I know it’s an unusual name for a blog and Facebook page, but it fits us. I’ve been asked a few times in the last month why this is what I chose to call our blog. Since I’m not feeling the best today (just a head cold – yuck!) and my head feels foggy, I thought I would just share our first post with you. We have gotten so many new followers that may not have gone back and read older posts and it’s a really funny story… now, anyway. The day it happened, I was not a happy person.
Enjoy! Laugh – if nothing else, this a good reminder that even terrible days can be funny later. 🙂
Welcome to the first post on Autism, Apples and Kool Aid. I’m the mom of three amazing kids – and a wonderful son-in-law! My oldest daughter, Casey, and my son, Rob, both have moderate autism. Our autism journey started almost 28 years ago and what a wild ride it’s been!
I’m not here to tell you that autism is easy – but it isn’t the terrible disaster that so many seem to think it is, either. My hope for this blog is to share my circus in the hope that families who are on this journey with us will share our laughs and our tears – but ultimately realize all of our kids are our most precious gifts.
The name for this blog came from one day that is stuck in my memory. A day which has proved that, sometimes, autism sucks, but sometimes, it’s our reaction that causes more problems.
Rob was 8 or so at the time and we had just finished remodeling our dining room. I was in another room when I heard thump, rumble, rumble, crash, splash and Rob’s giggles. What the heck? As I ran towards the sounds, I heard it again – thump, rumble, rumble, crash, splash and giggles. I found Rob in my beautiful dining room with an apple in his hand and red Kool Aid running down my walls.
It took a second to see the plastic cups of Kool Aid lined up on the table and for the dots to connect. “Don’t throw that….” I shouted as he launched the apple across the table. It connected squarely with the next cup in line. The cup flew in the air, the Kool Aid went everywhere and Rob doubled over giggling. I just stood there and looked.
When he picked up another apple, I sprang into action and grabbed the apple from him. He laughed, hugged my legs and took off for his room. I was left standing there watching red Kool Aid run down my walls, off my curtains, down my windows and drip from the ceiling fans. I was furious! What in the world possessed him to do something like this? He had gone bowling a few days before and I guess he decided to make his own at home.
It took me forever to get the room cleaned up. All the while, I’m mumbling not so nice words under my breath. Steam was probably coming out of my ears by the time I got done. I mumbled about autism… about red Kool Aid… about sticky floors… about not being able to handle this anymore. I’ll admit, my anger took over. Now, this is funny. At the time, I was ready to explode.
Finally, the room was clean. I was sweating like crazy and still mad about the mess…. and I flipped the ceiling fan on. You guessed it – in my anger, I had forgotten to clean those blades…. and little spots of Kool Aid flew all over the room again. My temper exploded and I began to clean again.
But – after the anger passed, I realized that day taught me a valuable lesson about living with autism. Often, our reactions to what happens make problems worse. Had I stayed calm, I would have thought to clean the blades (I hope!). I wouldn’t have been so hot to flip the fan on. Had I just cleaned the room and laughed with Rob, I would have only had to do it once.
I’m not always successful, but I try – really hard – to make sure my reactions to my children’s behaviors don’t cause more problems for all of us. Sometimes, my reaction is simply to walk away until we are all calm. Walking away isn’t always bad.
So, welcome to my circus. Come back to soon and let’s learn together how to live, laugh and love with autism!