
  • Autism and Sensitive Ears

    Since sensory issues are one of the questions I hear most often, I thought the next few weeks, I would talk about each of the six senses and how they affect people with autism. […]

  • Autism and a Guessing Game

    I’ve shared before that, for me, one of the hardest parts of autism is the guessing games. Is his anxiety worse? Is she sick? Why is he saying his anxiety phrase on the way to […]

  • Think Autism Cans Instead of Can’ts

    Have you ever noticed how people (and I do it, too, at times) always think about what they can’t do or have instead of focusing on what they do have? And when we have […]

  • Thank you, Terry! It’s easier to ignore people now, but it still hurts at times. Wish you lived closer! Love you, too!

  • Why I Write this Blog

    I’ll be honest. I’m not feeling particularly inspired today about writing. Nothing terrible has happened – I just couldn’t think what I wanted to write or if it even mattered if I […]

  • Knowing Everything About Autism

    Did you know that I am an expert about autism? Yep – I was told that last week. After all, I have lived with autism for more than 30 years, I have two kids with moderate […]

  • Autism and Keeping Hope Alive

    I have heard from other parents that Casey and Rob aren’t like their children and they don’t believe their child will ever do the things my kids are doing. First of all – they […]

  • Autism and This Too Shall Pass

    I just saw a meme that said “And this too will pass. It may pass like a kidney stone, but it will pass” and I laughed way too much at that. Cause that is life with autism at […]

  • It’s going to happen. As a parent, there will be times that a thought crosses your mind and you feel as if someone kicked you in the gut. The thought takes your breath away – you can’t get it out of your mind. […]

  • One of the most common misconceptions of autism is that people with autism don’t understand humor and don’t have a sense of humor. Casey and Rob are constant reminders of how wrong that is.

    Last week, Casey […]

  • So, last week, I shared with you the hardest thing I had to admit – that sometimes, when Casey and Rob were little, autism embarrassed me. I was surprised by the response to that post – how many people thanked […]

  • Thank you! That means a lot to me!

  • An Autism Mom’s Hardest Confession

    This is a hard thing to admit, but I think other parents need to hear it – and to know it’s okay to have these feelings. I hate saying it, but… At times, I was embarassed […]

  • Autism and My Christmas Wish for You

    With less than a week to go before Christmas, Casey is getting more excited every day. She reminds me every morning that Santa is coming soon and that she is hoping for a […]

  • Autism and a Christmas Party

    This post is going to be a little different, as usually I’m talking to families or professionals that are with people with special needs every day. This post is for those who have […]

  • Autism and Christmas Challenges of the Past

    I have always loved Christmas. But, for many years, December was not always a magical month for us. Kids are always excited about Santa, but autism can throw a […]

  • Thank you! I wish you could be here! 💙

  • Autism and a Magical Holiday Season

    Maybe I’m the only one that feels like this, but this year, especially, I want to experience a truly magical holiday season. As anyone who knows me knows – I love […]

  • I know I need to get busy with a book. Just not enough hours in the day, I guess. Love you, too!

  • We always keep it simple. Lol oh try anyway! Some of their “rules” aren’t simple, tho. Thank you! Love you, too!!

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