
  • Autism and Going Back to School

    Mandy wasn’t always happy about going back to school, but for the most part, Casey and Rob were. Rob wasn’t happy when he had to go for two years without his sisters, but he […]

  • Do Your Kids with Autism Talk?

    Most of the time, when someone learns Casey and Rob have autism, this is one of the first questions I am asked and when I say, yes, they can talk, I am told how lucky I am. I’m […]

  • The Difficult Dance of Parenting Autism and Typical Children

    Being a parent isn’t easy. Besides the typical day to day care, you are also responsible for helping your children grow into loving, kind, […]

  • Autism and the Art of Taking a Trip

    Casey has been asking for months to go to a water park beside the zoo and I kept telling her no. Honestly, the park is big, it’s open and it’s terrifying to think about […]

  • Celebrating the Little, Big Steps in Autism

    It’s been a week of so many little, big steps for Casey and Rob. I say “little, big” because to most people, these steps forward are not a big deal. To an autism […]

  • Autism and Abstract Thinking

    Look at the picture with this post.  What is it?  A dog?  A puppy?  An animal?  A pet? Blue? (That’s her name. 😊)  Any of those guesses are right.

    Have you ever noticed how many […]

  • Autism and the Importance of Self-Care

    If you’ve ever been on a plane, one of the first things you hear is if the oxygen masks come down, put yours on first – you can’t help anyone if you don’t take care of […]

  • Autism, OCD and Irritation

    Casey has been on edge this week. While I have seen her beautiful smile and twinkling eyes often, I’ve also seen the irritable side of her. The one that OCD (obsessive compulsive […]

  • You know that I’m a big supporter of letting people with autism try new things. Whatever Casey and Rob want to try, I do my best to find ways to support and encourage them. However, there are times that I have […]

  • I met a mom last week who is just starting her autism journey. Our meeting was a video call and she kept apologizing as she had to interrupt our conversation and help her child. She was obviously overwhelmed […]

  • Today has been a good day. It’s one of those days that, when Casey and Rob were little, I never dreamed would happen. These days do happen more often now and I thank God for that as I’m so grateful to see […]

  • Why Understanding Sensory Needs is Important

    Now that we’ve covered all of the senses, I want to talk about why it is so important that you understand how these sensory needs truly affect a person with autism. […]

  • Happy Mother’s Day

    Happy Mother’s Day! 💙

    To the moms who are still waiting to hear their child say “mommy” and the ones who hear it all day long.

    To the moms who fix chicken nuggets or pizza every si […]

  • Autism and the Sense of Smell

    I saved the sense of smell until last because it seems to be the sense that Casey and Rob have the least issue with. Maybe that’s because their sense is hypo-sensitive and they […]

  • Autism and the Sense of Touch

    Honestly, the sense of touch is messed up with both Casey and Rob. They are both a mixture of hyper-sensitive and hypo- sensitive when it comes to their skin.

    Rob will dig at […]

  • Autism and the Proprioceptive and Vestibular Senses

    I’m sure many of you wondered if I knew what I was talking about several weeks ago when I mentioned I would be talking about the six senses. Many people […]

  • Autism and Age Appropriate Gifts

    I was scrapbooking pictures from Casey’s birthday this morning and, of course, the picture with this post caught my attention. She was so happy and excited to get a new Bert! […]

  • Autism and Easter Traditions

    This has been a busy week for us and there has been a lot of excitement about the Easter Bunny coming. Because tomorrow will be a day of celebrating, family, and fun, I thought I […]

  • Autism and the Sense of Sight

    First off, please remember that what I share on this blog is our life. I’m not a doctor or therapist or any other professional. I’m sharing ideas that might work for your child […]

  • Autism and the Sense of Taste

    Ever since she was small, Casey has been able to eat weird combinations of foods.  One day when she was about 7, she ate almost half a pound of raw hamburger.  I was thawing it a […]

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