
  • Autism and My Odd Thankful List

    Every year, the week of Thanksgiving, I share a list of what I’m thankful for. It’s an odd list, usually, because everyone knows I’m thankful for my kids, my family and friends […]

  • Autism and the Toughest Judge of Me

    Don’t deny it. At some point in your life, you have judged someone. Whether it was for their choice of jobs or love or clothing – you have done it. I’m not proud of it, […]

  • Autism and Planning for the Unexpected

    I think I’ve got good plans in place for emergencies. I’ve got extra meds (except one- it’s “controlled” and I can get it even one day early 🙁 ) food and water. We’ve […]

  • Autism and the Perfect Storm Weekend

    You all know what this weekend brought to us – a blue moon (second full moon this month!), Halloween, the time change and crazy wind. I’ll be the first to admit I was […]

  • Thank you, Terry! I still have plans to do that at some point. 🙂 love you, too!

  • Autism and Halloween Fun

    I’ll be the first to say – Rob never enjoyed trick or treating. He didn’t like the costume (I was careful to pick something simple for him to try). He really didn’t like going up to […]

  • Autism and Dancing in the Rain

    I told Casey what the title was and she said, “No fanks. Wet!” Rob just looked at me and shook his head, but honestly, he would be the one most likely to dance in the rain with […]

  • Autism and Medicine Changes

    At their doctor appointment a few weeks ago, the neurologist and I decided to reduce one of Casey’s medications. We did it last year and she had no issues and were hoping this year […]

  • Lol. You must have had ear plugs in the day that happened. I was not quiet in my frustrations. Lol

  • Why We Are Autism, Apples and Koolaid

    I know it’s an unusual name for a blog and Facebook page, but it fits us. I’ve been asked a few times in the last month why this is what I chose to call our blog. Since […]

  • I knew you were thinking about and praying for us. 💙 that means so much to us!

  • Autism and Two Very Different Doctor Visits

    We waited several months for our appointment with a specialist for Casey. Somehow, in the days before the internet, my mom found a pediatric neurologist who […]

  • I was at an event a while ago and two different people made comments about the life I live. I didn’t think much about it while I was there, but driving home, I wondered about their observations. One is a close […]

  • Autism and Constant Supervision

    Since I went back to school a few weeks ago, I’ve needed help with Casey and Rob for about an hour in the morning before they can go to Hopewell. My parents, Mandy and Bob […]

  • 30 + Years of Autism & I’m Still Learning

    For more than 30 years, autism has been front and center in our lives. I find it hilarious that some people believe that makes me an “expert.” For one, neither of my […]

  • Yesterday, Rob turned 28. While Casey has been talking about his birthday for a month, he rarely mentions it. He likes his birthday, but it doesn’t mean as much to him as it does Casey and me. I want their […]

  • Why Autism Families Need a Village

    I’m sure you have heard the phrase “It takes a village to raise a child.”  This is even more true when you have a child with autism or any special need.  Villages are hard t […]

  • Autism and Doing Things “Our” Way

    I was really struggling to decide what I wanted to write about this week. I don’t know about anyone else, but the last few weeks have been a blur. I haven’t even posted much […]

  • How to Talk to an Adult with Autism

    I have to take a three hour class every year to continue to be Casey and Rob’s guardian. (Don’t panic if you don’t do this – I have discovered that even different counties […]

  • Autism and Difficulty Reading Facial Expressions

    So many times, I’ve heard people express their amazement that Casey and Rob each have a sense of humor – that they are deeply aware of people and react to what […]

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