Why do We Judge Other Autism Parents?

Why do we Judge Other Autism Parents?

I follow several Facebook pages of parents with kids with autism.  Some are just starting their journey and some have an adult child, like me.  The other day, I read a post by one of the mom’s that really got to me.

She was venting because another autism mom attacked her for being happy that the spring break was over and her son was back in school.  She was amazed that anyone, especially someone who has a child with autism, could be upset with her because she was happy to be back in their routine.

The other mom said the break was “only” two weeks – what kind of parent can’t handle being around their child for only two weeks?  She went so far as to say the mom should be ashamed of herself for wanting to be away from her child.

I posted a reaction – anger.  My response was simple – every parent, regardless of whether their child has special needs or not, is ready to get back in the routine after a long break.  Any parent who says they  never need a break from their kids is lying – to themselves or you.  We all need a break – from the kids, from our spouse, from our jobs.  Autism just makes it that much harder.

And, even more important, that mom had no idea what the other home was like.  She might be lucky enough to have an “easy” (is there such a thing??) child with autism, but none of us know what others’ lives are like.  As much as I share with my autism mom friends, they don’t know what it’s like in my house, day after day.  They can imagine, just like everyone else.   And, while I may have a good idea of what their lives are like, I really don’t.

I can picture what it’s like having a child who is blind with autism.  I can try to imagine what it’s like to live with a child who may become violent.  I can try to imagine conversations with a high-functioning teenager.  They can try to picture my life with two moderately affected young adults.  It just doesn’t work.

So why do parents judge each other?  We are all in this together.  What good does it do anyone to toss negative comments around?  We all have to deal with enough negativity with the rest of the world.  We need to let go of the whole judging thing.

I’ll admit – I’ve thought before that someone is handling a situation in a way I wouldn’t.  I can say I would “never” do something – but I’m not in that home.  There is no way I could possibly know what those parents go through every day.  Have I thought people were crazy to do things they do?  Sure – as I’m sure people have thought the same about me.  I’m ok with that – some days, I’m sure I’m crazy.

You wouldn’t tell a typical parent how to raise their child.  Why would you try to tell a special needs parent what they are doing wrong?  Why would you attack someone for voicing their feelings?  Sure, you can say you would feel differently, but don’t make anyone feel bad because they don’t do things your way.

It’s impossible for anyone to know the journey we’ve walked.  Even the people who were right there with  me, but didn’t live in the house, can’t always know it all.  I’ve always been open to hearing the ideas that other people have, but I don’t think I should be made to feel bad if I don’t follow all of their advice.  I know Casey and Rob better than anyone (except Mandy!) and I’ll always do what I think is right for them.  It may not be what other parents would do, but so what?  Other parents are not my responsibility.  It really is that simple.

I feel so bad for parents who are truly doing the best they can that are getting ridiculed or judged by other parents.  News flash – none of us are perfect – we are all stumbling through this journey as best we can, just like every other parent in the world.  Instead of offering judgment, why not offer an ear?  a hug?

My rant is over.  I just hate to hear about parents getting attacked for sharing their feelings.  If we can’t share online, somewhat anonymously, then how can we share with our friends? I want my friends to know that even if I don’t feel the same as they do, I’ll always be here to listen.  I won’t have the answers they need, but I can offer a hug or a shoulder to lean on.

Autism and the Unpredictable Speed of Change

Autism and the Unpredictable Speed of Change

When you live in a house with autism, you become adapt at keeping things the same – the same foods, the same schedule, the same clothes.  That’s why Rob’s changes in the last few weeks have pleasantly shocked me – and made me wonder “WHY?”

Rob doesn’t like new foods, new clothes or new places.  New people make him nervous until he gets a reading on them (Both Casey and Rob sense the true person inside – if they don’t like/trust someone, I watch that person closely!)  But, last week, he put a new shirt – all by himself.  Now, yes, it was the same brand that he loves, but that has never mattered before.  Even a new shirt that was exactly like an old one was something to avoid.

He used a hammer to hang up signs in his room instead of telling me to do it.  He made pancakes.

He ate canned fruit a few weeks ago.  Not because I asked him to try, but because he saw it in the refrigerator and asked for it.  (apparently, it has to be canned pineapple, not the little snack packs, because he refused to eat those – but, hey!  He tried!)   He also tried a blackberry (and it flew across the room when he spit it out!)  I can put different things in his lunchbox.

He has been coming home and not running for his iPad immediately.  He has been playing with his Legos, lincoln logs, trains, and magnetic blocks again.  He does still get excited about ripping up magazines and cardboard, but isn’t actively searching for it.  He lays on his bed and just chills out.

The staff at their workshop said he has been joining in activities more at the shop.  I heard stories about his laughter and how silly he can be.  A few weeks ago, a strap on his sensory swing broke and he fell (not far – thank God he was just sitting in it and not swinging widely!).  I was so worried about him not having his swing.  When it was installed, it was to help him with the out of control anxiety he was dealing with every day.  I also worried that even if it was fixed, he would never use it again – he tends to remember when painful things happen and can’t understand that just because it happened once, it may not happen again.

So I filled out the paperwork and the part was ordered.

And now, he acts like he doesn’t need or want it.   HUH??

Last week, he went to play Bingo at a nursing home.  (WHAT?)  A staff member asked anyone who wanted to go to get their coat and he did.  While we have played Bingo at home, he loses interest quickly.  He even played while there!  A new activity in a new place?  The autism mom in me was suspicious.  What’s going on?

The moon isn’t full.  The weather is as crazy as it’s been for weeks.  His meds haven’t changed.  The people around him are the same.  Our schedule is the same.  I wracked my brain trying to figure out why he was so willing to do new things.

After Bingo, he went to aquatic therapy, which he loves.  On his way home, he stopped a staff member to show her his swimming bag.  It has Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (the first ones) on it and he named them all for her.  He started a conversation!  Rob talked first!  Can I be any happier??

The next day, he went to a care center to do crafts with residents.  He talked more about the power rangers.  He sat and did as he was supposed to.   And as happy as I am, I want to know why?  What changed and what can I do to keep him excited to try new things?

He went to play basketball. He went to a gym and walked.  He came home and got sick later that night and even that was different.  He’s always been too scared and upset to be alone when he is sick.  This night, he took care of everything on his own.  I didn’t even know he was sick.  I did stay up with him, as he never went to sleep that night (or until early evening the next day, even though he was feeling much better).

His schedule changed Friday evening and he didn’t care.  He played with his blocks and went to bed.  The weather changed quickly last night and he hasn’t seemed to notice.

I am over the moon happy for all the positive changes.  I am so proud of him for trying things that truly stress him beyond anything I can imagine.  But, I still want to know why?  Has he just matured?  Was he spending too much time in the swing at the workshop?  But how can you tell, cause it wasn’t that long ago that he couldn’t get through his day without that soothing him.

Something like this happened to Casey several years ago.  She wasn’t always the social butterfly she is now.  She much preferred staying away from stores and restaurants and to only go to familiar places.  After she graduated and moved to the workshop every day, she began to open up to the idea of trying new places.  Now, it’s a struggle to make her understand that money doesn’t grow on trees (or in my purse – she thinks it just magically appears there) and she has to pick and choose what she does.  For the most part, she is doing awesome with that.

Maybe that’s all that’s happened with Rob.  He matured enough to handle stress and the idea of new places and people.  I hope that’s all it is.  I worry that someone was bothering him and that person is no longer near him.  I worry that he hasn’t felt well and I didn’t know it.  Don’t you love autism mom guilt?  I just need to let it go and enjoy the changes in him!

I’m excited about all the changes and I’m loving every minute of it!  I hope it continues and that he might learn to enjoy new things – or at least to try them with proper supports.  Both of them are going to a planetarium tomorrow – neither even know what it is (Casey thinks she is going to a star!) but he’s willing to try.  I can’t wait to hear how it goes!

I hope reading about the changes in Rob helps you remember that our kids are constantly changing and growing and maturing.  Your child may not like new things now, but maybe that will change.  They are learning more every day – even if we don’t see immediate results in the hard work we do with them.  Keep the faith – and keep trying, even when you don’t think it’s doing any good.  It is – I promise you!


More Never to be Forgotten Rules for our Autism Home

More Rules for our Autism Family

A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about the unique rules we follow in our house – often without even thinking about them.  Many people enjoyed that post and asked for more, so here we go.

  1. Casey’s feet can never be touching the kitchen floor when the lights get turned on or off.  Seriously, she flies through the room if she thinks someone will flip the switch while she is in there.  And if she is getting a drink from the refrigerator, she’ll hop out of the room if the light gets turned on.  If she has to turn it on herself, she jumps when she turns it on so her feet aren’t touching the floor.  I just asked her why she does that.  (Even though why questions are nearly impossible for her to answer – I thought I’d try!)  Her answer?  “Yes.”
  2. Casey has to hop into buildings.  Truthfully, this is much easier than it used to be!  When she was younger, she jumped through store doors onto one foot, jumped back on the other and then jumped through on both feet.  While this doesn’t sound like any big deal, when you are walking through a crowded door, people are not expecting a child to jump into them from behind or that she will jump back out the door.  I tried pulling her through the doors, but as you can imagine, that was a classic failure!  It got so bad that I either held the kids back from a store door, or sent Mandy in first to keep people back while I guarded the door so no one could get too close as she jumped back.  Thankfully, now, she just does one hop into every store and every house (including ours!).
  3. If something is written on the calendar, it will happen.  One year, Santa brought Casey a calendar that had every holiday imaginable on it – including ones from around the world and religions other than ours.  I, of course, never gave a thought to checking what was printed on the calendar.  Big mistake.  Huge mistake.  Casey decided we had to celebrate everything – Boxing Day, Kwanzaa, Cinco de Mayo, Hanukkah – you get the idea.  Every day seemed to have something on it and she was determined to celebrate them all!  Believe it or not, Santa did the same thing the next Christmas, but got smart enough to open the calendar and black out everything that we didn’t celebrate.  On a brighter not, we learned a lot about other customs that year – I tried to find something simple for each holiday so we could “celebrate” if she was going to have a meltdown over it.  Now, “Cancel” is the best word!!  She completely understands writing cancel on something means it’s not going to happen and while she isn’t always happy about it, she doesn’t get upset.
  4. Windows cannot be left open until Rob deems it’s time. He will shut doors and windows for days before he decides it’s warm enough to leave them open – or I can convince him it’s okay.  His windows are never to be open when he is home.  And he refuses to shower if the window in the bathroom is open.
  5. Casey loves cherry tomatoes and ketchup, but refuses to eat larger tomatoes because they aren’t tomatoes.  (Neither of them generalize well.  Teaching them that beagles and labs are both dogs was a challenge!)
  6. While Rob wears the same clothes all year (wind pants and sleeveless shirts – rarely, if ever, shorts), Casey dresses by the calendar month.  From October 1st – March 1st, she wears two shirts every day – a turtleneck and sweater or sweatshirt.  From March 1st – April 1st, one shirt with long or short sleeves.  May, she can wear capri pants and starting in June, she will wear shorts and t-shirts, until September when it’s time for long pants again.  Now, this sounds like a great idea, but when you live in Ohio, where you can be wearing flip flops one day and snow boots the next (did that a few weeks ago!) she can get really warm or really cold.  But – her schedule can’t be changed.  I’ve tried and then I decided she is old enough to make her own clothing decisions.
  7. Clothing is dirty as soon as it touches your body and cannot be worn again until it’s  be washed.  I mean, if she puts an outfit on and we decide to go somewhere, she will change and throw everything down the laundry chute.  If I’m quick enough (HAHA!) I’ll run down and put those clothes on the dryer so they can just be refolded and stuck in her pile of clean clothes.
  8. Rob has to have the light over the bathroom sink and the kitchen light on before he will take a shower.  The bathroom light, I understand, but no idea about the one in the kitchen.  He’s been doing it for years with no signs of stopping, so I don’t notice it.  I did make the mistake of hitting the switch one evening and turning the kitchen light off – and here comes my dripping wet boy yelling “lights on!” as he slipped and slid from the bathroom to the kitchen to get the light back on.  (Another rule of most autism homes – you never know when a naked or half-naked person may wander through!)
  9. Casey will only drink water from the bathroom sink.  Never, ever will she drink from the kitchen sink.  No idea why or even when she started doing this.  She knows I make their koolaid from the kitchen sink – she has helped me make it before.  But to get a drink, nope – no way!  If she is thirsty and someone is in the bathroom, she’ll stay thirsty instead of using the faucet in the kitchen.
  10. Holidays and birthdays are pretty special in our family.  We have traditions that we love and I truly try to make each of their birthdays as special as they are.  Casey, however, has a hard time relaxing and enjoying the whole day because she has a “schedule” in her head that must be followed.  On a birthday, you get to pick where to have supper, then family comes and you open presents, then you have cake and ice cream.  Until she blows out her candles (we finally got her to agree to a smaller number of candle than her birthday a few years ago!) and has her cake, she doesn’t smile much.  Birthdays are serious business until everything is completed – then you can relax and smile.   Holidays are the same way.  Until the schedule in her mind is complete, she is unable to truly enjoy the day.  I’ve tried explaining to her that we will do everything and she can have fun, but she just can’t stop checking items off from the list in her head.

I hope you got a few giggles from our continued list of rules!  Life is always pretty exciting around here – it keeps me young!  (or at least that’s what I tell myself!)

Autism and Our Very Own Personal Rules

Autism and our Very Own Personal Rules

My parents and I were laughing yesterday about the details that are left out of the kids’ ISP’s.  These plans are supposed to make it possible for anyone to come into our home and know what to do with the kids and how to deal with their autism, in the event that someone who knows them is unavailable.

I was actually thinking about this last week as I battled the flu.  As I kept hearing about people being admitted to the hospital with it and my fever kept going higher, I worried about the kids if I had to be gone a few days, unexpectedly.  I know it’s silly, as I have any number of people who would be here to take care of the kids, but still – I wondered.

Their ISP’s are good, but if I had to list everything that people would need to know, the plans would be 100 pages long and still not complete.  I can’t still here right now and think about all the little details that we live by because of the autism, but I thought I’d share a few and see what silly, but so desperately important, rules you live by in your home.

#1.  Waffles are eaten in sets of 5 – 2 for Casey and 3 for Rob.  She refuses to eat more than 2 because there is only room for 2 in the toaster.  He wants 3 because….  well, I have no idea why, but he eats them in 3’s.  And they can’t be cooked – he takes them right from the freezer and eats.  Never add anything to his – only pancakes get syrup!

#2. Casey takes baths and Rob takes showers – and never, ever say the wrong one!  They will both emphatically correct you if you ask Casey to take a shower or Rob to take a bath.  Casey always goes first.  Her hair can only be dried at Grandma and Grandpa’s house, unless she is going somewhere special.  Only then am I allowed to use a hair dryer near her.  Snacks and pills should be waiting as they come out of the bathroom.

#3. Different shaped pretzels of the same brand can’t be eaten.  Rob will eat the nuggets and the long rods of one brand, but only the midgets of another.  And what he eats at home can’t always be eaten at Mandy’s house.

#4.  Casey will not bring her coat from her room until her shoes are on.  She will make 3 or 4 trips up the stairs and never bring her coat until it is time to put it on.  And once she puts it on, she won’t take it off (including hat and gloves) until she leaves.  Even when her ride is running late, she refuses to take it off.  She also has to sit in a certain spot on the love seat to wait till her ride comes.

#5.  Certain clothes have to be worn together.  I’m such a terrible mom that I washed Rob’s wind pants last week and not the t-shirts that have to be worn with them.  Poor guy had a stressful night until his red Coca-Cola shirt got washed the next morning and could be worn with the right pair of black wind pants.

#6.  Rob’s TV can only have HGTV on it.  Even if his favorite movie is on another channel, if you change the channel, he yells and changes it back.

#7. Casey has “after work before bath” slippers, “after bath before bed” slippers, “Saturday afternoon before bath” slippers, “Sunday afternoon before bath” slippers and “snow day” slippers.  Never try to give her the wrong slippers.  And don’t try to understand her system.

#8. She won’t eat leftovers.  Even if the food is still on the kitchen counter, but has been put into containers to be saved, it’s leftover and she won’t touch it.  She remembers what we’ve had to eat, so even if I put leftovers in a pan to warm it up, she refuses to eat it.

#9. When they are going to work in the morning or going with their dad, they have to come and go through the front door.  Any other time, they use the back door.

#10. They both need fans, night lights and a huge pile of blankets to go to sleep at home, but anywhere else, they don’t need it all.

This is just a few of the things we do every day without even thinking about it.  What unwritten autism rules do you have at your house?  I’d love to hear about them!


Once upon a Snowy Evening – Autism and the Internet is Out

Once upon a Snowy Evening - Autism and the Internet is Out

I try not to rely on the internet and the kids being entertained by their iPads.  Most nights, the internet could be gone and no one would be the wiser.  Rob has many apps on his iPad that he uses often, so when he can’t search for Chevy truck parts or whatever has caught his fancy for the day, he’ll just draw or play another app.

Casey, on the other hand, loves You Tube.  And watching music videos.  And when she decides that is what she wants to do, there is little I can do to change her mind.  So, when the internet went out a few evenings ago, I was tense and stressed. She was not pleased.

It was snowing and even though Rob had assured me we were only getting a little bit, he was worried about going to work the next day.  (One day they had to close, we had little snow, but ice)  So he began to get anxious and he paced from his room to the dining room to look out that window. (Yes, his room has windows – and one even faces the same direction, but apparently, when you are checking the weather situation, you can only look out the dining room window that is closest to the kitchen!)

I showed Casey her Elmo apps and crossed my fingers.  She played with them a few minutes and then hit her iPad. “Fix it, mommy!”  “I can’t, Casey – the internet is broke.” “Music, mommy!”  I handed her my phone, but she refused to look at it.  “Why don’t you fold socks, Casey?”  “NO!”  “How about a color by  number?”  “NO!”  She flopped back on the couch and made her mad face.

I gave up trying to write and focused on keeping her calm.  Finally, I thought about my photo boxes.  She has her own set, but looking at my photos is always an exciting event.  Thankfully, she go absorbed in the pictures and the evening passed without much drama.  Rob couldn’t go to sleep, but he wasn’t too loud, so she went to bed as usual.

What really bothered me was the reaction I got from someone else about the evening.  This person isn’t an autism expert by any means, but when I was talking about how worried I was that she was going to have a royal meltdown, the response I got was I needed to tell her I couldn’t fix it and make her understand she can’t always get what she wants.

Really?  Ya think?  (and I’m editing my true thoughts here!) That’s not something I had ever considered doing – thanks so much for the advice.

And, yes, I know I should be more patient with people, but when I’m tired, I just don’t  need advice like that.  I know it was meant to be a helpful solution.  I know not everyone understands autism.  I know autism is confusing to those of us who live with it every day.  But – I seriously did not care at that point.

Casey and Rob have made amazing strides in their abilities.  They have grown and changed so much, but there are simply things that cannot be explained easily.  I remember once the power went out and Rob was insistent that I turn the lights one.  “Lights on!” became his phrase of the night.  Over and over and over until I thought I would lose my mind.

My brother decided to bring a generator to us so Rob would calm down.  He was on his way when Rob got frustrated and hit the light switch in the kitchen – and the lights came on.  Of all the rotten timing!  The look he gave me was priceless – he was sure I had been lying to him all evening.  (trust me – by the time I heard “lights on!” for the 100th time, I would have fixed the electricity myself!)  So now, when the power goes out, Rob flips the kitchen light switch as soon as it goes out.

My point is – there are simply some things  I can’t make the kids understand.  I have tried – many times.  I’m not being a lazy mom.  I know I shouldn’t have gotten irritated by the comment and maybe I wouldn’t have at another time, but I was stressed.  Sometimes, I just have to go with the flow and ignore people.  But – sometimes, I really just want to smack people.  (insert evil giggle here!)

So – lessons I learned from the other night.  Behavior modification (otherwise known as bribery) is perfectly acceptable to keep a meltdown away.  Some people will never “get” it.  Smacking people is never acceptable.  I don’t have to care what anyone else thinks.

Here’s to an endless supply of data and super fast streaming for each of you!

Autism Siblings – Unwavering, Unconditional Love and Laughter

Autism Siblings

I’m sure I’ve mentioned before that one of my biggest worries with having two kids with autism was my “typical” daughter.  I wanted Mandy to know that she was just as special and as loved as Casey and Rob.  It’s not easy to do that and I often felt that I was failing them all.

Casey was almost 3 when Mandy was born and we were surprised that she took an immediate interest in her little sister.  She loved watching Mandy sleep and to put her binky back in her mouth when she lost it.  When Mandy was old enough to lay on the floor under a mobile, Casey was often right beside her watching the same toy.  When Mandy cooed, Casey giggled.  When I talked to Casey, I might as well have been talking to the wall.  Mandy had an immediate effect on Casey.

Casey got her official diagnosis of autism two weeks before Rob was born.  Her neurologist told me that since I had one child with autism, I should watch for signs from either of the other kids.  Mandy was talking and loved being around people, but it was possible that she would regress at any time.  I didn’t even think about Rob having autism at that point – I was too worried about getting Casey the help she needed and watching Mandy for signs she was losing skills.

When Mandy turned 3, I was sure she was fine.  She talked non-stop and enjoyed pretending and playing with anyone.   She talked to Casey, even if she didn’t get a response, and she played odd games with Casey, just to hear her giggle.  One of their favorites was to toss toys over their shoulders until their closet was empty – laughing the whole time.  Sitting in the doorway watching them was so much fun and gave me hope that Casey would ok.

Rob followed Mandy from the day he was born.  Because they were so close in age, and she was small for her age, they were often mistaken for twins.  She talked for him, so he rarely had to make an effort to communicate.  He also had constant ear infections, so when he didn’t say much, our doctors weren’t too concerned.

When I tried to teach Casey or Rob skills that Mandy learned easily, she jumped in to make it more fun.  She didn’t know she was helping – only that she was “playing” with her brother and sister.  Unfortunately, there were many times that Mandy jumped in to help when Casey was having a meltdown and Rob was anxious.  I hated depending on her – she was just a little girl!

I hated that when she wanted to play with Barbies or horses, I had to sit at the top of the steps and play so I could hear what was happening downstairs.  I hated that Rob loved her horses as much as she did and was likely to take them while she wasn’t looking.  I hated that Casey loved chewing Barbie feet and Mandy would be furious their shoes wouldn’t fit anymore.

But as mad as Mandy would get, she was the first one to jump when Casey or Rob needed help.  She didn’t seem to notice that they weren’t like her friends’ siblings.  I worried that her friends would be mean to the kids, but they were accepted.  I think it helped that Mandy went to our local elementary school and Casey and Rob went to another one.  This gave Mandy time to grow and learn self-confidence  before she had to really deal with the cruelty of other kids towards her siblings.

I have often seen posts that say if you want to know how to treat someone with autism, you should just look to their siblings.  There is so much truth in that statement.  I never told Mandy she had to always be nice to her siblings – what siblings never fight?  But – while she may have gotten mad and yelled at Casey or Rob, no one else better even think about it.   She is a firm believer that only she can do that!

She knows just what buttons to push to get reactions from Casey and Rob and still pushes those buttons at time, just so they can share laughs.  They may not share fun like typical siblings, but the love and laughs are the same.  They tease each other (anyone who says people with autism don’t have a sense of humor haven’t looked closely enough!) every chance they get.

Mandy and Cory lived in Texas for several years and those were tough years for Rob.  Casey would look at the calendar and know when they were coming home for a visit, but Rob couldn’t understand time  or distances.  He just wanted Mandy and Cory to be home.  Now that they live here, a trip to their house is better than a stop at McDonalds!

I know not all siblings of people with autism are as close as mine are.  I wish they could be.  I wish I knew the magic answer.  The best advice I can give is always remember that each child has their own special needs.  Your typical child needs to have time just with you – no matter what you need to do to give it to them.  Spend the other kids to bed earlier.  I used to send Casey and Rob to school and take Mandy shopping and out for lunch once in a while.  When Mandy had special events at school, I was there and I left Casey and Rob with grandma and grandpa so I would be totally there for her.

Rob still follows Mandy around – just like in the above the picture.  Whenever Mandy practiced her trumpet, Rob pulled my old guitar out and followed her.  If she went in the pool, he was right behind her.  And he still thinks she has the best ideas.  He leans on her for comfort.  Casey does the same but she expects Mandy to take her everywhere she wants to go.  They both know they can twist Mandy around their fingers – but she doesn’t always do what they want.  Sometimes, she is mean and says no – and Casey will tell on her as soon as she can.

Close – knit siblings are still siblings, after all!



Autism – How to Find the Perfect Christmas Gifts

Autism - How to Find the Perfect Gift

Over the last week, I’ve read several posts by parents or grandparents of people with autism wondering about Christmas gifts for their loved ones.  I’ll admit – I don’t have the perfect answer, as I struggle with Rob every time I want to buy him a gift.

The conversation goes something like this.  “Rob, tell me what you want for Christmas.” “The presents.” “What do you want in the presents?” “A present.” “But, what kind of present?” “A present.” “A CD?” “CD.” “New Legos?” “New Legos.” “Crayons?” “Crayons.”  And on and on.

Casey, on the other hand, has been able to tell me what she wants for several years.  She is a very detailed list maker.  This year, an orange t-shirt, a blue turtleneck, jeans, Elmo book and “da biggest Grover” top her list.  And, she tells everyone different things to be sure she doesn’t get duplicates.  She is a planner, that’s for sure.

So, I struggle with Rob.  I try to think of what he is interested in, but right now, paper clips and cardboard are the top of his list.  He loves the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and the Wizard of Oz.  He doesn’t care about clothes (unless I want him to wear new ones!).  Dr. Seuss books are always a hit, but he has his favorites, so why buy more?

He doesn’t watch DVD’s or TV.  He doesn’t listen to CDs anymore, as he uses his iPad.  He plays with Legos and loves small wooden trains.  He doesn’t wear his hats anymore and he has a huge pile of soft blankets.  He collects magazines, but I can’t figure out which ones he will save and which ones he will rip up.

He loves street signs and bubble wrap and popsicle sticks.  He loves McDonalds and fruit and frozen pizza.  I’m sure you are beginning to see my dilemma.  The funny thing is, he loves to open presents.  He used to open one and be done, but now, he rips through them and enjoys it.  So I want him to have things he enjoys in those packages.

Maybe he just likes the surprise of opening the gifts.  I remember one birthday, he shared he wanted Ryan and Kelsey and Kenzie to come over.  Among the gifts were a jar of pickles and a huge pile of crayons and cardboard.  He was the happiest little guy in the world that night.  Ryan’s parents told me they tried to talk Ryan out of buying pickles for Rob, but he giggled when he opened that gift because he was so excited.

One Christmas, he got a Cat in the Hat hat and Hulk hands and insisted on wearing both the rest of the day.  That’s the excitement I want to bring to both of them on Christmas.  Something that will bring smiles and giggles and that they don’t want to put down.

That’s why, a long time ago, I decided that what they liked was what they were going to get, whether it was “age-appropriate” or not.  If Casey wants Sesame Street, she’s going to get Sesame Street.  If Rob wants a toddler train set, that’s exactly what he is going to get.  I’m tired of people saying they don’t think it’s right for adults to play with toys.

I’ve heard parents say they don’t want to feed their child’s obsession with toys.  What about the parent’s hobbies?  How many of them collect things?  Or have a hobby they obsess over?  Golf, TV shows, books.  They enjoy those hobbies, so why can’t our kids just enjoy their hobbies?  Why do people insist on calling their likes “obsessions” and want to change it?  A diagnosis of autism doesn’t change the fact they are a person with their own personality.

Rob got a stop sign and a railroad sign for his birthday.  He was happy to hang them in his room.  His helmet from Halloween has been added to his Wizard of Oz collection.  He may get some odd things for gifts, but he is happy and isn’t that what we want for our kids?

When you shop for gifts for your children, stop worrying about what other people think.  When you buy gifts for “typical” people in your life, you buy what they would enjoy, even if you don’t care for it.  Why can’t buying gifts for your kids be just like that?  If your child loves baby rattles, who is it hurting to give them rattles?  The only thing you should worry about is how hard your child will laugh as they open their gifts.

Sometimes, people with autism don’t care about getting gifts at all and that’s ok.  Buy a few things for them, just in case this is the year they want to join in, but don’t stress over it.  Christmas is a time for peace and joy, not trying to force someone to enjoy an activity.  I know all about the guilt of trying to spend the same amount on each child.   I do, but Rob and Casey’s gifts might seem odd to others.  Again, I don’t care.  I want to see joy on their faces whether it’s a box of paperclips for Rob, the newest Sesame Street toy for Casey, a craft item for Mandy or a car part for Cory.

I don’t know what it is about Christmas and other special days that causes autism parents to stress over things we don’t think about it all any other time of the year.  Maybe it’s that daydream of the perfect holiday and we want everyone to enjoy it like we see in movies.  Perfect holidays are different in every house.  Every family has their own version of happy days.

So, this year, buy the box of paper clips or socks or baby doll or race car your loved one would enjoy and don’t worry about what others think.  Buy (or don’t buy) and let the stress of the perfect Merry Christmas go.  Perfect and normal isn’t nearly as much fun as watching someone’s eyes light up and hearing their giggles as they open their gifts.

Autism, Mood Swings and a Helpless Mom

Autism and Mood Swings

I have shared before that when Casey was young, meltdowns were a big part of her life.  She started having them at school long before they occurred at home (probably because demands were placed on her at school and home was her “safe” place).  While we rarely see those hours-long meltdowns anymore, we do still have mood swings once in a while.

I know many people with autism experience mood swings and I wish I knew why.  Anger, tears and happiness all cycle and most of the time, you have no idea why and they can’t tell you.  This happened to Casey the other night.

We had supper and she was fine.  I was having a rough week, so when she flopped down on the couch, I was happy to just chill out, too.  She had her hand over her eyes, so I thought she might have headache.  As bath time approached, she keep peeking at me from under her hand (They always think I’ll forget bath time!) and giggling.  (I’m not nearly as crazy as they think I am – I do remember baths!)

So I told her to go start her bath water, she said “no” like she always does as she jumped up to get her PJs.  I heard her giggle as she ran to her room and back to the bathroom.  A few seconds later, the screams started.  I mean screams that, unless you have heard, you can’t imagine.  I don’t know why it doesn’t hurt her throat to scream like that.  She wasn’t having a meltdown – just a scream every few seconds.

I ran to the bathroom with no clue what was happening. Rob came out of his room, so I knew he had nothing to do with whatever set her off, but he wasn’t helping the situation as he yelled “Casey, no FITS!” and set her off again.  I told him to go in this room and rip paper and shut the door.

By then, she was crying – tears flowing down her cheeks.  I tried to hug her, but hugging is not something she wants unless she initiates it.  She leaned on me for a sec, pushed away and screamed in my face.  And screamed and screamed.  And then she was crying again and leaning on me for a hug.

I kept telling her she was ok and to tell me what was wrong.  I try never to ask the kids questions – they have a hard time processing them.  I say “Tell me what’s wrong” instead of “What’s wrong?”  I told her again as she cried to tell me, but again, she pushed me away and screamed “BATH!”

So I started her water and asked if she wanted Elmo bubble bath.  She said yes and started giggling.  I was desperate to get her mind off whatever was upsetting her so we talked about going to Grandma Rose’s and Grandpa Mack’s house the next evening and seeing Mandy this weekend.  Suddenly – another scream.  (do you have any idea how screams echo in a small, tiled bathroom?)

I sat back and let her scream.  When she calmed down again, I started talking about needing a Christmas list for her and how she could write that when she got out of the bath, if she wanted to.  Yes!  She did and she started giggling again and finally, she started talking a little about Elmo and Christmas.  I took a deep breath and prayed it was over.

She was drying off when the next screams started.  By now, Rob is working himself up to a anxiety attack – humming, pacing, telling her “no fits” (which, by the way, really ticks her off!)  I ran into the other room to get him a pile of magazines and pulled his door shut again.  And now she is standing in the kitchen sobbing her heart out.  I feel so bad – I just can’t figure out what is wrong and I’m almost in tears, too.

We get her pills and orange sherbet.  As she ate her snack, I got Rob’s shower going and waited for more screams.  He was worked up and I had a bad feeling there would be little sleep that night.  He was yelling, even as he took his shower.  I got his pills and snacks ready and sat on the kitchen floor.  My dog came to lean on me and I cried on her shoulder.  Feeling helpless is one of the most terrible feelings in the world.  I couldn’t help either of my kids that night and I knew that Casey wasn’t done, yet.

She was laying on the couch again.  When I went in, she held her hand out and I went to sit beside her.  She asked about her Christmas list and we wrote down several things she wanted.  She was giggling and smiling, but I knew the mood swings weren’t over, yet.  Soon, she threw back her head and screamed again.  She pushed me away and started crying again.

So I sat on the floor about three feet from her and kept begging her to tell me what was wrong or what she needed.  Finally, she jumped up and ran to her room.  I waited for the screams to start again and when I didn’t hear anything for a few minutes, went to check on her.  She was in bed with her blankets over her head and Elmo cuddled against her chest.

I went back downstairs and checked on Rob.  He was just finishing his pile of magazines and seemed happy.  So I went in my room and had a good cry.  Life is just not fair, sometimes.  I hate feeling helpless – especially when I can’t help my own child feel better.  Sometimes, I hate autism and the pain it causes them.  I hate not being able to fix the problem and help them feel happy.

I know you have felt the same way.  Parents of “typical” kids have the same issues, at times, but at least those kids can tell their parents what is wrong.  Casey and Rob have words, when they aren’t too stressed.  When anxiety and stress hit, their words disappear and there isn’t anything I can do but wait it out.

I still don’t know what happened that evening.  She woke up the next day like nothing had happened.  I thanked God we made it through another autism mood swing and prayed He would keep giving me the strength I need.  I guess that’s all any of us can do, isn’t it?

The Time Change, a Full Moon and Crazy Weather – An Autism Perfect Storm

An Autism Perfect Storm

Raise your hand if you know the full moon can do weird things to our kids with autism.  Now raise the other hand if the time change does the same.   And now, raise a foot if the barometer dropping messes them up, too.  And guess what?  I have the perfect storm for autism in my house this weekend!

I dread the time change every fall and spring.  I can’t imagine why anyone thinks messing with the clocks is a good idea but no one asked me.  My kids don’t have as terrible time as some others, but their sleeping/eating will be off for a few days.  And sleepy hungry kids and sleepy mom equals not much fun.  Within a few weeks, we’ll be back to whatever sense of normal we have.

The full moon is another issue.  Anyone who says a full moon doesn’t affect people doesn’t work in a school, hospital, as a first responder or live with someone with autism.  From a few days before the moon is full till a few days after (yeah, about a week!) their behaviors are off.

Rob might be more anxious and loud.  His search for pop tabs and paper clips becomes even more frantic as he tries to deal with the anxiety.  His “Long Black Train” phrase will be really loud and he’ll let out yells that could wake the dead.  (Sorry to our neighbors – I’ve got a few windows cracked between the rain bursts!)  He’ll be looking for stuff to shred and hoping the battery on his iPad lasts a long time.

Casey isn’t loud.  It’s hard to describe what she’s doing.  I’ll call it strenuous dancing.  By that I mean, her pacing figure 8’s in her room has become serious stomps and that girl is moving!  I hope that new carpet holds up as long as the manufacturer assured me it would!  She wants to go to Mandy’s house to Odd Lots to McDonalds to Dollar Tree.  Basically, anywhere but here with me.  She wants Tracie to come.

And now you add in the crazy weather.   Rob is pacing.  He’s been in the dining room 5 or 6 times to look out the window as I write this.  He is tense and humming.  His fairy dances are not as light-footed as usual.  I wish the storm would just get here and be done, but it appears it’s going to come and go all afternoon.

So – an autism perfect storm.  Rob is having a harder time than Casey, but he also recovers faster.  They both slept last night, so that’s a huge bonus and I’ve got my fingers crossed they will crash tonight, too.  We just ate lunch and Casey is already asking for supper.  Luckily, for once, I’ve actually thought ahead and had an answer to “supper?”

I don’t know how to help your little ones through an autism storm like a full moon and a time change.  So many things that cause stress and anxiety can be avoided, but unfortunately, neither of these can be.  Be ready with stress relievers – bouncing, swinging, ripping paper – whatever helps calm your child.

Relax your policy of how long they can watch their favorite movie.  If they are happy, you will be happy.  Pop in that movie and sit back.  These crazy days are not the best time to start teaching a new skill or change the routine anymore than needed.  Do whatever you need to keep things calm.

Stock up on what you need to stay relaxed.  I prefer ice cold coke and perhaps a snickers bar.  A soft blanket and a good book work wonders, too.  I also do yoga and workout as stress relief.  At times, I can get Casey to do yoga, too, and I keep Rob stocked in magazines.

When people tell you that the full moon, weather and time change can’t possibly have the affect you say it does, invite them to take your child for a day.  Or an afternoon.  Even an hour.  I guarantee they won’t say these things have no affect again.  Sometimes, the best way to stop “know it alls” is to show them the error in their thoughts.  Try to hold in the laughter when the kids are returned still going strong and the adult is exhausted.

On a much happier note – Casey  just told me that the time change for next spring will be March 11 and the month has two full moons (EEEEKKK!) but one is the 1st and the other the 31st.  So we have a year before these will happen again.  Good luck and deep breaths!

Autism and Halloween – Fun or Too Much Stress?

Autism and Halloween

Halloween is almost here again and Casey has asked several times about trick or treating.  The funny thing is she always answer herself with “Trick or treating is for little kids.”  I know lots of parents of adults with special needs take their kids trick or treating and I think that’s great. For me, autism and Halloween have never been much fun.

I think there was one year that Rob wanted to wear a costume.  He always wore one because his sisters did, but he truly couldn’t have cared less.  Trick or treating wasn’t fun for him – again, he did it because Casey and Mandy did, but he didn’t like being in crowds of people, especially when they were in costumes.  He didn’t like talking to people – “Trick or treat” or “Thank you.”  He didn’t care about the candy.

Casey liked dressing up, but she rarely said what she wanted to be.  She wanted the candy that came from trick or treating.  She didn’t care if she appeared rude as she grabbed candy.  Taking the three kids trick or treating was so stressful for me.  If given the option, I would stay home and pass out candy.

In the last few years, Casey has chosen what she wanted to be.  One year, she was a mermaid – another a unicorn.  This year, she wanted to be Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz.  This completely shocked me because that movie was never her favorite.  Mandy and Rob were obsessed with it – Rob still is.

Mandy and I decided if she wanted to be Dorothy, we would all be Wizard of Oz characters and go to the County Board of DD dance together.   Casey and Rob love the dances and I’m so thankful our county holds dances several times a year.

We really weren’t sure Rob would get into the whole costume thing.  I talked to him about it and asked who he wanted to be.  He wouldn’t answer, so Mandy decided to be the Cowardly Lion and I would be the Scarecrow.  Rob loves wearing hats, so we thought we would get a funnel for him and be happy with that.

My dad actually made a neat funnel hat for Rob and he was thrilled with it.  He couldn’t stop giggling when he saw it and tried to wear it over his headphones.  We talked about the dance for a week or so and I kept telling him he could be the Tin Man.  He just laughed.

The night of the dance, I hoped he would wear a gray shirt, but knew the chances weren’t great.  I cut out a heart for him and made an axe.  When he saw us getting ready, he jumped up and put his shoes on.  I asked him to please wear a gray shirt – and he immediately pulled off the red shirt he was wearing.  I put his t-shirt on inside out to cover the logo a little – and he left it that way!

He even asked to paint his face!  (Mandy had painted a lion face on herself and given Casey a little make up)  I never dreamed he would sit long enough, but he let me paint his face and asked for his arms to be gray, too.  I told him we’d better not paint his arms and he was ok.  He grabbed his axe and put his hat on and was ready to go.  (A word of caution – paint and beards do not go well together.  I never thought about that.  His beard was like a brillo pad and he was not a happy guy as we tried to get the paint out later!)

We posed for pictures and headed to the dance.  We got several compliments about our outfits and Casey took off dancing after tossing her basket and Toto at Mandy.  Rob climbed to the top of the bleachers in his usual place.  Casey danced her figure 8’s around the floor and he watched the flashing spinning lights.

Soon, he got up and actually danced with me!  He asked for “The Twist” but he was willing to dance to other music.  He has his own style of dancing, but I was so excited to see him willing to try something new!  Casey even slowed her dancing ( I use that term loosely – she tends to gallop back and forth and jump up and down) to dance with Mandy.   We had so much fun dancing together – and his hat stayed right on his head.  He was so proud of it.

I know how hard holidays can be for your little ones with autism.  I don’t miss the stress of trick or treating at all.  I don’t miss Halloween parties that I didn’t enjoy because Casey and Rob didn’t.  I don’t miss struggling to find ways for them to enjoy Halloween, too.  But, I have learned that just because something has “always been done this way” means it can’t be done differently.

We make our own traditions – ones that we can all enjoy together.  I remember the first year that all three kids carved their own pumpkins and how proud Casey and Rob were. (For the next several years, their pumpkins always looked exactly the same.)  Last year was the first time Casey didn’t ask to carve a pumpkin.  She hasn’t mentioned it yet this year.  I can’t decide whether to be happy to avoid the mess or sad that she is growing up.

There is more awareness of autism now than when my kids were little.  Hopefully, you won’t meet as many people who make nasty comments about your child’s lack of communication or the fact they aren’t wearing a “real” costume or are trying to grab too many pieces of candy.  If you do meet any, educate them, if possible.  Ignore them otherwise.  Some people will never be aware of the needs of others.  Don’t let them ruin your fun.

Dress your little one in whatever they can handle.  If it’s not a “real” costume, who cares?  Your goal is to help them have a night of fun – not to worry about the ignorance of others.  If your child is non-verbal, print a card that says “Trick or treat” on one side and “Thank you” on the other.  You can easily help them flash the words to people.

If your child only wants to go to one house, visit one and go home.  No one needs that much candy, anyway, and you’ll hopefully prevent a meltdown from sensory overload.  You may have to adjust your expectations to fit your child and that’s ok.  You can’t force your child to enjoy something and the possibility of a meltdown just isn’t worth it.

Adapt your plans as you need to.  Do what your child needs to do.  Ignore the people who have opinions on how they would handle Halloween – they are not experts on your child like you are.  I hope that your Halloween is a fun and happy time for you and your family.  I’m still so excited that Rob joined in this year and am hoping you have a wonderful time, too!