That probably sounds like an odd title to a post, but I wanted you to know it. I have no idea what your life is like, but I know enough to know you are tired, stressed, maybe lonely, certainly worried and an amazing autism parent.
Like most people, last week was our first week back into our usual routine and it seemed like it was a month long. Rob was happy to be back to normal, Casey not so much. I went to wake her up one morning, and she said “no, snow day!” 🙂 As much as I wanted to crawl back in bed, too, I laughed and told her to get up. Not long after she got up, a memory popped up on Facebook reminding me that one year ago, we were all home because of a huge snow storm. How I wish I had her memory! (on a side note, it was almost 70 here yesterday!)
The first week back with a full moon and crazy weather at the end. Imagine my excitement! Casey wouldn’t sleep Monday, Rob was up and down all night Tuesday, she didn’t want to sleep Wednesday and he had a terrible time going to sleep Thursday. Yayyy full moon! Thank God, they both crashed Friday and slept last night, too, cause I was tired. Like crying over little things exhausted. (yep – crying meltdown yesterday morning – sorry, Dad!) So – there – for those who message me and tell me I have an easy life with autism… some days, yes, I do. Others, nope, not so much.
So this brings me to my point. I see you. I know you have days when you are crying in the shower (if you have time for a shower!) so no one knows, especially your child. Because you never want your child to think they are the reason for your tears. Or so no one knows that the “strong” person broke. I see you. I get it. I’ve cried in the shower more times than I hope to ever remember.
I know you are so tired that simple things like what to make for supper are more than you think you can handle. There were weeks when Saturday supper was frozen pizza for Rob and me and ravioli for Casey because I knew they would both eat and I didn’t have to think about it. Healthy? Nope… but, sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do. They were happy and so was I. 🙂
I know that beyond not getting much sleep, you are tired of fighting for services for your child. You are tired of phone calls from the school. You are tired of therapies, doctors, insurance. You are tired of trying to figure out how to pay bills. You are tired of making the same food, washing the same clothes and watching the same TV shows or movies. You are just tired of it all.
But, here’s what else I know. You are doing an awesome job! You may not think it. You may not believe me. That’s okay. I know you are. I know that your child’s eyes light up when they see you. I know you wonder if your child loves you or even cares if you are around. Yes – they do. I promise you that. Your child may never say a word, but they love you. They need you – the imperfect, exhausted you. Just like you need them.
I know that you put yourself last. That all of your energy goes into taking care of your family and home before you think about yourself. I also know that you can’t do that very long. You have to think about yourself or you won’t be able to take care of them. Trust me – I know it’s hard to think of yourself, of spending time doing something just for you. But, if you don’t, you won’t be able to take care of them. I learned that the hard way – I speak from experience. 🙂
I know that you question every decision you make for your child. I know you are lonely and feel forgotten by friends, at times. I know your family may not be as supportive as you want. I know you may have had to limit the time your child spends with some family and that you hurt over that.
But really – for all of you that needs to hear this. You are an amazing autism parent! Every day, you get up and you do the very best you can for your child. You love that child more than you ever thought it was possible to love anyone. You brag about their little steps forward. You try every thing you hear about that may help your child. You do research better than a detective. You ask questions and reach out to other parents who may be able to help you. You are stronger than you think!
Always remember – from one autism parent to another – you are doing a wonderful job! You may not always believe it, but I have faith in you. Be as proud of yourself as you are of your child. Brag about yourself, too. You got this!