
  • Autism and Tips from First Responders (part 1)

    Last week, our autism support group (ASK Autism) was excited to have four first responders from our county join us to share their tips for helping them keep our […]

  • Autism and the Here and Now

    One of the worst things an autism parent can do is focus too much on the future. By that, I mean that you get yourself too scared of the “what ifs” to really see the small steps […]

  • Autism and Teaching Life Skills

    When you have a child with autism, life skills need to be high on the list for what needs to be taught. I’m not saying that typical school subjects aren’t important, but life […]

  • Autism and the Art of Letting Go

    When you have a child with autism, fear is never far from your mind. Fear for their safety. Fear they will need something and not be able to communicate that need. Fear they […]

  • Autism, Big Steps, Little Steps and Happy New Year

    Happy New Year! I realize I’m about a week late wishing that for all of you, but the last several weeks, have been busy and fun and full of family time. […]

  • Autism, Holidays and Growing a Thick Skin

    At our last autism support group meeting, one topic that came up was how to deal with the comments – the stares – the outright rudeness of some people when our […]

  • Autism and Making New Christmas Traditions

    So many wonderful Christmas traditions involve large, loud gatherings or crowds at stores. When you have someone with autism, those are definitely not places you […]

  • Autism and the Wild and Wonderful Holiday Season

    The holiday season is full of so many fun and amazing events, but for those of us with a special needs family member, it might not be the kind of excitement you […]

  • Autism and a Rough Week

    I am still a firm believer that whoever decided we need to change the clocks twice a year need to live with a person with autism for a week after their decision and see just how much it […]

  • Autism and Awesome Surprises

    This has been an up and down week. I ended up in a boot for an injury from a few months ago, Casey had a really rough evening a few nights ago, today was supposed to be the baby […]

  • Autism and Self – Care

    Those of you who read last week’s post know what the last month or so has been like for our family. And in the middle of our grief, self-care has become even more important – and the […]

  • Autism and Grief

    A few weeks ago, I got a call that no parent or grandparent wants to get. The baby that we had been dreaming for and talking about for six months had passed away. Rob hadn’t fully gotten the […]

  • Autism and Fun at the Fair

    Finally! The day Casey has been waiting for for two years! They got to go to our county fair Friday and ride till they dropped. She was so upset last year when the fair was […]

  • Autism and Changing Medications

    Casey and Rob both got glowing comments from their doctor last week. He was so happy with their progress and loved that when he walked in the room, Casey looked up and said, […]

  • Thank you! I’ve gotten a lot of comments about it. 💙

  • What I Wish I had Known as a New Autism Mom

    Later this week, I’ll be taking Casey and Rob to their annual neurology appointment. I just realized that I have been making this trip – two hours from home – for […]

  • Autism and Another First Time

    I’ve always told other autism parents to brag about their kids – brag about every small step they take! Who cares if it takes them a little longer to master something? The point […]

  • Awww… Thank you so much! 💙

  • Autism and Letting Go of Expectations

    The title may throw you off a little. Before anyone thinks I’ve lost my mind and am letting Casey and Rob run the house, the expectations I’m talking about are the ones […]

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