Happy New Year! As Casey has been reminding me since Thursday, “Tuesday, December is all done.” Yes, Casey. “Wednesday is January” Yes, Casey. “Tuesday, 2019 is all done!” Yes, Casey. “Wednesday 2020” Yes, Casey. Over and over and over. Is it just me or does 2020 seem like it should be a futuristic movie setting? It sure makes the 1999 seem like a million years ago. To me, anyway.
I hope each of you had a wonderful Christmas. Ours went as planned and expected which is always good. The only thing that was odd was the terrible fog we had on Christmas Eve. It lasted all day and through the night. Our drive to look at Christmas lights was severely shortened because we simply couldn’t see the lights on the houses (and honestly, it was terrible driving!). Casey seemed to be getting agitated after her bath, which is odd for her on Christmas Eve.
Until she was finally able to tell me it was foggy. I agreed but told her we were safe at home and so were Mandy and Cory. Then she mentioned Rudolph! I got it! I had to laugh and tell her I was sure that Rudolph would be able to help Santa that night – she didn’t need to worry. She giggled and went to bed. And went to bed again about 30 minutes later. And 45 minutes later. And 15 minutes later. Finally, at 12:30, I told her she had to stay in bed so I could go to bed and then Santa would come. I tucked her in, Santa came, and I heard her on the steps again.
I saw a light flash on, turn off and her running back to bed. I had to wake them both up at 9 the next morning to open their gifts. Apparently, she could only sleep once she knew he had actually made it!
Now that the excitement of Christmas is somewhat over, she is talking about New Year’s Eve. We are trying something different this year. Mandy and Cory are having a party at their house. This will be the first time Casey and Rob have ever gone anywhere on New Year’s Eve and I’m wondering how it will go. When we stay home, they take baths as usual, even with company here, eat snacks and go to bed. I think she stayed up one time, but they really could care less.
I’m going to make sure they have their bath/shower before we go to Mandy’s so they can just go to bed when we get home. I really, really doubt we stay until midnight, but you never know! They both constantly surprise me and this could be another of those times. Honestly, once Rob decides he is ready for sleep, that’s it. He may be sleeping at their house!
I just asked Casey what she would like to do in 2020. She wants to go to Walmart and McDonald’s (she got gifts cards for both for Christmas), go to the Cincinnati Zoo (and told me we went in June 1993 – which we did!) go to a hotel and go with Tracie. She doesn’t worry about losing weight, earning more, doing more…. blah blah. She is only concerned with fun things – and how I wish to be more like her!
I have things I want to accomplish in 2020. But when I looked at my list, I hadn’t written fun things. Who wants to accomplish only boring things? Where is the motivation? So I tossed my list away. I do want to write more, as that is fun to me. I am going to walk in the rain. I’m going to read more. I’m going to craft more and spend more time with my friends. I’m going to spend more time playing with Blue and laughing at the birds in my back yard.
Rob’s list is to go to Mandy and Cory’s house, go to Grandma and Grandpa’s house and go swimming with Tracie. Again, fun things. We all need to take a lesson from our kids.
I bet if you could ask your child with autism what they wanted, it wouldn’t be to lose weight or work more hours. It would be to enjoy the spinning lights of their favorite toy or to swing higher than anyone thinks is safe. It will be to stand under pouring water or sit by a waterfall. It would be to lay under heavy blankets and to squeeze play doh. It would be to throw away all of the “yucky” food and uncomfortable clothes. It would be to watch favorite movies and listen to favorite music.
We have so much stress in our lives that adding New Year’s resolutions is just crazy. For your resolutions, learn from your child. Choose fun over boring. Decide what would make you happy and go for that. Seriously, your life is stressful enough without adding more pressure to be perfect. Choose grace to be imperfect over the guilt of perfection.
You will never be stress free. Our lives are just simply different and everyone has a different kind of stress. Dealing with doctors, insurance, schools and therapist every day takes a huge toll on you. Trust me – been there, done that. Luckily, that’s not happening as much these days and I thank God for that.
So this year, resolve to do something for you! It doesn’t have to be a big thing – just something that makes you happy. A few minutes of happiness each day can change your whole attitude and we all need that.
Happy New Year from our circus to you. May you all have a safe and happy holiday!
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