Autism and the Difficulties in Speaking

Autism Verbal Difficulties

It happened again.  A day that could have been so much fun for Rob was ruined, simply because he couldn’t ask for help when he needed it.  As much as he is able to talk, there are times when his autism and the verbal difficulty he has flare up and he gets frustrated.

Rob and Casey were going swimming with friends from Hopewell – the workshop they attend every day.  I was already a little concerned because they were going to a different pool – one that was just a pool and had none of the activities that Rob really enjoys (mushroom fountains are his absolute love – all the water pouring directly on his head is heaven to him!)

He was so excited to think about going swimming.  I’m sure he was a little disappointed that it was a new pool, but he jumped right in the pool.  Staff told me he got right back out and soon began pacing and yelling.  Tory tried to help him, but he was unable to tell her what he wanted or needed.  He wouldn’t even talk to Casey.

I got a message that he was upset and decided to go get him.  I didn’t want his anxiety to ruin the fun for the others in the group.  When I got to him, he started asking “get the van?  get the van?” so I knew his anxiety was sky high and not likely to come down any time soon.  He didn’t want to leave with me, but he didn’t want to go in the water, either.  I think he probably did want to swim, but since he wouldn’t, I told him to grab his stuff and we would just go home.

As we were driving home, Rob had his hand laying on the open window of the car.  That’s the only way I knew what really happened to him at the pool.  I saw the bee sting.  When I could pull over, I asked him to show me his hand.  “Let me see!  Let me see!” he said and held his hand out to me.  When Rob is sick or hurting, that is how he asks for help.

The stinger was out, but the hand was red and slightly swollen.  I noticed he sounded congested when I picked up him, but thought he was having sinus issues.  Nope – he was having a reaction to the sting.  He and Mandy used to be severely allergic to insects, but he hadn’t had a reaction in a long time.  He had gotten stung at the pool and he simply couldn’t tell Tory he needed help.

Instead, the pain got him worked up and he paced.  And he yelled.  And his anxiety grew.  All because of autism and verbal difficulty.  Can you imagine being in pain and not being able to tell anyone?  Not being able to ask for help?  Imagine the frustration and anxiety you would feel.  And I hated autism again for ruining his fun.

Had he been with Mandy or I, he probably would have said “Let me see” and we would have known something was wrong.  He just won’t (or can’t) say that to others.  So, because of autism, he suffered.  And I thought about the other times he was unable to ask for help when he needed it.  When he jumped down the steps and broke his collar bone.  When his foot issues start to flare up (if I can get ibuprofen in him early enough, the pain doesn’t get too bad).  When his head hurts.  And I think it just isn’t fair!

I know – life isn’t fair.  But it’s so hard to watch someone you love in pain because of verbal difficulties.  He can say so much of what he needs, but not always.  Sometimes, he just yells and gets anxious.  Sometimes, he cries.  Sometimes, Casey screams.  And I’m left trying to read their minds and find the issue.

Autism has taught me so much.  I am a better person for loving kids with autism.  I have met so many amazing people and learned about myself.  Autism has also taken things from me.  For me, the worse thing taken is the kids being unable to ask for help.  When I do finally realize the problem, the guilt comes.

Why didn’t I figure that out quicker?  How could I not realize they are in pain?   My parents tell me that’s crazy – it’s impossible for me to know everything about them.  My head understands that – my heart feels the guilt.  And you know guilt is harder to get rid of.

I’ve learned to “read” them – just as every other autism parents has learned.  I can tell by their eyes if something is wrong, if they are sick, if a tantrum is coming.  I can tell when they are happy or sad or mad.  I can see Rob’s anxiety and when Casey is getting overwhelmed.  I know all of this, but I still feel guilt when I don’t know it soon enough.

Thankfully, Rob’s hand is fine.  While he did cough a little, he didn’t have a bad reaction to the sting.  He will probably never go back to that pool as he will always associate it with a bee sting.  But, that’s ok.  We’ll go somewhere else.  Casey will be happy going anywhere.

We’ll always struggle with verbal difficulties.  I will be thankful for what they are able to tell me.  I will keep asking questions and hope to learn more about each of them.  We’ll keep hugging and laughing.  I’ll read stories to them and enjoy the giggles when Elmo saves the day again.  That’s what parents do.

And I’ll try to push the guilt away when I don’t know what’s wrong.  I’ll try to remember the good things about autism when I’m so sick of it I could scream.  Try to do the same.  Life isn’t always about bee stings and ruined pool trips.  Sometimes, it’s bear hugs and twinkling eyes and McDonald’s fries.

Circle of Autism Mom Friends

Autism Mom Friends

It finally happened.  After many months of crazy schedules, we finally had our “Autism Mom” lunch today.  We weren’t all there, as it was a last minute plan (sometimes those work best for autism families!) but it was wonderful – relaxing – strengthening – and so many other words.  I truly love these ladies!

Yesterday was not an easy day.  Casey was sick and needed to go to the doctor.  We had a family emergency that Rob somehow found out about and his anxiety went over the moon.   Last night, I was as stressed as I have been in months and on the verge of tears.  I couldn’t handle his yelling.

I tried everything I could think of.  When he went to bed, I knew there was no way he was going to sleep as he was still yelling his “anxiety song.”  Most of the time, if I lay with him, he will calm down enough to sleep.  Last night, it took over two hours for him to calm down to sleep.  And I lay there thinking I was done.  I was so tired.

What got me through it was knowing that today I would have lunch with my autism mom friends.  They would know exactly what I meant.  They would completely understand that I love my kids more than anything in the world, but sometimes, I’m just so tired.  The worries of the day had caught up with me and I just wanted to sleep.

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the friendships my kids have and how special they are.  Today was special for me.  I have known most of these ladies for more years than any of us want to think about – more than 20 years for most.  Today, I met one for the first time.  I can only hope that we didn’t scare her too badly – we tend to laugh and carry on at times.  I was excited to meet her as she has a little girl and I know Casey would be thrilled to see another girl at autism mom suppers.  She is always the only girl.

Anyway – we haven’t seen each other for months and it was as if we talked yesterday.  We talked about autism, of course, and the challenges we are all facing.  Each of our kids are completely different.  Brandon is very high functioning.  Adam is blind, as well as having autism.  Riley is worried about his little brother going to college.  Alaina is just starting 5th grade.  And, of course, my sweeties.  Each one has challenges.  And every one of them has special talents that we love to brag about.

We laughed about the crazy stuff our kids have said.  We talked about Social Security and guardianships.  We talked about teachers and the sheltered workshop that some of the kids go to.  We talked about our county board of DD programs and Special Olympics.  We talked about the lack of much to do in our area for people in our situation.  After all, there are only so many times you can visit Wal-Mart or the Dollar Tree.

Then autism wasn’t the topic anymore.  Our other kids, our lives, our families were all covered.  Autism does effect all of that, too, so even if we didn’t say it out loud, we all understood it was there.  Talking about siblings leaving for college is different when the brother with autism feels abandoned by the brother leaving.  Summer jobs take on a different feel when your son has autism.

Anyone around us would have no idea what brought us all together.  I’m sure we looked like every other group of women in a Dairy Queen (ok – maybe a little louder!) but we are closer.  Drama and tears have forged a bond within us that time can’t change.  We have been the shoulders to lean on and the hugs to cry into.  We have seen each other at our best – and our worse and it doesn’t matter.

I’m still giggling about some of the stories we shared today.  I can picture Rob and Brandon walking down the hall in elementary school holding hands.  They took care of each other.  I can picture Riley as he told one of his stories in preschool and I wrote it down as fast as I could write.  I’m an expert at the Chicken Dance, thanks to Adam.  Sweet Alaina loved wandering through the quiet halls of the church.

I’m laughing to myself at the worries we share that no one who hasn’t lived with autism understands.  Food obsessions and pants that won’t stay up.  How to deal with stares of strangers.  I love that as much as autism as changed our lives, we are all still reaching for our dreams.  I love that we can laugh till we cry – or just cry and it’s all good.

I hope that each of you reading this has a chance to find an autism mom friend.  Or dad, of course!  Reach out to the parents of a child who is in school with your child.  They may be as lonely as you feel.  Join Facebook pages for parents with children with autism.  You don’t have to actually meet people to become close and be able to lean on each other.  Message me – I am always looking for new friends.

I know making new friends is hard, especially when your life is crazy, but a group of autism parent friends will change your life.  Having someone to call who completely understands the trials you are dealing with is wonderful and can help relieve your stress in ways that venting to other friends might not.

Our next lunch can’t come soon enough.  Thank you, Audrey, Lillie, Cherie and Mary Jo!  I needed the laughs today and you provided them, as always!


A Birthday!

Autism Diagnosis

It’s hard for me to believe it, but in just a few days, my sweet Casey will be 29!  No, it doesn’t make me feel old at all, but it is a good time to think back to how far she has come.

When I took her for her first specialist visit, I was pretty sure we would be told she had autism, so it wasn’t much of a shock.  This was in the early 90’s and autism wasn’t very well known at the time.  My mom had read a book, shared it with me and we both knew autism was causing Casey’s problems.

The worse part of that first doctor visit was the book that the doctor recommended I read.  He said it was one of the best available (remember, this was a long time ago!) and I bought it immediately.  That was simply the scariest book I have ever read.

I read that she would probably never be potty-trained or be able to communicate in any meaningful way.  I learned that I may have more children on the spectrum and that those children would always require total care.

I wish I could find the author of that book now.  I would send him pictures of my kids as they run out to the shuttle for another day of work.  I would send him videos of Casey singing in talent shows and of Rob laughing with friends.  I would show him the amazing artwork they do and the way Rob builds with Legos.

I would show him how Casey can figure out what day of the week any date has fallen on.  People love to ask her what day they were born on – even many, many years ago.  I am sure it is a math equation – which makes me wonder how she can do that in her head, but struggles with simple math. (Actually, I know it’s  because she loves dates and hates math! )

Only those who knew Casey as a little girl realize just how far she has come.  Snow days are no longer reasons to scream the day away.  Sensory issues don’t cause as much pain, as we have learned how to help her – and she has matured enough to be able to ask for help.

So in a few days, we’ll celebrate the birth of this amazing young woman with Cookie Monster cupcakes, ice cream and presents and as I watch her blow out the candles, I’ll be thinking of the little girl who tried for years, but simply couldn’t get close enough to the candles to blow them out.  I’ll remember the tears we all shed on her 9th birthday when she was finally able to do it!

Keep us in mind on your tough days.  Your little ones will have terrible days, but with your love and support, you’ll be celebrating little joys, too!

Keep smiling and laughing!