Autism and Medicine Changes

Autism and Medicine Changes

At their doctor appointment a few weeks ago, the neurologist and I decided to reduce one of Casey’s medications. We did it last year and she had no issues and were hoping this year would be the same. This medication can cause an increase in appetite and weight gain, so lowering it would be wonderful. Plus – as grateful as I am that their medications help them, I would love to reduce the amount for both Casey and Rob.

So, at bedtime, I reduced one of her medications by half a milligram. Not much, but thoughts of her being upset all of the time were in my mind. Until we figured out the best medications for her when she was younger, she was not a happy child. Meltdowns were terrible and while some were definitely sensory related, others were simply because life didn’t go as she wanted. She needed a strict routine with no changes. And life simply doesn’t work that way.

Last year, their appointment was after our county fair. For those who have followed us for a while, you know how important the fair is to both Casey and Rob. Those days of riding rides were amazing to them. The rides decreased Rob’s anxiety and helped his proprioceptive senses calm. The more a rides spins, the better they like it. And the fair was somewhere they could both enjoy, despite the crowds and the noise, up to a point. I always knew when it was time to go because they starting shutting down. Their eyes told me.

So, the last time we tried a med change, it was after a week of fair and their Halloween dance was in a few weeks. Life was good – it was as it was supposed to be.

Which brings us to this year. Their appointment was before our fair is usually scheduled. By then, both of them knew the fair was canceled, but Casey hadn’t really accepted that there wouldn’t be a fair. She understood “cancel” but she was still hoping. They have given up so much this year – this seemed to be the last straw for her.

So I reduced the med and started watching for reactions. I knew it would take at least a week (this medication builds up in the body) before I would see much of a change. The day after their appointment was the day the fair usually starts. And Casey was irritable. Not full blown meltdowns or even screams, just irritable and on edge. I knew it couldn’t have been the med that quick and tried to reassure her that we had lots of fun stuff planned for October.

They both had fun shopping that weekend and picking out the rest of their Halloween costume pieces. We talked about our Halloween party (since the dance was canceled, I thought we would have a small party so they would have somewhere to wear their costumes.) We talked about going hiking and seeing the pretty leaves. They both were happy.

But, she is still on edge. She wants the fair. She wants her dance. She wants to clean up the fairgrounds and look at Christmas lights and go to Mandy’s and go see scarecrows and go swimming and go to McDonald’s. She is jumping from one thing to the next and is fixated on odd events – like cleaning up the fairgrounds. I’m not even sure what she means. Unless it is that there were food stands there and she saw trash. (they did get some “fair food” one evening.)

My concern now is – are her fixations from the medication reductions or is she just fed up with all of the changes? Is it because she desperately loves the fair and looks forward to it all year? Or is the smaller amount of med too little? I want to wait a while before I give her the med back. I’m so hopeful that the farther we get from “fair” week, the happier she will be.

I miss my giggly, goofy girl. She still is, to a point, but that edginess is there and pops up at strange times. Ten minutes ago, she was repeating phrases over and over, trying to get me to tell her when we would go look at Christmas lights and now she is giggling at Elmo on her iPad. So, we wait and see.

I hate medication changes. It’s nearly impossible to guess whether the medication is needed or she just needs time to adjust to life with COVID. Medicines rarely have immediate effects. Many have to build up over 2 – 3 weeks. The waiting game is hard – is it helping because they are happy or has something happened that makes them happy that they can’t tell me? Is it not helping or has something else happened that they can’t explain. I don’t like the guessing game – or the waiting game. And, unfortunately, medication changes are both.

Unless she gets increasingly irritable or edgy, I’m going to wait until November to make any changes. That will give her body plenty of time to adjust and we will be far away from fair week and through Halloween. I don’t know what else to do but wait, as decreasing the med will be so beneficial to her, if it is possible.

My best advice to you if you need to start or change a medication is to keep a detailed diary of what happens. Write down any behaviors (irritability, inability to sleep, increase or decrease in appetite), but also include any changes that happen at school or in your home. Write down the weather – every detail of your child’s day. That will help you determine whether the med is helping or not. It’s time consuming, but it is needed. You can also do this to help determine if your child needs to start a medication. It will help your doctor to see exactly what your child’s day is like.

For me, I’ll make a list of things to tell Casey we can do and try to keep her mind off of the things we can’t. And wait and see how she feels in a few weeks.

Why Autism Families Need a “Village”

Why Autism Families Need a Village

I’m sure you have heard the phrase “It takes a village to raise a child.”  This is even more true when you have a child with autism or any special need.  Villages are hard to find when people are intimidated or scared of your child, of your life.  Add to that the fact that trusting people around your child is so hard and families like ours often feel alone and isolated.

I don’t purposely limit our “village” but I also don’t let people in easily.  Casey and Rob (and Mandy and I!) have been hurt too often.  Even when I know someone would never hurt them, it’s still hard to let people see our “real” lives.  Reading about it here is one thing.  To actually be in it?  That’s a whole different ballgame. Maybe I just don’t want to see the look on their face when Rob starts getting loud or Casey gets upset over some little detail.

It’s easier to keep us closed off.

It’s not better for us – I do know that.  I know they need to try new things and meet new people.  I know that the best way to spread autism awareness is to be out in the community and let people see the real us.  But – it’s hard.

Last week, I was shown, again, that being open to new “villagers” can be amazing.  I have known Susie and Gene for years and years – even before Susie moved next door to us.  Since our houses are close, I know she has heard my circus – the yells and meltdowns and everything else.  But – I don’t have to see her hear it, if that makes sense.  I don’t have to see the look on her face. I can just apologize later.

So, they aren’t strangers, but it was still hard to think about spending an afternoon at a lake with them.  Susie and Gene have a boat and an inflatable ride-on to pull behind it.  I wanted the kids to have something new and exciting this summer, since we had to cancel so many things.

But….  What if Rob started his anxiety song?  What if Casey got upset?  I didn’t want to ruin their afternoon.  I was excited to go, but at the same time, I thought about canceling several times.

I worried for nothing.  Casey and Rob loved it!   When it took Casey several tries to be brave enough to step onto the inflatable, it was no big deal.  They were patient and kind.  When Rob tossed a towel (and later, a bucket) overboard, they laughed and said it was no big deal.  I was embarassed and was ready to just go home.  (Actually, had we not been in the middle of the lake, I probably would have!)

The afternoon was amazing. Not only because it was a beautiful day to be on the lake, but because I could relax and let the kids be who they are without worrying. I’m not sure Susie and Gene really understand what they did for us that day. It is more than just taking us to the lake. It was acceptance and caring. As you know, that doesn’t happen often! Our “village” grew that day.

Autism families need support and it’s hard to find. Yes, we need doctors, therapists, teachers – but we need friends just as much, if not more. We need those people who happily invite our family to their events and assure us everyone is welcome.

We need the far away friends who text, just to say hi and make us laugh. We need friends who aren’t autism parents to include us and cheer with us when our kids reach a milestone. We need shoulders to cry on and friends to lean on when life just gets too tough.

We need the support of our families (so many don’t have this and it’s so sad!). We need staff we can trust who love our kids. We need people to understand why we turn down invitations, sometimes, but who will still invite us. We need acceptance.

We need our village. And we need to let more people into our village – to love us and our kids.

Autism and Toxic People

Autism and Toxic People

For some reason, I’ve seen a lot of posts this week about toxic people. You know the kind – the ones that are hard to be around because they are never happy and seem to bring out the worse in the people they are around. Or, in the case of people with autism, they think you can “discipline” the autism out of a person or that the autism and everything that comes with it are made up. I’m sure you know people like this.

This week, the question seems to be what to do if a person like this is a member of your family. As unbelievable as it is to me, I’ve actually seen conversations that wonder if it really hurts their child with autism if someone doesn’t accept them – or if a family member “means well” but is still not a positive influence for the child. I don’t care who that person is – your child deserves to be treated with love and respect. If a family member can’t do it, then avoid that person. Simple as that.

Even if your child can’t say something hurts them, you should know that if it would hurt you to hear it, then it hurts your child. Just because they can’t talk, does not mean they can’t hear and feel! I can tell by the way Casey and Rob are acting if they are getting upset. Or by the look in their eyes. Or if they really don’t want to spend time with someone. And I follow their lead. I refuse to force them to be around people who cannot love and accept them for the amazing people they are.

I know there are a lot of families out there with people who just think if you would discipline your child more or if you would stop “babying” them, the autism would disappear. Often, it seems to be older people, as when they were children, no one had ever heard of autism – people with disabilities were either put in homes or kept out of sight in the family home. They didn’t go to school. They didn’t go to church. They were hidden. So, I can sort of understand why elderly people think they way they do… but that does not mean I’ll let anyone be mean to my kids. Love us as we are or get out of our lives.

There are a few family members that Rob has issues with. Luckily, these are not people he is around often and when he is, it is for a very short amount of time. Casey doesn’t have the same reaction as Rob does. If she is hurt by someone, she tends to avoid that person and ignores them when she does have to be around them. She also has a tougher skin than Rob does and doesn’t take things personally like he does.

He will get anxious and loud and the more the person tries to get close to him, the louder he will get. It can last for hours when he gets home and nothing I can say will convince him that he is an awesome young man and that person who was mean to him is an idiot. So – we avoid. I let him take the lead. If he doesn’t want to see someone, he doesn’t go. There have been times that I know he doesn’t want to go, but he won’t let Casey go by herself, so he reluctantly will follow her. It is truly amazing to see the love and care he has for her.

I know it isn’t easy to avoid family members, sometimes. You can always try to educate those people – let them know that you aren’t babying your child when you bring their favorite foods to family meals. Explain why you do it – because of sensory issues. Try to explain a few times, then drop it. If that person is rude enough to continue commenting about you giving in to your child, then tell them to back off. Some people will never understand and you can’t let your child suffer because of it. Either avoid that person or stand up to them. To protect your child, you don’t have many choices.

And you have to protect your child! Yeah, I know it’s easier to avoid confrontation. But – what’s the cost? Your child’s self-esteem and happiness. Are you really going to let some jerk destroy that? I know you are overwhelmed at times and the path of least resistance is always desirable. But, the damage that can be done to your child is unimaginable. You have to protect them!

I will admit – there have been many times that I was one of the least liked people in the room. I didn’t like that feeling, but I had to be that person to keep Casey and Rob safe. I had to make phone calls that no parent wants to make. I had to go to meetings and struggle not to scream at people. Most autism parents have been in that place. Fun, isn’t it?

But – Casey and Rob, Mandy and Cory always come first. I will stand up for them and defend them against anyone. That’s what a mom does, after all – or what a parent should do. It won’t be easy to avoid toxic family members and I doubt you will like doing it (although, I will admit – there are a few people that I joyfully avoid now! 🙂 ) but you have to think of your child’s well-being first, last and always.

The Search for the Perfect Autism Parent

The Search for the Perfect Autism Parent

Yes – you read that right. I’m looking for the perfect autism parent. I want to find one who has never made a mistake – never second guessed themselves – never wished for a minute of quiet – never yelled – never cried. Come on – everyone stand up. I want to see just where these perfect parents are. You know – the ones who judge all other parents. The perfect ones.

This has been a tough few weeks for people with autism – adults and children. An adult was held by police officers because he “refused” to tell them his name. He had wandered away from his group, gotten upset and someone called the police, thinking he was on drugs, as he was rocking and twitching. A child was lost and later found, thankfully, with the family dogs watching over him. Another child was killed by his mother. Another child was “rehomed” (yeah, that’s the word they used.) Another child is still lost. And those are just the few I’ve heard of.

But – the common thing in every post is the “perfect” ones saying they do not understand how the child got away – don’t the parents watch him? Why didn’t the parents make sure the adult had an ID on him? Didn’t they consider this could happen? How could a mother drown her child? How could parents give away a child they adopted because he was too difficult? The endless questions – the accusations.

I’ll admit – I was floored by the parents who broadcast to everyone they “rehomed” the child they had adopted when it became difficult. And I was sick to hear about the mom that drowned her son. I can’t imagine. I just can’t imagine being so desperate that ending a child’s life seems like the best course of action. (My guess is they will discover mom has mental issues, but who knows?)

As the for family that gave away their son… I pray that little boy has found a family that loves him and will do anything for him. Personally, I suspect the adoption and the “rehoming” were part of a publicity trick for them, but I don’t know that. It’s only my opinion.

But Facebook pages blew up when it was announced. People were accusing them of many things and many were saying, “I would never…..” The thing is – you can say that, but you aren’t in their shoes. You have no idea what you would do under the same circumstances. You can believe what you want – but you don’t live in their shoes. You may think they are disgusting humans for what they did and that’s okay. But, instead of blasting them on Facebook – why not just pray for the little boy?

Instead of tearing up a parent who lost their child, why not consider that it may happen to you! I’ve “lost” Rob several times. Thankfully, he was always around the house or the yard, but I would blink and he was gone. He was sitting on the edge of the roof once (scaffolding was up for the guys putting the new roof on). He was laying down on scaffolding once and never made a sound as we ran around yelling his name.

He pushed the mattress on Mandy’s bed away from the wall a few inches, squeezed himself into the space, covered up and went to sleep. He grabbed his bat and ball and crossed the street to play ball with other boys on the ball field. Let me be clear – I was close by every single time. I would turn to help Casey and he would vanish. I thank God every day that he never vanished when we were away from home. (Honestly, though, I usually had a death grip on both he and Casey).

We need to stop criticizing other parents. If someone asks you for help or for ideas, by all means, share them. But you can do it in a nice way. You don’t have to be critical of what they have been doing. Be nice. It’s that simple.

I’m sure other people have comments about me telling the kids they need to head to bed at 9:30 each night. After all, they are adults and should be able to make that decision on their own. I know that – and I feel guilty that I don’t let them stay up. But, I’ll be honest. I need that time for me. I hate to admit it, but I do. I need Rob to have time to settle down before he needs to be asleep. Casey needs to stay on her routine. And they both need to learn other people do need to sleep. They need to understand that after dark is quiet time. Sleep has been an issue for both of them at different times. I refuse to go back to those times. I was a walking, talking, crazy, sleep deprived, half human mom. For the good of all of us, they need to sleep.

But, yeah, I do feel the guilt. I don’t need someone who doesn’t live here or doesn’t have any idea what we’ve been through to tell me I should let them stay up until they want to go to bed. I will be nice the first time I’m told. I won’t be nice the second time. You have had your warning. I promise you – I am harder on myself than you could ever be.

Every one of us can say “I would never….” to any circumstance. And maybe you wouldn’t. But why hurt a devastated parent by tearing them down? It serves no purpose, unless maybe to make you feel as if you are a better parent. I try hard not to judge others for their parenting mistakes. Like I said, I’ve made more than a few, with all three kids. Some of those mistakes are funny, now – some aren’t. The times I screamed back at Casey for hours of headbanging and screaming are moments that break my heart. I kept control as long as I could, but there were a few times that the endless screaming just got to me. Maybe I thought, foolishly, that if I yelled back at her I could get her attention. (for the record – that never works.)

So, please, the next time you hear about a child who wandered away, pray for their safe return. If you want to mumble your thoughts to yourself, fine, but you don’t have to take to social media to spread more hurt and anger. With everything that is happening in our world right now – the riots, the racism, the negative attitude towards police officers – do we really need more hurt and pain?

We strive to teach our children to be kind – to be nice. We teach that everyone can be friends. People with autism have the biggest, most loving hearts – maybe we should all take a lesson from them and learn to love everyone. No judgement, no hatred, no negativity. Just kindness. That’s what we want for our kids, right? A kinder, happier world? Where they are loved and accepted for exactly who they are?

Change starts with us. We can make the world what we want it to be. Be kind. Be safe.

Autism – Why are You Sorry?

Autism - Why are you Sorry?

A few days ago, I was at an event doing a story and three different people asked if I had kids and how old they were. I told them that I had 3 – all adults and that two had autism. And it was like a light was flipped off. The “Oh I’m so Sorry” pitiful look came across their faces and I seriously wanted to smack them all. Why in the world would they be sorry for my amazing kids?

I understand that when people don’t know what to say, “I’m sorry” is an easy go-to phrase, but really, it’s annoying. I’m not sorry for my kids and they wouldn’t want anyone’s pity (unless it was possible that along with the pity came some French fries! 🙂 ) They are amazing, just the way they are. I am one proud as heck mama and they know it. We have all worked darn hard to get where we are – and we don’t need anyone’s pity because of that.

The truth is – maybe I feel sorry for the parents who lose childhood magic in their home when their kids grow up. I can’t imagine how boring holidays would be without the magic of Santa coming – the eyes that twinkle and the giggles at the very thought of his visit. How boring Halloween would be without the difficult decision of what costume to wear and what candy to hope for? What about an Easter basket that magically gets filled by a giant bunny while they are asleep?

The parents that feel sorry for me don’t get to experience the pure joy that a waterfall can bring or how a long hike in the woods can be a journey worthy of a novel. They don’t see the excitement that a new box of crayons can still bring and can’t hear the giggles that Elmo can cause. Their children will grow into adults that worry about jobs and houses and bills. My children grew up to see joy in the world.

It’s not that they are always happy. We all have days that the world is a tough place, but we work through it together. I’m still one of the people that they completely believe in. They will never outgrow wanting to spend time with me (though they both love going places without me, too! 🙂 ). I’m one of the few people they completely trust. Why feel sorry for me about that?

Yes, we may have different challenges than other people, but that doesn’t mean our challenges are tougher to live with at all. It means that we adapt – we change – we do what we need to do. Just like every other parent in the world. Every family has its own unique challenges that others can’t understand. That doesn’t mean we need or want your pity.

Instead of pity, why not ask how the kids are doing? Ask if they are happy or what they enjoy doing. Ask about them – just like you would if you were talking to any other parent. Save your pity for when we can’t see it, because I’ll be honest… some days, some exhausting, rough days.. when I see that pity, it just makes me want to cry. And I don’t need that. I would much rather tell you where Casey volunteered this week or that Rob tried another new food.

I would much rather tell you that Rob doesn’t need to rip magazines all the time so his anxiety must be under control. I’d love to tell you how Casey loves to sing and can’t wait to be in the talent show again this spring. Or I could tell you about the Lego designs Rob builds or the things Casey paints. Fun things are so much easier to talk about. I’ll listen to you brag about your children and I’ll brag about mine.

Save your pity for someone who may really need it. Or, instead of feeling sad for us, get to know us and be our friend. We can always use new friends! Ask questions. Smile. say hi to Casey and Rob. They truly aren’t scary (I always laugh when people ask how dangerous they can be when upset. What can I say? I have an odd sense of humor at times! 🙂 ) Just because they have heard of someone with severe behaviors, they often assume every person with autism has those behaviors. Cause, you know, everyone is exactly alike, autism or not. Ugh.

So, if you are reading this blog just because you are interested, remember to save your pity. Be our friend. 🙂 If you are a person who see that pity face, remember people don’t know what to say at times, so don’t smack them. 🙂 Instead, brag about your children, just like I do! 🙂

Autism and the Individual Service Plan

Autism and the Individual Service Plan

Last week, I met with Farrah, County Board of DD (their SSA) and Khisha, Hopewell, to plan the “outcomes” part of their annual ISP (Individual Service Plan). These plans are to make it possible for a complete stranger to come into our home, in the event of an emergency and know everything they need to take care of Casey and Rob. (Yeah – anyone else laughing? 🙂 ) It’s a great idea – and some of the info would be helpful, but unless you actually live here, a daily plan is nearly impossible to write. Farrah mentioned she would like to see it – so here we go!

A typical weekday morning – I am up first and shower (and lay out her hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste and deodorant) before I get Casey up. Before I go up to wake her, I set out her pills and juice by the refrigerator and either get out a yogurt or the toaster for waffles. If it is waffles day, her plate, butter, syrup and fork are all on the counter, too. Rob’s pills, koolaid and breakfast (three waffles and fruit, if it’s a waffle day – a pack of Brown sugar cinnamon pop tarts and fruit for other days) on the counter by the sink. And his deodorant. Many times, she is awake when I go upstairs, but some days, I need to encourage her to get out of bed. I also have to say “good morning” to whichever creature she slept with that night – right now, it’s “da biggest big bird” but that changes on a schedule I haven’t figured out, yet.

She runs down the steps, puts her clothes in the bathroom and gets her pills and juice. She reminds me if she needs a packed lunch that day. I pack lunches while she gets dressed and start her waffles when she leaves the bathroom. After she gets her shoes on, she goes into the dining room to get her three quarters for the day, then runs upstairs to get her coat and then I can brush her hair – never before she has her shoes on and her coat in hand. While she eats, I take Rob’s breakfast and pills to his room.

Like his mom, he prefers to be left alone until he is a little more awake, so he enjoys his breakfast in peace, then gets dressed (right now, he is only wearing red shirts!) and his shoes on. He grabs his coat as he leaves his room, throws his cup in the sink in the kitchen and checks the pantry for interesting snacks, if I forgot and left the door open. He grabs his quarters (that he never uses!) and sits in the recliner. She sits on the love seat and goes back to sleep while he insists on channel 10 on the TV (that he never watches) and checks his lunch box for the required items. (at this point, an orange, an apple, fruit snacks, pop and another fruit)

When the shuttle comes, they both run to the door and he starts “singing” as soon as he gets to the shuttle. (I’m sorry, driver – I have no idea why he’s doing it!)

Before they get home at 3, I put her pill, drink and a snack beside the refrigerator and his by the sink. She usually gets a cup of fruit or a yogurt. He wants three “big pretzels” (only the rods of a certain brand from one store in town!) but is okay if I am out of the pretzels to have cheese crackers (but again, only a certain brand!). When the shuttle drops them off, he starts “singing” as soon as his feet hit the ground. She runs through the house to put her shoes in the closet and then upstairs to hang up her coat. She may or may not come right back for her pills.

He empties his lunch box (with reminders!) grabs his iPad, pills, snack and juice and goes to his room. (If he runs right to his room, I know he has something he isn’t supposed to have – he thinks he is being so smart! HA!) He will sit in there for a few minutes before he comes back to say hi. She takes her pill and drink and sits on the love seat, then goes back for her snack. Then, she may lay down for a while with her iPad or go to her room and fold socks. She will also ask what is for supper and gets irritated if I don’t have an answer ready for her.

They both enjoy free time until supper. I make one plate, then the other and as they start to eat, I fix my own, then give one seconds, then the other (small amounts!) and finally sit down to a meal that I don’t even want anymore. If we are having something Rob doesn’t care for, he makes something for himself (frozen pizza rolls are his go-to thing right now – but only at home and only a certain brand!)

After supper, she goes out to the patio and sits on the swing, sometimes for an hour or more. Between 7:30-7:45, I tell her to start her bath water – she says “no” as she is getting up to do it. While her tub fills, I get out their pills and drinks again, then help her wash her hair and ask what she wants for a snack. It is waiting for her when she comes out of the bathroom. She eats and goes to her room. I tell Rob it’s shower time and start his water for him (he will burn himself) and help him wash his hair. (I also remind him he has more body parts than his face and under his arms! 🙂 )

I ask him what snack he wants, but he usually tells me before his shower. It’s waiting when he gets done and then he goes to his room, too. If his iPad happens to be dead, he might sit in the living room with me, but he only wants to watch ESPN – and it doesn’t matter what is on – that’s what he wants!

At 9:30, I take both iPads and tell them good night and that I love them. Do they go to sleep? Nope, but I need quiet time to chill out and this routine is helping Rob sleep better. I don’t want to change it too much for fear of what may happen! 🙂

Our schedule doesn’t really change on the weekends, except they sleep as long as they would like. Otherwise, pills are waiting, meals are the same, bath times are the same and bed time routine doesn’t change.

The funny thing is, when they sleep at my parents’ house, none of this matters to them. They keep basically the same schedule, but don’t get stressed if it isn’t exactly. And Rob will eat snacks there that he refuses here.

And during all of this, we have to always keep in mind the “rules” of our house. I wrote two blogs about them – for laughs, here they are – Autism and Our Very own Personal Rules to Live By and More Never to Be Forgotten Rules of our Autism House . The funny thing is, so many things in our lives have changed (and can change in an instant!) but these rules have applied for many years. Both of them have eased up a little in the rules, but not enough to say they aren’t rules anymore. Just more fun and excitement in our happy little circus!

Have a wonderful week! 🙂

Autism and Very Real, Very Painful Sensory Issues

Autism and Very Real, Very Painful Sensory Issues

I’ve written many times about the sensory issues that Rob and Casey deal with every day. What continually shocks me is that people think their sensitivities are just made up – or that they are just being brats and doing what they want. Let me tell ya – I am furious when that happens!

Someone insisted Rob wear a different type of shirt to the fair last week. I wasn’t there to stop it. The heat index was well into the 90’s even in the evening. By the time Rob got home, he had blotches of red all over him and was swelled up. Thankfully, a cool shower, the AC and baby powder helped soothe his skin. He will never wear that shirt again.

Rob doesn’t choose to wear the same types of shirt because he is being a brat. He wears them because they are comfy and don’t irritate his skin. He needs those shirts to keep his anxiety in check. He needs to be accepted as he is – sensory needs and all! He is willing to try new shirts for short periods of time and that’s all I can ask of him. When he is ready, he will wear different shirts again. When that will be, I have no idea. But I’m okay with buying him what he needs to be happy.

He is often called a picky eater. While it does seem like it because there are so many things he won’t eat, it’s his sensory issues, not him just trying to get his way. Anything gooey will make him gag. He has tried new things in the last year and every gooey thing makes him gag. He keeps trying, but him eating pudding is just not that important. There are plenty of healthy choices that aren’t going to make him gag. It’s not that big of a deal. He loves fruits (fresh, not canned, tho he will eat canned pineapple) Vegetables, especially peas and corn on the cob. (He won’t touch creamed corn or peas) and most meats (except lunch meat like bologna).

He won’t eat most cookies or candy. He does love certain types of chips (like his mom! 🙂 ) He used to love spaghetti, but can’t eat it now. I’m not sure why – but I’m assuming at some point, the tomato sauce upset his stomach and he thinks it will every time he eats it.

Crowds bother him. He can handle them for short periods of time, depending on what he is doing. Certain pitches of sounds cause him pain, but that seems to be getting a lot better. He doesn’t feel pain from bruises or cuts. He doesn’t feel water that is too hot. I have no idea why he is so sensitive to the feel of clothing when he doesn’t feel other things. But – I don’t need to know why. I just know what he needs and that’s all that matters.

Clothes don’t bother Casey. She feels when water is too hot, but she also seems to not know when she is hot, if that makes sense. She wears heavy clothes on warm days, simply because the calendar in her head says she should. She doesn’t taste salt, so she wants to pile salt on everything. (I limit that!) She is more sensitive to sounds and will put her fingers deep in her ears to protect herself.

Gooey foods don’t bother her, but her doesn’t like to get anything on her hands, like paint or mud. She will let me paint her hands for a craft, but she needs to wash right away. She doesn’t feel pain from cuts, either. Several years ago, she was taking forever getting ready to go to Hopewell. When I opened the bathroom door to check on her, she was sitting on the edge of the bathtub with a box of band aids trying to stop the blood that was pouring from a 5″ cut on her leg. Apparently, her brand new mattress had a spring pop up thru it and she cut her leg in her sleep. It took 16 staples to close the cut. But – she never cried from the pain. She never told me about it.

It’s not always easy living with their sensory issues. I would love to see Rob in jeans and a flannel shirt. But it’s not going to happen right now and I can accept that. It might happen in the future – it might not. There is no way of knowing and that’s okay, too. It’s hard some days when her needs are completely different than his, but we figure it out. Probably not always in the best way, but in the best way for us.

Please, please – let your child do what they need to be happy and comfortable. I understand your frustrations, but how frustrated we are is nothing compared to the pain they feel at noises or touches. Our frustration may come and go, but their needs are constant. Imagine how you would feel if it was painful to be in certain restaurants because of the AC (Casey and Rob both avoided several places when they were smaller. We couldn’t use the AC in the car because Casey just cried.). Imagine your frustration if clothes were painful and you were forced to put them on anyway. You would have a meltdown, too.

I know parents worry about their kids getting the right nutrients when they will only eat chicken nuggets and pizza. Keep offering very small bites of other foods. And keep in mind that it might be the smell of the food that is the problem. It’s all trial and error. Yes, it’s exhausting, but you never know when your child might decide to try something new.

Your child’s sensory issues are real. They are painful. They are uncomfortable. They may just be an annoyance. Every person has different needs and to different degrees. Follow your child’s lead and let them be the amazing person they were created to be. Trying to force them to be something else will only cause pain and heartbreak for all of you.

I Have Autism – I am not Deaf

I Have Autism - I am Not Deaf

I made a meme that said this last year – only I finished it with “you don’t have to yell.” Today, my thoughts are with the irritating people who say the dumbest, unkind things to the kids without thinking. This happened yesterday and Mama Bear came very close to ripping into someone outside of a store.

Tracie and I took the kids on a long hike yesterday. We walked over seven miles, with Rob and Casey in the lead most of the time. After our walk, we had supper and stopped at a store so Rob could spend his birthday money on signs and Casey could get a coloring book.

As we left the store, we ran into someone the kids know well. After Casey shared we had been hiking and I said how far we had gone, this person tapped Rob and said he was shocked we got him to move… implying he is lazy.

Let me tell you – it was all I could do not to lay that person out right there. I loudly told him how much Rob loves to walk and that we have to keep up with him. Then I said we had to go and we walked away with me muttering under my breath to Tracie.

How could he say that? Rob is not deaf or stupid. He understands everything that is said around him and he was hurt. I wish you could have seen the look in his eyes. This was someone he used to look up to – to have fun with and he hurt Rob.

Why do people do that? Why do they assume if someone doesn’t talk much that they can’t hear? Or if people with autism don’t show much emotion that they can’t be hurt?

I get it – people say things without thinking sometimes, but they apologize when they realize what they said. I’ve done it and I say I’m sorry. But, when you are talking to someone with autism, you need to be more careful!

Rob had a hard time letting go of what was said to him. Later last night, he leaned his head on me and said “Robbie good boy?” I gave him a big hug and told him he is always a good guy and to not listen to what others say. He held on to me for a few minutes before he went back to his iPad. I could feel the anger building again. I just wanted to smack that person.

I know Casey and Rob are always listening to what I’m saying. They may not look like they are paying any attention, but they are. At times, I swear they can read my mind – they seem to know about things that I am sure I never mentioned near them. I’m sure I thought I was whispering or that they couldn’t hear me over the shower running, but I guess I’m wrong.

Even if your child isn’t looking at you or even seem to know you are near, they do know! They are listening to you, even when they can’t acknowledge what you are saying or doing. Please, be careful what you say. Your words can hurt. And they may not be able to tell you they are hurt and need reassurance. That scares me – I never want Casey or Rob to think they are anything less than amazing and that they are exactly as God wants them to be.

I try to explain to them that people say things they don’t mean at times, but the kids are so literal and only communicate what is needed. They just can’t understand that other people aren’t like them. They don’t understand sarcasm. I don’t know why they have to understand when someone is mean – why can’t that be something they don’t know? Honestly, I think it’s more the feelings they sense, more than the words that are said. Either way – it hurts them and infuriates me.

Choose your words carefully and don’t be afraid to stand up to people who don’t talk kindly to your children. Let your inner Mama (or Papa or Grandma or Grandpa!) Bear come out and straighten them out. If they don’t like being told how to talk to your kids, tough. Your children are more important than anyone else!

Autism and an Amazing Memory

Autism and the Amazing Memory

Every once in a while, someone will ask me what special talents Casey or Rob has (like Rainman and counting toothpicks). I always answer that everyone has special talents and that autism has little to do with that. Both kids love music, both love art and painting. They both remember everything, but Rob doesn’t usually mention it. A few days ago, I got another scary look into Casey’s memory.

I was reading when I heard her say “Tennessee.” I asked who was going to Tennessee and she giggled. I went back to my book and she said, “July 23, 24, 25, 26, 2004.” And “Alabama Grill” (She loved eating there when there was one in Pigeon Forge). So I asked her what day we ate at the grill that trip – and she told me July 24th. And then told me what she had to eat.

I asked what dates we went to Tennessee and North Carolina. She thought a moment and said “July 23, 24, 25 26, 27, 28, 29, 2001.” And then she said we went to Tennessee with Grandma Rose, Grandpa Mack, Uncle Jeff and Joann on June 8, 9, 10, 1989 and that she threw up and Grandma was mad. (Casey would have been about 14 months old at this time.) And she was right – there was a mix up in our reservation and my mom was furious. And Casey threw up our second day there.

I knew she could have gotten the month and year of trips from the back of photos, but not the dates, nor that she threw up or Grandma was mad. So I asked when she had her wisdom teeth pulled (no pictures of that!) and she thought a moment. “September 19, 2012.” Dog bite? “October 10, 1997.” Chicken Pox? “March 15, 1997.” I asked when she fell out of her crib (She was a climber!) “May 20, 1990.” When did she cut her leg badly? “September 25, 2009.”

What happened on March 24, 1988? “Cried, rode in truck home.” (That would have been the day she came home from the hospital – 2 days old!) She told me the dates Mandy and Rob came home from the hospital after they were born and the day we moved into our house. I was writing everything down as quickly as I could think of what to ask! I asked what she got for her first birthday and she rattled off pink bear, book, blocks and other items. (Some are in pictures, some aren’t)

Then she was done. No more asking. I couldn’t do anything but sit and look at the long list and think that I couldn’t remember what I had for supper last week, let alone what I ate in a restaurant 15 years ago! I wanted to know everything – but at the same time, I didn’t. Does she remember the times I was mad? Or crying? Does she remember the mistakes I made? Does she wish she could forget bad things that happened? Does she remember the mean things that have been said to her or the teacher that didn’t treat her right?

One of our Facebook followers reminded me that while she may remember the bad things, she will remember the good and how much I always loved her. I really appreciated her saying that. I know it’s true, but sometimes, I get so wrapped up in the negative, I need a friend to remind me to look at the happy stuff, too. 🙂

This is just more proof that you never know what talent may be inside your child, just waiting to be discovered. I have seen Casey’s memory in action many times, but when it’s a long list like this one (I didn’t write all of the dates, here) it’s like a wake up call to just how huge her memory is! Another friend posted that her son could recite movie lines. Casey loves dates (birthdays, anyone? 🙂 ) Rob knows car parts, but I only know this because I see what he searches for on his iPad. 🙂 Although they both know our home phone number, knowing anyone else’s is not interesting to them.

Your child’s memory is probably huge, too – especially about whatever he/she loves to do. Maybe they know every train schedule or the lines to their favorite movies. Maybe they have a “map” in their head and can always find the car when you are out. (Rob can do this – he knows where the car is and which door of the store we came in.) Maybe math facts stick in their head or they can point out every constellation. Whatever their interest is, use it to help with the skills that are lacking. If you think outside the box far enough, every obsession can be a learning tool.

Oh – by the way…. After I text Mandy about this, she laughed and told me to ask Casey what day the calendar will end. (meaning – the end of the world.) So I looked at Casey and asked when the calendar will end…. She looked at me like I was an idiot (not the first time for that look!) and said…

December 31. 🙂 🙂 🙂

Autism and the Routines we Live With

Autism and the Routines we Live With

I’ve been trying to decide all day what I want to write about autism this week. Usually, an idea pops in my head and I run with it, but this week, I have so much going around my brain that nothing is sticking. Until Rob came in to turn on the other lamp in the living room – now I know! 🙂

I’ve told you before about some of the routines we live with. Many are obsessive/compulsive – others are just the way Casey or Rob think life should be.

Rob seems to have more of these quirky “needs” than Casey, but last night, one of her quirks almost caused a major meltdown. She got out of the bath and was thrilled to have a cupcake and ice cream for a snack. (Thanks, Kenzie!) She was giggling – and then she wasn’t. She slapped her iPad and kicked her feet. I knew she was getting mad, so I calmly asked what she needed. She couldn’t or wouldn’t tell me. I was tired and not in the mood to deal with a screaming meltdown.

I kept asking and talking to her about what she would be doing this week. Finally, I said I had something to write on her calendar and she took off to get it. When she brought it to me, she pointed to today. Nothing was written on it – and I knew instantly what the problem was. She was going to Anna’s dance recital with my mom and I hadn’t written it on her calendar! I have no idea how this happened as she religiously brings that calendar to me. As soon as I wrote dance recital on it, she was happy and giggling again.

That just shows how quickly moods can change around here. It’s exhausting some days to try and think of everything they need to have done so they can feel safe and happy. Her meltdowns are few and far between now, but when they occur, it’s ugly. Thankfully, she usually gives me a warning that she’s getting upset before she is out of control – but not always.

Rob firmly believes that if the front door is open (which can only happen after a certain point in his mind) for fresh air, the ceiling fans in the living room, dining room and kitchen have to be on. And if one lamp is on in the living room, they both have to be. If the ceiling fan is on at Grandma and Grandpa’s house in the living room, the one in the dining room must be, too. I can try to get him to turn one off, but it causes him so much anxiety, it’s just not worth it.

He has to wear certain pants and shirts together. She mismatches whatever she wants to wear that day. (some days, I make her change. Other times, I figure she needs to be able to make some decisions on her own.) Pills and snacks need to be waiting when they get home from Hopewell and when they get out of the shower. It’s funny, but sitting here writing, it’s hard to remember what exactly some of our routines are. I do them automatically and without thinking about them.

Tonight is another example of their need for routine. Since Casey took a bath before she went to the dance recital, I told her she could just put PJs on instead of taking a bath. Nope – she has to have a bath. I said okay, but we don’t need to wash your hair so don’t get it wet. Yeah – that didn’t go over. And Rob kept asking about her taking a bath, because he only takes a shower after her. Honestly, if I tell him he needs to go first, he will, but he rushes through it so he can see if she is going to take her bath.

Every family who lives with autism knows about the need for routines. People look at me like I’m crazy at times because I hate to get the kids home much after 8. They are adults – I get that, but if we get home too late, they won’t relax and go to sleep. And my late evening turns into none of us sleeping until 1 or 2 in the morning. Sorry, folks, an extra 30 minutes or hour with friends is not worth that to me. I’m not spoiling the kids – nor am I letting them “rule” me. I am simply doing what is best for us. You don’t have to like it, but kindly keep your negative comments to yourself.

Our routines are such a big part of us. Like I said, every family with autism knows exactly what I mean and many others try to understand. It’s so hard to explain to people who don’t live with autism just what our lives are like. I can’t honestly say I know what my autism mom friends lives are like. I can picture some of it, but their children are so different than Casey and Rob, I can’t know exactly. I can, however, sympathize and laugh with them. (Yes, we laugh at our lives and our kids – we are not being insensitive to their needs – we are letting off steam with people who know how crazy nuts our lives can be!)

Without our routines, Casey and Rob (and I!) would be extremely anxious and upset. We do things that appear odd to others because we need to. Autism is funny that way. 🙂 Once we find a routine that works, it’s nearly impossible for me to bring myself to change it. I wait until one of the kids decides it needs changed and then we find a new one.

Autism is definitely never boring! 🙂