your home.

Really – what’s the worse that can happen?  A meltdown?  Been there, done that – and you know what?  I’m still here.  The kids are still here.  They are happy.  We all survived.  I may have had a crying meltdown when we got home, but no one had to deal with that but me.  Meltdowns may never go away – mine or theirs!

So grab your supports.  Take a deep breath and go.  Experience the world and help your child do the same.  If it doesn’t go well, have a cry and move on.  I need to go pack a big bag of tricks – we’ve got a birthday party to go to!

Why am I an Autism Mom?

Why am I an Autism Mom

As you can imagine, I follow many pages on Facebook and Pinterest that deal with autism or being an autism mom.  So far, I haven’t found any others written by a parent with adult children with autism, but I’m sure I will.  Most days, these posts make me laugh – or cringe as I remember some of the things my kids did.  One I read today really got to me.

This mom was having a terrible day.  Her son attacks her when he is frustrated and her entire day had been trying to calm him down and avoid getting hurt.  You could tell by the post she was exhausted and was at the end of her rope.  What she was really ranting about, though, was what a “friend” said to her.

Honestly, I’m sure the friend meant well.  She said to the autism mom, “Well, God only gives special children to special people, so you are lucky.”  And autism mom was ticked off.  She didn’t want to hear stuff like that when she felt like her world was falling apart.  Been there, done that.

It was a Sunday morning.  Even though I was exhausted beyond belief, Casey wanted to go to church.  Rob did, too, but only so we could go to McDonalds afterwards.  At the time, the church had a ministry for people with special needs, so they had their own class to go to while I attended the service.

I took the kids to their classroom and waited for my parents.  As soon as I saw them, I started to cry – and spent the next hour in my friend’s office, crying to my parents.  You know the story – too tired, too stressed, tired of dealing with everything.  I just wanted some sleep.  Of course, had I let on to any of this before I had my meltdown, mom and dad would have taken the kids and I would have gotten sleep…. but… there’s that whole asking for help thing.

Finally, I got myself under control and we were leaving the church.  A woman came up to me, saw what a mess I was, gave me a hug and said, “God only gives special needs children to very special people.  You are chosen.”  Hmmm… yep…  and that woman about got a smack in the mouth.  Who the heck did she think she was?  I stood there, praying, “Please, God, don’t let me slap her.  Please let me get out of here.”  Luckily, Casey and Rob had left the building and I could leave quickly.

Now, I know she was just trying to help.  She didn’t know what to say and was only trying to make me feel better.  Now, I can appreciate the effort.  Then, I seriously wanted to smack her.  She had no clue what my life was like and she had no clue what God wanted to do.

Most of the time, hearing that special people quote doesn’t bother me.  I can smile and nod and go about  my business.  Sometimes, though, I really wonder why I was chosen to be the mom to these amazing kids.   I am told God knew what he was doing.  Sometimes, I ask God if He is sure He knows who I am.  And I laugh, because laughing is better than crying.  I know God knows what He is doing – it’s just our little joke.

Maybe God brought autism into my life because I was a shy kid who was incredibly stubborn and who had a bit of a temper.  Maybe He knew that fighting for my kids would bring me out of the shyness and let me find my voice.  Maybe He knew that my stubbornness and temper would come in handy.  When people said the kids wouldn’t do something, I made them keep trying.  Will they always accomplish every goal?  Of course not!  Who does?

But their stubborn mom won’t let them quit.  When I was told they would probably never be potty trained, I couldn’t imagine changing diapers forever and stubbornly kept at it.  I’m quite sure it wasn’t my stubbornness that got them to understand using the bathroom – it was their own ability, given a chance to mature.  As difficult as it was to potty train them, I wish this was something all kids learned.  So many people with autism are unable to do it.  Personally, I think this inability has more to do with sensory issues than not understanding.

I will never know why God chose to make me an autism mom.  I will never know if I’m doing the right things for Casey, Mandy or Rob.  I’ve done the best I could – and prayed a lot.  I’ve admitted when I was wrong, but I also stubbornly stood up to professionals whenever any of the three kids needed me to.  I refused to take no for an answer at times.  I didn’t back down.

I have been told that I’ve helped many families with decisions for their children.  I’m not sure about that.  I told them what I thought – and I told them how to fight, if they needed to know that.  The truth is, my autism mom friends have taught me just as much.  We learn from each other about fighting, about services, about grace, about school, about relationships.  Sometimes, all we need is someone who understands obsessive eating or sensory meltdowns to listen to our problems.  I know none of my friends will say the special children quote to me.  I know which friend will get mad along with me.  I know which will be a reasonable voice in my anger.  I know which will say she doesn’t know what to do but she’ll do it with me, whatever I decided.

I wish I knew why God blessed each of you to be an autism mom or dad or family member.  It can be a blessing, as much as a challenge.  I know about black days.  I know sometimes black days are black weeks or months.  I wish those days wouldn’t happen, but even people who aren’t dealing with autism have dark days. Don’t let yourself become completely focused on autism.  Focus on your child and remember, he/she is a child/person first.  Autism is just a part of them.

Be angry when you need to.  Cry.  Ask for help.  Talk to friends – talk to God.  He might not tell you why you are on this road, but He will walk with you.  And if you need a sympathetic ear, I’m always looking for new autism mom/dad friends.  Message me!


A Proud Autism Mom

A Proud autism mom

Every parent loves to brag about their children.  You want everyone to know about the awards your child has won or how well they are doing in school.  You want to share the details of their latest accomplishment with anyone who will listen.  I’m a proud autism mom.

When you have a child with a disability, you are no less proud of your child.  Pride comes even easier when you know how hard your child has struggled with even the simplest things.  Unfortunately, not everyone understands why you are so excited because your child ate a new food.  They don’t get why it’s amazing that your little one slept through the night or actually wore a new shirt!

I get it – and so will thousands of other parents like me.  I laugh about some of the phone calls I made to my friends or parents because I was so excited that Rob wore a shirt that wasn’t striped (when he was in elementary school, every t-shirt had to be striped with no pockets.)  I remember texting Mandy when she lived in Texas just to tell her that Rob tasted a new food!

I remember being close to tears watching Casey sing in her first talent show.  She was so excited (I thought I was going to get sick from nerves!) and she did it!   Or how about the time they both told the waitress at the restaurant what they wanted – after reading the menu!  Only another special needs parent would understand my celebration – and celebrate I did!

Our milestones may not match what others do, but who cares?  They are milestones – and we made it!  All of the stress and tears were worth it  because our kids reached for the sky and touched the stars.  Who knows just how far anyone of them will go?  Think about how far your child has already come and dream away!  Never let anyone tell you not to dream.

Your dreams may be of a full night of sleep or of a child who is finally potty-trained.  You may dream of watching your favorite TV show without sound effects from the child beside you.  Maybe you dream about watching your child graduate from high school.  Go for it!

There were many days (and I’m sure that the kids’ teachers knew this) that I just wanted to give up on school.  I was tired of fighting for what they needed (and I mean for Mandy, too!) and just wanted to give up.  We made it, though – Casey and Rob both graduated with diplomas, not just certificates of completion.

Yesterday, I was lucky enough to be able to watch Casey and Rob compete in a track and field day for adults with special needs.  For the first time, Rob RAN his entire race!  I couldn’t hold back the squeals – I was so excited for him.  He was having fun and I loved seeing that.  My heart was bursting as I watched each of them win 4 ribbons of different colors.  Casey is more excited about the ribbons than Rob is, but I did catch him looking at his once with a smile on his face.

So, yes, I’m one proud mom.  What makes me proud may not be what other parents brag about, but I don’t care – and you shouldn’t, either!  Brag about every little accomplishment your child makes!  You both deserve it!  Enjoy every minute – take tons of pictures and relax!  You got this!


A Birthday!

Autism Diagnosis

It’s hard for me to believe it, but in just a few days, my sweet Casey will be 29!  No, it doesn’t make me feel old at all, but it is a good time to think back to how far she has come.

When I took her for her first specialist visit, I was pretty sure we would be told she had autism, so it wasn’t much of a shock.  This was in the early 90’s and autism wasn’t very well known at the time.  My mom had read a book, shared it with me and we both knew autism was causing Casey’s problems.

The worse part of that first doctor visit was the book that the doctor recommended I read.  He said it was one of the best available (remember, this was a long time ago!) and I bought it immediately.  That was simply the scariest book I have ever read.

I read that she would probably never be potty-trained or be able to communicate in any meaningful way.  I learned that I may have more children on the spectrum and that those children would always require total care.

I wish I could find the author of that book now.  I would send him pictures of my kids as they run out to the shuttle for another day of work.  I would send him videos of Casey singing in talent shows and of Rob laughing with friends.  I would show him the amazing artwork they do and the way Rob builds with Legos.

I would show him how Casey can figure out what day of the week any date has fallen on.  People love to ask her what day they were born on – even many, many years ago.  I am sure it is a math equation – which makes me wonder how she can do that in her head, but struggles with simple math. (Actually, I know it’s  because she loves dates and hates math! )

Only those who knew Casey as a little girl realize just how far she has come.  Snow days are no longer reasons to scream the day away.  Sensory issues don’t cause as much pain, as we have learned how to help her – and she has matured enough to be able to ask for help.

So in a few days, we’ll celebrate the birth of this amazing young woman with Cookie Monster cupcakes, ice cream and presents and as I watch her blow out the candles, I’ll be thinking of the little girl who tried for years, but simply couldn’t get close enough to the candles to blow them out.  I’ll remember the tears we all shed on her 9th birthday when she was finally able to do it!

Keep us in mind on your tough days.  Your little ones will have terrible days, but with your love and support, you’ll be celebrating little joys, too!

Keep smiling and laughing!