This has been a busy week for us and there has been a lot of excitement about the Easter Bunny coming. Because tomorrow will be a day of celebrating, family, and fun, I thought I would post today.
Ever since Grandpa Mack’s birthday, Casey has been thinking about Easter. (Tomorrow, after her bath, she’ll start thinking about my birthday because it’s the next “holiday” 😊) We colored eggs last weekend, which threw her off a little. We usually do it the day before Easter. But – little changes like this are good for her.
Coloring eggs is something Rob truly and completely loves so this year, Mandy and I decided to go big and boiled six dozen eggs. She had different kinds of egg decorating kits for Casey to try. Rob is strictly a dip in one color and wait guy.
As soon as Mandy got here, Rob sat at the table to wait. He even followed us outside with the dogs to be sure we didn’t forget exactly what needed to happen. 😊 When we went back in the house, he went right to the table again.
Casey tried a few different things, but she was done quickly. Rob sat for an hour, dropping eggs into the dye, stirring them and laying them on the drying racks when he decided the color was perfect. He doesn’t say much – he takes egg coloring very seriously.
Casey is now happily waiting for the Easter Bunny to come. She wants him to hide 10 eggs with candy in them and she is hoping for a coloring book. Rob hasn’t mentioned the bunny at all. He just listens to her and thinks his deep thoughts. A few years ago, we saw the Easter Bunny in the mall. Casey was over the moon excited and couldn’t wait to get closer. Rob stood with me, grinned and said, “person.” He recognizes costumes, but she either doesn’t or doesn’t care. (My guess is she doesn’t 😊)
He will go to sleep tonight, but she probably will have a much harder time. She may not be able to until she sees that the Easter Bunny has been here – he has to be really quick in our house!
Casey just cut out four dozen sugar cookies and is talking about her Easter shirt and socks (she is wearing Santa ones right now and I wouldn’t be surprised if she wears Christmas or Halloween on Easter! 😊). Rob is building Lego Christmas trees. As you can see, some of our holiday traditions aren’t like anyone else’s and that’s okay!
I hope each of you has a relaxing, joyous and fun-filled Easter. Enjoy whatever traditions you may have and celebrate that they aren’t like anyone else! Happy Easter!
Ever since she was small, Casey has been able to eat weird combinations of foods. One day when she was about 7, she ate almost half a pound of raw hamburger. I was thawing it and she got a spoon and ate all she could. I’ll be honest – I almost threw up when I found her.
She would grab a spoon and a container of chip dip and eat it like pudding. She ate anything and everything. Now, I know that her sense of taste is definitely hypo-sensitive. It’s only been in the last few years I have found a few things that she doesn’t like. She won’t eat pickles of any type.
She doesn’t care for sliced tomatoes but loves the cherry ones. She is not a fan of chocolate and will only eat a few types of chocolate candy. She doesn’t like chocolate ice cream, pudding or milkshakes.
Last year, she discovered salt and pepper. She had often put salt on a few things, but now… Now…. It’s a battle to control her salt usage. She covers food with pepper. I’ve even switched the salt and pepper shakers so very little salt comes out. This over-seasoning is more proof that her sense of taste is definitely hypo-sensitive.
Rob only puts salt on fries and chicken nuggets. He ate almost everything as a little guy. I think it was just before puberty that his sense of taste changed. He ate pizza, spaghetti, chili – and then he didn’t. It wasn’t a gradual process. He just stopped. I don’t know if his anxiety increased at puberty and caused more sensory issues or if the sensory issues caused his anxiety.
Either way, he became a picky eater. For years, he refused to try anything new and nothing gooey could be on his plate. Luckily, he ate most meats and always his fruits and veggies.
He is willing to try new foods now – even gooey ones. It doesn’t always go well as I’ve seen him gag on the tiniest bite, but he does try. I never force him to eat anything, though – that’s a recipe for disaster and I sincerely hope you never let anyone force your child to eat. Rob has had that happen to him. He remembers that.
Rob’s issues with foods aren’t necessarily caused by having a hyper-sensitive sense of taste. His are more likely the texture of the food and not the taste, or lack of it. He does tend to stick with foods that are more bland so there may be certain things that he tastes more strongly.
He tastes sour things more strongly than she does and absolutely cannot stand to taste anything bitter. Bitter doesn’t appear to bother her as she chews medicines with no issues. She loves sour foods – foods that you and I wouldn’t be able to eat, she has no reaction to.
If you want to discover how your child’s sense of taste is affected, start keeping a list of what he or she will eat – what foods they avoid – and if they like to add salt to everything. Once you start comparing the foods on your list, I’m sure you will find whether your child is hyper (too sensitive) or hypo (not sensitive enough) to each taste – salty, sweet, sour and bitter. This might give you an idea of what type of foods to offer your child and what to stay away from.
Honestly, it never occurred to me until recently how strongly Casey’s sense of taste is affected. As I wrote this, I kept thinking of other foods that prove just how little she tastes. She is a good eater (and tends to overeat, thanks to one of her meds) and I just never stopped to think about how she eats. I always thought Rob was the sense of taste that bothered him, but after really thinking about it, Casey is the one with more issues. How I never noticed that is beyond me.
Hopefully, once you see a pattern in how your child tastes, you can come up with a plan to help them experiment with new foods. Just remember, taste is also affected by smell, touch and sight, so you may have to do more digging into those senses before you really know what is going on with your child.
Since sensory issues are one of the questions I hear most often, I thought the next few weeks, I would talk about each of the six senses and how they affect people with autism. Remember – senses can be “hyper” which means too sensitive or “hypo” which means not sensitive enough.
Because how sensitive their ears are cause Casey and Rob so many issues, I’ll start with hearing.
When Casey was younger, she kept her fingers in her ears any time we went some place new, until she knew what kinds of sounds might be present. It wasn’t just loud piercing noises that could cause her to scream in pain – even low, rumbling noises could be terrifying to her.
It took me a long time to understand why she hated certain restaurants so much. Because of her screams, we just avoided going to them, but finally, I heard it. The HVAC systems were running and she couldn’t handle the noises they made. Honestly, I could barely hear it and probably would have never realized it, if I didn’t happen to see her looking up at the vents with a terrified look on her face. It took years before we attempted those places again (thank God for drive-thrus! 🙂 )
I avoided using the air conditioning in our car when she was young because it was guaranteed to set off screams. Even on the hottest days, we left windows down. I tried once to turn it on and she panicked and tried to get out of the moving car. Again, it was years later before we used it and now, she doesn’t have any issues with it at all.
Casey was 5 when we decided to try Auditory Integration Therapy. At the time, it was best hit or miss, but her dad and I both felt like it was something we had to try. My mom and I took the three kids to Cincinnati for two weeks. Casey was 5, Mandy 3 and Rob just 9 or 10 months old. Yep – we lived in a hotel for two weeks. Casey had hour long sessions twice a day. And she didn’t like it – at all. After a few days, she settled down for them but still was happy to be out of the room.
She started on Monday. Friday evening, their dad and my dad came to spend the weekend with us. Saturday morning, my dad asked Casey what she wanted for breakfast (we always asked her questions – even when she never answered) and she said, “Donut!” I wish there had been a camera on us – four adults were in complete shock. She never answered questions! I couldn’t get her a donut fast enough – I would have given her a box of them if she would have asked.
Over the next several weeks, she needed to cover her ears less and she began to speak a little more. Her words were clear and appropriate. Her painful screams diminished. For Casey, AIT was a success. She still covers her ears at times, but she has learned what might hurt and doesn’t panic and run like she used to.
Enclosed areas with crowds of people are hard for both of them to handle. The dull roar of people talking – the sounds of people moving around – it’s just too much for them for very long.
Rob never put his fingers in his ears like Casey does. When he was little, he wore ear protection (like hunters do) everywhere. The fire drill at school could send him into a curled up ball of tears. Train whistles, parades, certain music – it was all painful to him. He wasn’t able to filter out background noise to hear what I was saying clearly, so many of his words were mixed up. Sammerich (sandwich), to-par (pop tart), and so many others that he switched like first and last letters. He simply couldn’t hear the words clearly.
As he has grown up, his words have become much clearer, but he still struggles with new things. He still doesn’t seem to hear everything correctly – I’ve discovered that by watching him try to spell things as he hears them. Again, this is constantly getting better and is rarely an issue now.
I am still very careful about loud noises around Rob. He doesn’t run from the shop vac, anymore, and doesn’t care about kitchen appliances (Casey screamed any time I used the mixer or sweeper) but loud trucks are sure to cause pain. When we went to a parade a few years ago, a bug truck blew its air horn and he about came out of his seat. He was anxious and scared, so Mandy, Cory and I took turns standing behind him with our hands over his ears so he could enjoy the rest of the parade.
I’m sure I’ve shared before that Rob is my little weatherman. I know when the barometer changes, he can feel it. He knows when rain or snow is coming. About a year ago, I finally discovered he feels it in his ears. I don’t know why or how, but that’s how he knows. His ears can feel the difference in pressure. He also doesn’t like wind – constant wind causes extreme anxiety for him and I’m sure it’s the constant sounds of it that get to him.
When your child is first diagnosed, it may be hard for you to know what is going on with their hearing. It took me a long time to realize what was going on with Casey – at that time, there weren’t a million books about sensory issues to read. Everything I did was by guess and hope for the best. I noticed it much sooner with Rob, as I was looking for it. He loved his headphones (they also provided deep pressure and he loved that) Casey has never liked headphones – whether to protect her from sounds or to listen to music. She absolutely will not use them.
The most important thing to remember is certain noises, even if you don’t hear them or they don’t bother you, are painful to people with hyper-sensitive hearing. Please, don’t tell your child to stop making a big deal of sounds. They aren’t “faking” anything, but simply trying to get away from something painful. A child with hypersensitive hearing may run from sounds, scream, keep their head covered, fingers in their ears or may refuse to go into an area that is too loud for them.
Please keep in mind that your child may have hyposensitive hearing also. They may not acknowledge certain sounds, such as an alarm, or voices simply because they don’t hear them well enough. Your child may not be ignoring you when you talk – they may not be able to distinguish what you are saying.
Everyone has certain sounds that they can’t stand (nails on a chalkboard, anyone?) but we learn to adapt to those sounds or how to avoid them. You will need to help your child adapt or avoid painful noises. You may need to offer ear protection or to avoid certain places. You may need to talk to a speech or occupational therapist for ideas. Casey puts his fingers in her ears often. Rob tends to avoid or run from noises that bother him.
Whatever else you do – just remember that your child isn’t faking. It’s hard to handle sometimes, but it’s your job as the adult to help your child adapt or avoid.
I’ve shared before that, for me, one of the hardest parts of autism is the guessing games. Is his anxiety worse? Is she sick? Why is he saying his anxiety phrase on the way to Hopewell, now? Does she mean she wants to go or is hoping I’ll tell her we aren’t? Is she tired of the same lunches? Is he?
It’s exhausting. Right now, I’m trying to figure out what’s going on with Rob. He has started several really loud quirks. I need to decide if it’s anxiety or just a habit he picked up.
Their day hab moved to a smaller building right after Thanksgiving. Rob tends to be claustrophobic and I’m sure the smaller rooms (but still the same number of people) is stressful for him. The staff has changed several times and I know he spends at least a few days with a staff person he had issues with a few years ago.
He is very loud when I pick him up some days, but is it anxiety or just that he holds himself together all day and needs to release stress with me – knowing I’ll love him no matter what? Does he need a break from there?
Today, he has been chanting his fast food spiel off and on all day – the one that always ends with him yelling coffee cup as loud as he can. I just noticed that every time I hear him start (fish sandwich, McDonald’s, Coca cola) my teeth are clenched until he yells coffee cup. I’m over it.
I’ve tried distracting him. I’ve tried talking to him. Playing with him. Hugs. Deep pressure. He’s happy to do all of that, but he starts again. Really, it hasn’t been constant – but coffee cup can burst ear drums! Is he anxious? He doesn’t seem to be. Is he bored? He has lots to do, but isn’t interested in any of it. We went for a walk and he was happy to be out, but soon after we got home, he started again.
He has a communication app on his iPad and I tried using that to see if he could tell me what he needed, but we ended up talking about animals and the sounds they make (he loves doing that – and is actually quite good… just ask the people who walked by as he gobbled like a turkey at the park! 🙂 )
I tell myself that we all have days or weeks that we don’t feel like ourselves. But how long do I let this go on? He’s doing so awesome in so many things that I don’t want to change much. And maybe it isn’t anxiety, but just that he is ready for summer and weather that isn’t constantly changing. (Every time the barometer starts changing, he feels it – that would put me over the edge.) Maybe he’s just done with winter. Maybe he’s done with masks and “virus” news. I’m sure he senses how everyone around him feels and that can’t be easy, either.
So we are back to square one. Right now, autism is irritating me to no end. I want to help him, but I don’t know how to help if I don’t know what’s going on. And he can’t tell me. I’m sure he doesn’t realize how loud he is – he’s doing it for the sensory input. Now all I have to do is figure out what I can substitute for the feeling of pressure in his throat caused by the yelling! And I don’t know where to start with that.
I’m sure the long black train serenade has just become a habit for him. It’s a way to transition from place to place and I’m okay with that. We got a new car this week and that’s when he started singing on the way to Hopewell, too – but he does it even in the old car. (I am keeping the older one, too – he asked about it for days, but seems to understand now it isn’t going anywhere). The “coffee cup” thing was only first thing in the morning – a transition from bed to his day.
I’m confused. Next weekend is the time change so that will bring a whole new set of issues. Maybe…. with autism, you just never know, right? At least the full moon isn’t the same night! Thank God for small blessings!
He is quiet and happy now. I know it takes a lot of work to get him to use his communication device correctly so I’m planning on trying that again if he starts yelling again. I’m not sure he can accurately tell me if he is anxious or bored or lonely. Those are hard concepts, even for typical people. But, right now, it’s the only option I have.
I have been told to buy ear plugs or turn up the TV. But I don’t want to cover up the sound – I want to help him feel like himself. That’s the hard part and one I know every one of you completely understands. Autism doesn’t bother me – until it hurts my kids and then I just want it to go away. I just can’t imagine being “trapped” in a body that won’t let me say what I need. I’ve heard other parents say they want to be in their child’s mind for a day. Not me – I don’t think I’m strong enough to handle the things they take in stride every day.
I just saw a meme that said “And this too will pass. It may pass like a kidney stone, but it will pass” and I laughed way too much at that. Cause that is life with autism at times! Casey and Rob have each had habits that I thought would drive me battier than I am at times. Those “quirks” lasted for weeks…months.. even years – till, all of a sudden, they were gone. Rob is in the middle of a quirk now that I seriously will not miss!
It started out that he just needed to say the whole phrase (it takes about three minutes to get through it all) when he was getting ready to leave in the morning. He lists fast food (he always starts with fish sandwich, McDonald’s, coca cola and progresses from there.) and restaurants. He isn’t loud when he does it. BUT – he ends with yelling “COFFEE CUP!” at the top of his lungs. KFC, Tim Horton’s (Chocolate cake yummy melt) and then coffee cup!
Yeah – it’s funny as heck. I know it is. Until – you are trying to get out of the house in the morning and he can’t put shoes or socks on while he is talking and he can’t be rushed and he won’t change and say coffee cup to end it. Or – and this has been yesterday and today – he says it all day. It hasn’t been constant – but it’s been often. And my teeth are clinching every time I hear him say “fish sandwich” until I hear the yell of coffee cup.
And then I saw the meme and I had to laugh. It’s so true. The odd little quirks that people with autism need to live with can get old quickly, but we can’t do anything but wait for them to decide not to do it anymore.
For a long time, Rob had trouble sleeping. For there to be any chance of sleep, he had to have the TV on (volume off), a night light, a fan, certain blankets and stuffed animals, a light on in the kitchen (I once changed that lightbulb at 3 in the morning!) and his CD player with a song on repeat. If anyone cares to know, I figured it out once. The song was three and a half minutes long – say four minutes with the slight break before it repeated. It played roughly 150 times every night. I tried shutting it off once he was asleep (how stupid was that?!?!). It got to the point I didn’t even hear it anymore – until one night, it wasn’t on. And he was asleep.
I thought the CD had finally died, but no. He just didn’t turn it on and he has never listened to it again. The TV is off (he refuses to let anyone turn it on at all now – God knows why!). He doesn’t care about the kitchen light or stuffed animals. He wants his nightlight and a fan. I had a hard time sleeping without the music for a few nights. 🙂
Casey insisted on doing a rather complicated set of hops, jumps and steps as she went into every door. Which isn’t a problem, really, unless a few of those steps involve jumping back out the door. She shocked many people who never dreamed she would jump back on them as they followed too closely. I learned to walk behind her so she didn’t land on some poor old person and knock them over. She couldn’t be rushed – steps couldn’t be forgotten. I don’t know when it became a quick hop in with a little kick of the other foot, but I don’t miss it. It just stopped one day.
Honestly, the only “quirk” I ever broke for them was Casey wearing gloves. She was 5 or 6 and decided that spring that since she wore gloves all winter, she wouldn’t stop. It was cute for a while. Then it was a pain in the butt, as she would lay the gloves down and not put them away. Soon, a glove came up missing. We were going to my parent’s house and she refused to leave. Mandy and Rob were already in their car seats when she hit the floor screaming and kicking because she couldn’t find her glove. I scooped her up, buckled her in her seat and listened to her scream bloody murder all the way to their house.
As soon as we got home, I searched for the darn glove so we wouldn’t have a repeat (by then it was close to June!). She never asked for it again and the next spring, she stopped wearing gloves when it got warm.
Rob’s “Long Black Train” has been around for years. It used to be his storm song, but now he has to say it – loudly – 13 times when we get in the car to come home. Once in a while, he’ll say it to sing himself to sleep. I won’t miss that when he decides he’s done with it. And I won’t miss him yelling coffee cup!
I don’t miss the impossibly strict routines we had to follow for years (we still have routines, but Casey and Rob are both more flexible about things. Unless there is a full moon, it’s windy, the weather is changing or they are hungry or tired). 🙂 I don’t miss the screams if she didn’t get a picture frame at the store. Sometimes, though, I do miss all three of them as little kids. Despite the hell of autism some days, we had fun together.
So – as you listen to whatever “song” your child needs to hear or say for the thousandth time today or drive the exact same way to school or fix foods the exact same way, just remember – this too shall pass.
I think I’ve got good plans in place for emergencies. I’ve got extra meds (except one- it’s “controlled” and I can get it even one day early 🙁 ) food and water. We’ve had a few weather emergencies and I know Casey and Rob will get up quickly and go to the basement. I feel like I’ve thought of everything I can.
Wednesday reminded me that no matter how much you plan, something will pop up to teach you that you aren’t ready. And really, it wasn’t that big of a deal.
I was having severe pain in my lower right side and my doctor wanted an immediate CT scan to check my appendix. I had to drink two bottles of water/dye before and, as I was sitting in the health plex, my mind was racing.
Rob was going to be out of that med Thursday morning. Who was going to order and pick it up? If I had to stay in hospital, how would their lunches get packed (they are both very particular about what is in their lunches)? Where would they sleep? I needed to do laundry. I promised Rob a haircut and Casey a walk. The thoughts were racing.
Now, honestly, none of that should have been bothering me. Mandy and Cory, Mom and Dad, Jeff and Tracie would have jumped in to help. But – I was in pain and trying desperately not to throw up. And tired from not sleeping much the night before. So, of course, everything looked worse than it actually was. But – isn’t that how autism is sometimes? It just catches you off guard and little things become huge things. Something as simple as a lunch packed with the wrong things can trigger a meltdown or an anxiety attack.
No matter how we plan (and seriously, very few people plan better than an autism parent!) something will always show us that we just can’t control everything. Which really stinks when you live with people who need things to be controlled and the same. I do my best not to let Casey and Rob get too into their routines, but it happens. Our evening routine changed two nights a few weeks ago and I was so excited that even with the differences, they both went to sleep.
I am lucky. I have family and friends that can jump in and help me. (Not that I don’t still freak out – Mandy likes to tell me to chill out. 🙂 ) But, I can still plan a little better. I can’t change when the medicines can be filled, but I can write down what they like in their lunches. I have their med lists written down and it’s in the tray with their medicines so anyone can give them the right doses. I have written their schedules in this blog – but mostly, just so people can understand just how crazy our lives are at times. 🙂
I also know that Rob and Casey are more relaxed than many people with autism. This happened only in the last few years so don’t give up hope that your child will relax, too! But still, they like their routines. Rob’s anxiety might be rough if he isn’t sure what is happening. So I struggle to be as organized as possible for them. Honestly, as long as they are with grandma and grandpa or Mandy and Cory, Casey and Rob will probably just go with the flow instead of getting anxious.
But – my advice to you is to plan! Write down your child’s preference in clothing and food. Write down a detailed schedule that your child follows each day. Write down what medications they take and the times and doses. Make a note of what your child likes in their backpack for school and in their lunch. Detail their bedtime routine and what they like to sleep with (such as a fan, nightlight, music, stuffed animals). I also have our doctor phone numbers and their insurance info where it can be easily found. Write down anything that you think might be helpful for someone who is taking care of your child in the event of an emergency.
Sometimes, I’m sure I over – plan (and Mandy is nodding as she reads this! 🙂 ) but it makes me feel better that if someone needs to step in and take care of Casey and Rob, they will have the information they need to keep Rob and Casey happy and safe. I’ll keep making too many notes just to ease my own mind.
You can use a simple notebook to make your lists. Just make sure that you put it somewhere that it can be found easily. Trust me – you will feel better knowing those tiny, but so important, details are written down!
I told Casey what the title was and she said, “No fanks. Wet!” Rob just looked at me and shook his head, but honestly, he would be the one most likely to dance in the rain with me. He may think I’ve lost my mind, but most days, he could be close to the truth. 🙂
But, really, when I think of dancing in the rain, I think of being happy no matter what the circumstances you are living in are. You look for the bright side in the clouds and know that rain has to fall so you can see the sun. (If life was always perfect, how would you know? If you had nothing to compare it to? 🙂 )
There are rough days with autism. There are days it is easier to cry than laugh or days you scream into your pillow. Everyone has those days. Sometimes, those rough days last for weeks, months, even. And these are the times that it is most important to dance in the rain.
Dancing in the rain is silly. It’s something a child would do. And sometimes, that is exactly what we need – to be like a child again. Splash through puddles. Color with crayons. Eat Fruity Pebbles right from the box. Have peanut butter for supper. Take a bubble bath. Blow bubbles – finger paint – play with clay. Read a comic book. Watch an old cartoon (Bugs Bunny is the best! 🙂 ) My point is, just for a minutes, let your adult self relax and forget that the laundry is waiting, bills need paid, groceries need bought, lunches need packed, and on and on.
Because here’s the thing. If you don’t dance in the rain and have fun once in a while, life with autism will drag you down. It will exhaust you. It will make you feel incredibly lonely. It will put you on edge. And sooner or later, you will crash. I should know – I’ve been there. It’s not pretty. I’ve had more minor “crashes” than I can remember. And major ones I’d just as soon never think about again. But, if I forget, I might fall back into the same old habits and I can’t let that happen. Casey and Rob are depending on me.
I know it’s hard to get breaks from your child with autism. I have supports and I still find it hard (but honestly, that’s more my issue – some times, I just want to stay home and not bother with taking them somewhere so I can have that break). When I’m tired, it’s just too much effort.
Our life with autism is fairly simple (in terms of autism! 🙂 ) right now. Casey and Rob are happy and doing well. I do what needs to be done to support them without really thinking about it. We stick to a schedule (though, that was altered the last two nights and they did really well!) I know what we need to do if we want to go somewhere and plan accordingly. But – we still have rough times. I still need breaks. I can’t let myself get so down and tired again. It’s not good for any of us.
I know I’ve said this to you before but it needs repeating so you really understand. You have got to find ways to have fun – to laugh – to relieve stress. You need to escape the reality of autism once in a while. You need to find the you that isn’t just an autism mom or dad or grandparent or sibling. You have to be you, too, or you will crash. Being a parent is hard. Being a special needs parent is super hard. Take a break. You need it. You deserve it. I promise – the dust will survive on the furniture and the laundry won’t run away. It’ll all be there when you have the energy to tackle it.
So… for now…. go dance in the rain and laugh! You deserve the fun!
I know it’s an unusual name for a blog and Facebook page, but it fits us. I’ve been asked a few times in the last month why this is what I chose to call our blog. Since I’m not feeling the best today (just a head cold – yuck!) and my head feels foggy, I thought I would just share our first post with you. We have gotten so many new followers that may not have gone back and read older posts and it’s a really funny story… now, anyway. The day it happened, I was not a happy person.
Enjoy! Laugh – if nothing else, this a good reminder that even terrible days can be funny later. 🙂
Welcome to the first post on Autism, Apples and Kool Aid. I’m the mom of three amazing kids – and a wonderful son-in-law! My oldest daughter, Casey, and my son, Rob, both have moderate autism. Our autism journey started almost 28 years ago and what a wild ride it’s been!
I’m not here to tell you that autism is easy – but it isn’t the terrible disaster that so many seem to think it is, either. My hope for this blog is to share my circus in the hope that families who are on this journey with us will share our laughs and our tears – but ultimately realize all of our kids are our most precious gifts.
The name for this blog came from one day that is stuck in my memory. A day which has proved that, sometimes, autism sucks, but sometimes, it’s our reaction that causes more problems.
Rob was 8 or so at the time and we had just finished remodeling our dining room. I was in another room when I heard thump, rumble, rumble, crash, splash and Rob’s giggles. What the heck? As I ran towards the sounds, I heard it again – thump, rumble, rumble, crash, splash and giggles. I found Rob in my beautiful dining room with an apple in his hand and red Kool Aid running down my walls.
It took a second to see the plastic cups of Kool Aid lined up on the table and for the dots to connect. “Don’t throw that….” I shouted as he launched the apple across the table. It connected squarely with the next cup in line. The cup flew in the air, the Kool Aid went everywhere and Rob doubled over giggling. I just stood there and looked.
When he picked up another apple, I sprang into action and grabbed the apple from him. He laughed, hugged my legs and took off for his room. I was left standing there watching red Kool Aid run down my walls, off my curtains, down my windows and drip from the ceiling fans. I was furious! What in the world possessed him to do something like this? He had gone bowling a few days before and I guess he decided to make his own at home.
It took me forever to get the room cleaned up. All the while, I’m mumbling not so nice words under my breath. Steam was probably coming out of my ears by the time I got done. I mumbled about autism… about red Kool Aid… about sticky floors… about not being able to handle this anymore. I’ll admit, my anger took over. Now, this is funny. At the time, I was ready to explode.
Finally, the room was clean. I was sweating like crazy and still mad about the mess…. and I flipped the ceiling fan on. You guessed it – in my anger, I had forgotten to clean those blades…. and little spots of Kool Aid flew all over the room again. My temper exploded and I began to clean again.
But – after the anger passed, I realized that day taught me a valuable lesson about living with autism. Often, our reactions to what happens make problems worse. Had I stayed calm, I would have thought to clean the blades (I hope!). I wouldn’t have been so hot to flip the fan on. Had I just cleaned the room and laughed with Rob, I would have only had to do it once.
I’m not always successful, but I try – really hard – to make sure my reactions to my children’s behaviors don’t cause more problems for all of us. Sometimes, my reaction is simply to walk away until we are all calm. Walking away isn’t always bad.
So, welcome to my circus. Come back to soon and let’s learn together how to live, laugh and love with autism!
I was at an event a while ago and two different people made comments about the life I live. I didn’t think much about it while I was there, but driving home, I wondered about their observations. One is a close friend, the other an acquaintance. I started thinking about the perceptions people have about me and my life.
One perception people have about my life is that it’s never quiet. Ok – I’ll give them that one. There are quiet times in my house, but only when the kids are not here or are asleep. If it’s too quiet when they are here, I go see what they are up to. But – doesn’t every parent do that? And how many homes are quiet when the kids are home? Why do people think my house would be any different than theirs?
They may hear kids talking in their home. I do, too. Often a little louder and not as understandable as most people, but talking just the same. They may hear toys. Yep, got that, too, since Elmo and Casey’s toy piano can be heard often. They may hear music or movies. Yep – the same movies over and over again. But Casey’s music changes, depending on her mood.
Another perception is that I never get any sleep. When the kids were younger, this was true and, at times, we still have rough nights around here. (crazy weather and full moons are not my friends!) I finally found the right combination of meds for Rob to help him sleep, so most of the time, we all sleep well. (Knock on wood! 😊)
Here’s a good one. People think I’ve got the patience of a saint. 🙂 🙂 And I do – with my kids, with people who have special needs. But – if you are rude or obnoxious… hmm… nope. My patience stays with those who need it. 🙂 I will be nice as long as I can, then all bets are off!
Honestly, the perception that bothers me the most is that we need pity. I get why people might think this, but really, it just irritates me to no end.
Why would anyone feel sorry for us? Casey and Rob are happy. They have everything they need and most things they want. (I say that because right now, they want to ride rides at our county fair, which has been canceled. Thank you, covid… Now go away!) They love going for walks, buying coloring books and socks, playing cards and construction paper.
Do they have struggles? Sure – but we don’t need anyone’s pity. We need compassion and understanding. Every family has struggles – some are just really well hidden and ours are loud and more obvious at times. 😊
Yes, my life is different than most people. It’s different than my autism mom friends. But that’s ok. Being different keeps life interesting and fun. Yes, I do feel lonely at times and, yes, I definitely get tired of helping with baths. Yep – get tired of worrying about the future. Yep – get tired of always needing someone to be with Casey and Rob.
But – I also get to spend evenings on the patio with them, listening to giggles. I still get to believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny. I get to celebrate every… single… holiday. I get to have supper with them every night and tuck them in bed. (Usually more than once! 😊)
Instead of just assuming what my life is like, ask questions. I don’t mind and would much rather someone ask than not. The only way to make the world more accepting of Autism is to get information out and spread it around! That’s why we go places. Some times, our days out don’t go as well as I would like, but that’s okay. I can have a good cry (either on sadness or anger) and move on.
Our lives are different than yours. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. 😊
Last Sunday evening, Casey, Rob and I talked a lot about going back to Hopewell on Monday. I wasn’t sure about a lot of the details, but I sat with each of them and answered as many of their concerns as I could. It was hard, since I wasn’t sure about much of the routine, either, but I could tell them that I would be taking them each day (the shuttle they used to ride are now public transportation – anyone could get on with them. I’m too paranoid to let them ride with complete strangers right now) and picking them up.
I told them that they would be in the window room with 8 of their friends, but that I didn’t know who their group was. They were so excited to be thinking about going back to Hopewell, I’m honestly not sure either of them was really listening to me, beyond that there would be no shuttles right now.
Hopewell is opening later, so we could sleep in and not have to rush around Monday morning. How crazy is it that it took me forever to pack their lunches? Three months of not packing lunches was great and I just couldn’t think what they each liked to have in their lunch. They were both up earlier than they needed to be – too excited too sleep in. Rob even put a new shirt on without a fight! They both giggled and giggled as we waited until it was time to go.
When we got there, Rob wanted to go into the cafeteria, as that was their usual routine. They gathered in that room before starting their day. He got a little anxious when I wouldn’t let him go in and then a stranger was trying to make him go to the big room. He started flapping at his ears – getting worked up. Casey ran down the ramp to the window room, but she couldn’t get to her locker. She turned and looked at me. Rob was really stomping by then because he couldn’t get to his locker. (They had to build a “wall” to separate the two groups – they are not allowed to be near each other because of the COVID – 19 worry.)
I was close to tears as I left. I could feel their anxiety and worried all day that they were not listening to their staff person – that they were taking their masks off or running to other areas of the building. (In normal times, they have several rooms that they can go to for different activities). Bob and Reagan picked them up right after lunch for their usual fun time. Rob went to aquatics – Casey got ice cream and a coloring book.
When they were dropped off at home, they were both happy and smiling so I took that to mean their day was good. I got a text later that said they both did well and that the staff was working to iron out some bugs in the routine to make it easier for everyone.
Rob still seems happy to be going to Hopewell, even with the changes. They have to have their temperatures taken as soon as they enter the building and they stay in one large room all day. I need to find out what they are doing all day. They have both brought crafts home, but I know they will both get bored with that at some point.
I think Casey might be already. She thinks of Hopewell as a social place. She is used to going out of the building most days to volunteer or for walks. They are not leaving the building and she is already asking for her “trip” papers. I told her there wouldn’t be any trips and she is not a happy person. Wednesday evening, she was working herself up into a major meltdown until I told her that we were still going to do our plans for the summer.
We made a list of things they both want to do this summer and I told her we would still do them. She asked about Hopewell and thought it was funny when I told her if we wanted to do something, we would just skip Hopewell. But, then, she wanted to start writing on her calendar when we would be hiking and swimming. I tried to explain to her that we can’t write things like that because we have to watch the weather and she managed to work herself up again.
When she gets in one of these moods, she flips her head and her eyes get very intense. She can’t stop asking questions – always the same ones over and over until I am ready to scream. But I also have to walk a thin line, as if I get upset, then she escalates quickly. I’m sure part of the issue was being tired after a long week and partly, being upset that Hopewell has changed in ways she can’t understand and doesn’t like.
By Thursday, she was focused on going hiking and taking pictures and refused to hear anything but that we would go. Luckily, she was happy with a short walk and posing for a few pictures on our way to my parent’s house. But, yesterday, she started in again about canceling Hopewell on Wednesday and going to a state park for a long hike. She doesn’t want to hear that we can’t plan anything outside right now because of stormy days coming. She wants to hear she can do everything she wants. (don’t we all want to hear that?? 🙂 )
I am worried that this is going to be our new normal. He is going to want to go to Hopewell and she is going to want to skip it. I expected their first weeks back would be stressful for both of them, but honestly, I thought it would be Rob having more issues than Casey. I was sure his anxiety would flare up with all the changes he has to deal with. She has been so relaxed about all of the changes since March, that I thought she would continue on that path.
And right there is something I’ve learned really well with autism over the last 30 years. Never expect anything, cause it will change. And usually faster than I ever dreamed it would. And it also points out how far he has come. Anxiety is something that he has had to deal with for 10 years. He has learned not to let it overcome him and tries to come to me for help before it gets out of control. I never thought that would happen.
Of all the changes that were going to happen at Hopewell, I cannot believe that I never thought about her “trips” as being an issue. That’s all on me – she loves going places and I never even thought about preparing her for staying there all day. I know how much she loves being out – definitely a “duh” moment for me.
I’m anxious to see how this week goes – to see if she is more accepting of their new normal or if I’m going to need to take drastic measures to help her stay calm. As well as she has done with everything in the last three months, I think she is finally reaching the end of her patience. (Aren’t we all?)
So fingers crossed for a nice day that we can go hiking. And for him to be okay with skipping Hopewell! It seems like this could be a rock and a hard place for me, but then I think about how quickly they change and know that worrying isn’t going to help anything. One day at a time… one step at a time.