Autism, OCD and the Can’t be Rushed Morning

Autism, OCD and the Can't be Rushed Morning

The kids and I have a routine for the mornings when we are all leaving the house about the same time. It works well for us and we have a little time to adjust, if necessary. But last Friday morning was one that about put this almost crazy autism mom over the edge.

Casey and Rob were going to spend the night with my parents that evening. Since they both “need” certain blankets to sleep with, I told Mom that I would bring their stuff out before I went to work that morning. The kids have been leaving in plenty of time for me to do that. Until….

I had a hard time getting up that morning, but I was still almost ready when I woke Casey up. She stumbled to the kitchen (she wakes up like I do – barely moving most days! 🙂 ) grabbed her pills and juice and wanted waffles for breakfast. Not a problem, but somehow, I had managed to not have our lunches packed (Blue took forever outside!) and I still needed to pack their clothes for Grandma and Grandpa’s house.

I’ve packed for them before and had to unpack and let them do it, so I told Casey to go get her clothes and the blanket and stuffed animal she wanted to take to Mom and Dad’s house. Somehow, this translated in her mind to lay back down on her bed. I’m trying to get lunches packed when I realize I hadn’t heard her in the bathroom. After several calls up the steps and a threat to go get her, she came down – without her stuff. So we went back up – together – to gather it all and get her packed.

She went into the bathroom as I went to get Rob up. He rolls over as soon as he hears me every morning and grabs his juice and pills. I handed him his breakfast and went to get his bag so he could pick what he wanted to take. Of course, I couldn’t find his bag – he decided it didn’t belong in his closet or the closet upstairs (but did he tell me? of course not!) I finally found it and started packing his blankets only to have him pull them back out because I packed the burgundy one first – and the brown was is supposed to go on the bottom.

So, I put the brown one in, the burgundy one and the blue one – only to be told I packed the wrong blue one – and he pulled everything out again, because he wanted the right blue one in on top of the brown one and under the burgundy.

I hate to admit it, but by now, I’m grinding my teeth. None of us are ready, they are packed, they haven’t had breakfast and their ride would be here in less than 10 minutes.

So we try again – and finally the blankets are properly packed. He needed to change his shirt before work (He has a few old shirts that I told him he could wear at home, but needed to be changed before work.) He was fine with changing his shirt, until I pulled out his coke shirt and he was wearing the official “wear only with the coke shirt” pants. So he yanked off the shirt he was wearing and put the coke shirt on, but then realized he wanted to wear the coke shirt at Grandma and Grandpa’s house, so he completely stripped, stuffed those clothes in his bag and pulled another pair of pants and shirt out of his drawer. And I hear the minutes ticking by.

I knew then I was never going to be able to leave when they did.

Casey came to me for help in brushing her hair and decided she had the wrong socks on to wear with her boots. (I have no idea why!) So she disappeared upstairs to find the right socks, while Rob is stuffing his feet into snow boots because Casey is wearing boots. Then she came down in tennis shoes, so he ran back to his room to put tennis shoes on. And I’m sweating and ready to start swearing under my breath.

She finally sat down to eat her waffles. He turned the TV on and immediately started singing his storm song. Over and over again. She stopped eating to watch him. He quieted a little, she finished eating and went to get her coat. She had her red coat on, but wanted a scarf. I told her to get the scarf Mandy made her. No. That scarf can only be worn with the Elmo hat Mandy made. So wear that hat. No. That hat has to be worn with her black coat. (By now, I am so ready to start cussing – you can’t even imagine.) So wear the black coat. No, it’s Friday. (AHHHHHH!)

I took a deep breath and said go get a scarf. No. Fine, then don’t wear one. She stomped to the couch and flopped down. I got her one of my scarves, but you can imagine how that went over. She started getting upset as I can’t find another scarf that will make her happy. Rob got louder and Blue started barking. I still am not ready for work, nor do I have my lunch packed or Blue fed. And I’m so stressed by then, I can’t even think what I need to do first so I can get out of the house on time.

Casey was still asking for a scarf. Finally, I understood she wanted a new one, but that she also wanted a new hat and gloves, too, because you simply cannot wear an old hat or gloves with a new scarf. I’m done. By then, I didn’t care if I ever saw another scarf.

Their shuttle came around the corner and Rob suddenly remembered he needed his headphones for his iPad. I told him I would get them, but of course, I grabbed the wrong pair (how was I supposed to know there is a certain pair for Fridays at work??) Casey was walking out the door when she decided she packed the wrong slippers for Grandma and Grandpa’s house. I asked which ones she wanted and told her I would get them after she left. She stopped on the porch as if she was deciding whether I could handle such an important task, but finally, they were both on the shuttle and I could close the door.

I thanked God that most days aren’t like that one. Truly, had I not needed to take their stuff to my parent’s house, it wouldn’t have been any big deal. And I knew mom and dad would meet me in town to get it, but I was in a rush by then and wasn’t thinking about that. I had too much on my mind last week and not enough sense to calm down and forget the other stuff for a few minutes.

Luckily, when one of the kids has a morning like this, the other doesn’t pay any attention. It was just dumb luck (and the weather change, I’m sure) that they both had OCD issues the same morning. I’m just glad it’s over (and that I made it to school – with about 30 seconds to spare! 🙂 ) and I’m hoping not to have another morning like that for a long time!

Autism and the Freedom to be a Perfect You

Autism and the Freedom to be a Perfect You

So many times, it seems parents are looking for a “cure” for their child’s autism. Or parents are crying about how terrible their lives are with a special needs child. I’m not in any way denying life with autism is difficult at times, but typical kids can be rough to raise, too! It’s all in your perspective – whether you are a glass half- full or half-empty, I guess. To me, life can always get worse.

On bad days, I try to keep telling myself that things are not as bad as they are for some families. My kids can do a lot of personal care themselves. They are sleeping (right now, anyway!) and eating a lot of different things (though Mr. Picky stills pops up once in a while! 🙂 ). His anxiety levels are under control and her meltdowns have mostly disappeared. Yes, I get tired at times and I get frustrated that we can’t just go places without a lot of planning. But, I wouldn’t change Casey and Rob. Their autism is part of them – just like their eye and hair color.

I do understand parents who wish there was a cure. I just don’t agree with them. I know they are tired – are frustrated – are angry at the world. I get it. I’ve been there. When there were issues at school, I just knew we weren’t going to make it through without my having a breakdown or exploding. I also know that if Casey and Rob didn’t have autism, they wouldn’t be the awesome, amazing, wonderful people they are. And I wouldn’t be the person I am.

Maybe, if they didn’t have autism, they wouldn’t have their artistic abilities. Maybe Casey wouldn’t have her beautiful singing voice – or if she did, she would be afraid to use it. Maybe they would find jobs that they didn’t like. Maybe they would fall in with the wrong crowd. Maybe we wouldn’t be as close as a family. Maybe they would find jobs they aren’t happy with. Maybe… Maybe… Maybe…. Maybe their autism is the reason they are happy. How can I wish to change that? Isn’t that every parents’ biggest wish for their children? To be healthy and happy?

It’s hard to watch your child struggle with difficult things – whether it’s playing sports or learning to wear new clothes, trying to talk or trying to learn long division. Having your child “cured” of autism won’t change that. They will always have obstacles that you will want to help them over – and that you will cry as you watch them struggle. Autism isn’t causing that – life is.

As we walked with Mom today, Casey and Rob got farther and farther ahead of us. Rob knows the path and off he goes. At every turn on the path, he turns to make sure we are still coming. He may be independent, but he still needs reassurance. Casey stays between us – he won’t let her get in front of him. They wander around the park together and I follow behind, thinking about how a few short years ago, I would have never let them get that far from me – for their safety and my sanity.

I had to learn to let them be free – to grow into the amazing young man and woman they have become. If I stayed too close, they would have leaned too much on me and not become who they are meant to be. Giving them freedom is so hard! (I think it’s hard for most parents!) They had to learn to take care of themselves in some situations and learn to ask for help in others. If I kept them too close, they wouldn’t learn that.

When we go walking, I let them wander a little. (Not too far, though – their safety is always more important than their freedom!) I let them try anything they want to and offer whatever supports they may need. You need to let your child try new things, too. You never know what hidden talents they may have!

I want all of my kids to have the freedom to be whoever they want to be. Autism or not, everyone deserves that. Just because they have autism doesn’t mean they don’t have their own dreams and wants. Those dreams may not be the same as people without autism, but maybe they are. You won’t know until you let your child try – until you decide that you have an amazing child who happens to have autism. You won’t be able to change that fact and the sooner you accept autism, the happier you and your child will be.

Cry if you need to (I sure do at times!) then think about how amazing your child is and learn to give them the freedom to be the perfect version of themselves!

Autism and a Brand New Year

Autism and a Brand New Year

The end of a year is always a good time to think about where you have been, how far you have come and what you want in your life.

Where have I been? That’s a tough one. I’ve been stressed and angry to the point of tears. I’ve been so tired I can’t function. I’ve been stretched financially.

I’ve also been incredibly blessed. Blue came to live with us. Casey and Rob are making huge strides every day. I have a supportive, laughing, loving family. I have a best friend who more like a sister to me. This blog and our Facebook page are growing.

How far have we come? Farther than I could have ever imagined. Autism no longer defines me. It does shape us in many ways, but it’s not defining. (if that makes sense! ☺)

What do I want in my life? More chances to spread our story. To write a book. To be completely organized. To work out every day. To yoga more. More time with my brother. More time to craft and read. Less stress and tears. A plan to figure out how to do all of this without quitting my job. ☺

Casey and Rob always have such awesome perceptions that I don’t always think about, so I decided to ask them what they would like in 2019. (asking where they had been or how far they have come aren’t questions they would understand easily.)

When I asked Casey what she wanted from 2019, she said turkey and stuffing, to go to Grandma Rose and Grandpa Mack’s house, see Uncle Jeff and buy coloring books.

Rob wants to buy signs, go to McDonald’s, go swimming with Bob and Erin (aquatic therapy) and go to Salt Fork with Mandy and Cory.

He went to his room and came back. He wants to go hiking with Tracie and Casey added find a railroad tunnel with Tracie. (One of the state parks we hike at has a railroad tunnel we didn’t find last summer. ☺)

They didn’t worry about money, a better home or a better version of themselves. They wanted simple things that make them happy. A lesson we could all learn.

Every year, we seem to make resolutions to make ourselves better – lose weight, make more money, be this, be that. How many announce their resolution is to find simple joys? Let’s face it, sometimes, a life with autism is tough! Why add more stress trying to make improvements on you?

My resolutions this year are to find more laughs every day. To forgive people, if only to help me feel less stress. To hug more. To read on my porch swing. To praise more and critcize less. To find simple joys every day, write them down and put in a jar so at the end of 2019, I’ll have 365 amazing moments to remember.

My wish for you is the same. Find time for you – you can’t care for your child when you are burned out. Remember the things that bring you joy and look for them every day. Autism is hard. I know that. There are still joys to look for. Maybe it’s only 90 seconds to run to the bathroom by yourself – enjoy every second! ☺

Make this your resolution.  Don’t think you have to lose weight – think that a few minutes of exercise will relieve stress.  Change your resolutions into something easier to think about.  Don’t think about major changes.  Think about small steps – maybe clean out one closet as a step towards organization.  With autism, you don’t have a lot of extra time – so maybe just plan to find those precious few minutes every day just for you.  Minutes are there – you just have to be really creative to find them.  You need to do this – for your child, for your family, for you!

Happy New Year!

Autism and the Official Christmas List

Autism and the Official Christmas List

Casey is starting to get that look in her eyes. It’s only two days before Christmas and she’s starting to think about everything we have done – and what still needs to be done to make a “perfect” Christmas in her eyes.

We went to Oglebay to see lights. Check. (Actually, she just wants to go somewhere with a big light display – she doesn’t care where.) We went shopping and got her gifts. Check. We made some of her gifts. Check. We went to the Christmas dance. Check. We made cookies. Check. We wrapped her presents. Check.

And now she is listing what still needs to be done. We still have to open presents with Mandy and Cory tomorrow. We still have to drive around and see local light displays tomorrow night. (Christmas Eve.) We have to read “The Night Before Christmas.” They have to go to bed early so Santa can come. (She is still saying she’s getting up in the dark Tuesday, but she laughs when she says it! 🙂 ) They have to look in their stockings (and she has to do to “the pose” and get her picture taken with her stocking.) and open their presents from Santa.

Then it will be time for a nap before they go to Grandma’s for lunch with their dad. When they get home, time to relax and wait till it’s time to go to my family’s Christmas supper. And she has a list for there, too. First, we eat. Then presents. Then the official Richcreek family picture. Then sock game. Then other games. And until she has played at least one game of something, she is serious. I mean, hardly a smile, you can see the wheels in her mind turning serious.

And then…. she smiles. The list in her head is complete. She has seen and done everything she is supposed to for the perfect Christmas. She can finally smile and laugh. She will smile for more casual pictures with her cousins. She will giggle with happiness. She will have a hard time going to sleep Christmas night because she is happy.

And I wish it was that easy for everyone to have the perfect Christmas – whatever that may mean in your family. Rob will go wherever and do whatever he’s supposed to do, but he doesn’t take holidays as seriously as she does. He is happy to be with Mandy and Cory and the rest of the family. He is happy to open presents. And he is happy to hide in Uncle Jeff’s old bedroom when he needs some quiet time. He’ll go to sleep that night because the next day will be Hopewell and he’ll be ready to get back into his routine after being off four days.

The day after Christmas, Casey will start asking about New Year’s Eve. We never do anything too exciting, but she loves the routine. Snacks and party hats and noise makers. Maybe Grandma and Grandpa or Mandy and Cory coming over for a while. And usually, she wants her bath at the same time and heads for bed. She doesn’t care about the clock hitting midnight – only that we stick with the routine in her head. It’s pretty simple to make her happy.

Once in a while, I wish we could go to a big party on New Year’s Eve. But, really, I’m just as happy as she is that I can stay home in my comfy clothes. Rob won’t stay up. When he is ready for sleep, that’s it. He asks for party mix for a snack and will put a party hat on for a few seconds.

I hope each of you has the same perfect Christmas and New Year’s – one that is as unique and special as your autism family. Don’t compare your holiday season with anyone else’s – be different! Be safe, be happy, be blessed. Merry Christmas!

Autism and Bright Spots in Life

Autism and the Bright Spots in Life

This may sound odd coming from someone with two adult children with autism, but the last few weeks autism and its affects have been a big topic in our lives.  Sometimes, I think we are so used to our life and our schedule that we don’t really “think” about autism, but it’s been big news this week.  Actually, the big news has been that both kids have made amazing strides and are doing such cool things.  Autism isn’t winning this week at all!

Bright Spot #1 – Casey got to be Cinderella for their Halloween dance and wear her dress to the workshop the next day.  She had asked to be Cinderella for 2 months and couldn’t stop smiling as she got into her beautiful, glittery (ugh – i don’t do glitter at all!  🙂  ) dress.  She posed for several pictures before dancing at her “ball.”

Bright Spot #2 – Rob found a clown costume he wanted to wear. We had planned to be characters from Cinderella (Rob, Mandy and Cory were mice, I was the fairy godmother) but he wanted to wear this outfit so bad.  And it was a mask!  He has NEVER worn a mask before, but was so excited and giggled as he got dressed for the dance.  (I hate clowns – I mean, I seriously do NOT like clowns and this was a creepy clown mask!  But – he was happy!)  He only wore it for a while at the dance (he got too hot), but everyone commented on how cool he looked.

Bright Spot #3 – I had to take Rob to the ER Tuesday.  And no, that’s not the bright spot!  The bright spot was that even though he hates hospitals, strangers and new places, he was wonderful!  He sat quietly and waited, then let the doctor look at his ears, even though he wanted our family doctor.  He waited while the nurse got his meds ordered and then asked to go back to the workshop instead of going to Grandma’s house.

Bright Spot #4 – Casey passed out candy to the “widdle” kids who were brave enough to trick or treat in the rain.  She giggled and rocked back and forth as she watched them walk up to the porch.  She was so excited!  This was the first year we had tried doing this, as she as always asked about trick or treating and I wasn’t sure she would be ok with passing out candy and not going herself.  I’m sure some of our neighbors would be okay with her dressing up and trick or treating at their houses, but I have finally gotten her to understand she isn’t going, so I don’t want to do that.  She lasted about half an hour, then decided her iPad was more fun than more little kids.  🙂

Bright Spot #5 – Rob tried two new foods this week!  He didn’t like either of them, but he was willing to take a bite and try.  I think the pudding texture is just too hard for him, but he just didn’t like the crackers.

Bright Spot #6 – I picked them up early Thursday for Rob’s follow up appointment with our family doctor.  We had to wait over half an hour (a rare thing in our doctor office!) but they both sat so quietly and patiently in the waiting room.  He got giggly at one point and she was rocking in her chair, but in no way did they disturb anyone else waiting.  When we got to see the doctor, Rob answered his questions and showed him which ear was bothering him.  And then told him we were going to Hobby Lobby and the Dollar Tree.  And Casey added McDonalds!   (We had a really nice evening!  No anxiety song, despite the crazy, rainy weather and the change in his routine!)

Bright Spot #7 – They both volunteer at different places around town with staff from their workshop.  Friday, Casey went to a day care while they children were sleeping to clean toys.   Her staff was so excited, they called and told me all about how she smiled and carefully wiped every toy and the bin the toys were in before putting everything back quietly.  The pictures they shared are so precious to me – Casey has a huge smile on her face!  (And she didn’t even try to take any Sesame Street toys home with her!  🙂  )

Honestly, I needed a week of bright spots.  Life has been crazy busy and I’ve felt like I was just dealing with stuff and not really enjoying all the little moments that we all need to see every day.  I’m usually the kind of person to always look for the bright spots in every day.  I thank God for the happy little moments that we can all find each day if we look hard enough, but lately, even though I’m thankful for those little moments, I haven’t fully enjoyed them.

Today, as I write this, I’ve loved remembering each moment.  I look at the kids and think how proud I am of them – how hard life is for them at times, but they still laugh and smile about little things.  Like a new coloring book and a pack of clay from the Dollar Tree or McDonalds for supper.  A costume they love – seeing Mandy and Cory – going to Wal-mart with Mandy and having supper at their house.  Tracie is coming tonight and Casey can’t stop giggling about that.

And I know that they (and autism) have taught me so much more than I ever taught them.

Autism and Please Just Ask your Questions

Autism and Please Just Ask your Questions

Tracie and I took the kids to Richland Carousel Park yesterday.  It’s about an hour and half from our house and none of us had ever been there.  The day was chilly and rainy and something indoor seemed like a good plan.  Casey and Rob both stim on carnival rides, so we were curious about how they would react with one that wasn’t quite as wild as what they usually liked.  Autism can give things such a different perspective.

Despite a few twists and turns (we didn’t know they were having a Halloween parade yesterday and a bunch of streets were blocked off!) we got to the park.  Casey was thrilled with the gift shop – coloring books to look at!  But Rob took one look at the carousel and he was ready to ride.

Tickets are very reasonable and I wanted them to really experience the ride.  Tracie and I each rode twice and the kids rode a few more times.  Their smiles were amazing and I knew we had found something they both enjoyed.  It was a little loud, so by the time they were on their fourth ride, I knew it was time to go.

We went into the gift shop to look around.  Rob had little interest in looking and was getting hungry so he was rocking and humming a little.  Casey looked quickly, but she was ready to go, too.  As we were walking to the door, a lady asked if she could talk to me a minute.

The carousel is having an event for special needs families and she wanted to invite us to it.  I told her that was awesome for them to do that and thanked her for the information.  Her next questions made me laugh, until I realized she was serious.

“Did I offend you?”

Offend me?  I’m sure the look on my face told her what I was thinking before I laughed and said no way.  Apparently, a woman had gotten really upset and told her she was offended when she invited that family to the event, so the clerk was a little worried about offending others by asking.

And that brings me to my point of this blog.  Seriously, folks, if you have half a brain and pay attention, it’s obvious Casey and Rob are special needs.  Maybe you don’t recognize autism, but you can tell they aren’t typical adults.  Please – instead of staring – ask your questions.  I won’t get offended,  I’d rather people were just honest instead of staring and making comments.  (By the way, if they are unkind comments and I hear them, you might meet Mama Bear!  😉  )

Please – don’t tell your kids not to stare or pull them away.  Let them talk to us.  The more you make it seem like it’s a bad thing to have autism, the more they will avoid some pretty awesome people.  Let them ask questions.  Let them smile and say hi.  Let them ask Casey about her Elmo shirt or Rob what song he is singing.

People with autism have a hard enough time fitting in at times.  If you avoid people with special needs, your children will learn to avoid them, too.  You may be uncomfortable, but that’s okay.  I’ve been uncomfortable many times and I’ve survived and made some wonderful friends in the process.  Ask me why he is rocking (to calm himself).  Ask me why she is holding my elbow and he’s holding my hand (for comfort in crowds.  Ask me why he is going into the women’s restroom with me (he doesn’t go  in men’s room unless it’s a one stall bathroom and I can wait outside for him!).

Ask me why he leans his forehead to mine (comfort and to show love).  Or why she giggles at crying children or angry people (she nervous).  Ask me why he is wearing sleeveless shirts in January (sensory issues).  Ask me why she is wearing two shirts when it’s 80 degrees outside (cause the calendar tells her to!).  Ask me why he is talking too loud (he doesn’t know it!).  Ask me why he is singing Long Black Train (anxiety).

Ask why she is 30 and carrying an Elmo around (cause she loves him!).  Or why he doesn’t answer your questions himself (he doesn’t talk to strangers).  Just ask.  We won’t bite you for asking, I promise.  We would much rather you talk TO us than ABOUT us.  Autism isn’t contagious – but kindness is.  Casey and Rob remember who is kind to them – who respects them.  And they will never forget.

Maybe there are some parents who aren’t ready for your questions.  Maybe they are new to the journey of autism or are having a really bad day.  Maybe they haven’t fully accepted their life.  Who knows?  But just because one person reacts negatively to your questions, please don’t stop asking.  We need acceptance and discussions – not your stares.  Our families are just like yours.  We want to visit places and go out to eat.  We want to go to the movies and we want to play miniature golf.  Please help us do that.

Your kindness and smiles will encourage us to try again if an outing doesn’t go as well as we hoped.  Even if we can’t smile back (if a child is in the middle of a meltdown, smile and ask the parent if you can help – and don’t be offended if they don’t want your help.  We deal with this every day – and in the middle of a meltdown, we are only thinking of getting out of wherever we are!), when things settle down, we will remember the sweet person who smiled at us.

So – ask away.  I’m always open to questions.  You can message me on our Facebook page or contact me on here.  I don’t mind discussing personal issues with you, but I won’t do it in a public way – only through email or private messages.   🙂

Autism and the Really Bad, Terrible Day

For the most part, I do laugh about most of our “adventures in autism” but there is one day that will never be funny to me. You might think it was the day Casey was diagnosed – or Rob. No, those were tough days to hear about autism but our really bad, terrible autism day happened in February when Casey was 6, Mandy was 3 and Rob was about 18 months.

Casey was in Kindergarten. Mandy was going to the preschool that Casey had attended. Two days a week, as soon as Casey got off the school bus, we loaded into the van to go get Mandy. This was our routine and it was fine with Casey as she loved visiting her old school.

On that day in February, a snowstorm was predicted for the next day, so I decided to stop and grab some milk on the way home from picking up Mandy. Casey was happy in the van, until we turned into the parking lot. She didn’t start screaming then – she just made unhappy noises and I assured her we were not going to be in the store long. I got everyone out of their car seats, kept Rob in my arms and grabbed Casey’s hand while Mandy took her other one.

The closer we got to the store, the more Casey got worked up. She was chanting “Barney! Barney!” but still in control. (Her routine was to watch Barney the Dinosaur when she got home from school.) When we walked into the store, she dropped and the screams started. I had to put Rob down to try and reason (what was I thinking???) with her. Rob was thrilled and toddled off. I had to send Mandy (remember – she was 3!) after him because I couldn’t leave Casey who was blocking the entire doorway and showing no signs of ever getting up.

Her screams echoed through the store. I’m sure people were staring, but I didn’t have the time to look. I was sweating and so mad. I knew she was upset because of the change in her routine. I knew she probably couldn’t help it. I simply didn’t care. I just wanted to yell back at her to get up and get in the cart and stop screaming. I was shaking. I was furious. And I knew that I was the world’s most terrible mom for being mad at my child with autism.

Rob and Mandy were having a great time running around. Mandy was dragging my purse because I couldn’t hold onto it and try to get Casey up. She was throwing herself around and kicking and I couldn’t get a grip on her to pick her up. And I swore to kill that stupid purple dinosaur. (Okay – yeah, I know that wasn’t so reasonable, but you have to understand the state I was in.) I finally got a grip on her belt loops and picked up her as she screamed and kicked. Not one person stopped to ask if I needed any help.

Mandy saw I had Casey in my arms so she grabbed her little brother and ran to the door with me. (They were still having fun running!) I still don’t know how I got all of us across that parking lot. Casey was still screaming and kicking and I don’t know how many times I almost dropped her. God was watching over us – we made it safely to the van. As soon as she realized we were going home, Casey stopped screaming, looked at me, and said “Barney.” And I, being the calm rational gal I am, said “Nope, no way! You are never watching that damn dinosaur again!” (Yeah, not my finest moment. I still feel terrible.)

When we got home, Casey ran right to the TV for Barney and I turned it off. (again, not my finest moment – what can I say? I wasn’t thinking straight) Casey, of course, hit the floor screaming and I started crying. I called my mom and cried and yelled into the phone. I swore she would never, ever watch that damn show again. I cried that I couldn’t do this anymore. I was done. Finally, my venting was over and I just cried. I was exhausted. My mom kept telling me this was just a bad day and that we would be okay. I didn’t believe her and told her as much.

Casey finally wore herself out and fell asleep on the living room floor. I hung up the phone and laid on the kitchen floor. I was too tired to get up. I was too tired to care about moving. I heard Mandy and Rob playing and closed my eyes. I ..kept praying the same thing over and over “Please, God, give me strength. I can’t do this.”

Of course, after some sleep, I knew keeping Casey from Barney wasn’t fair. She watched him later that evening (and she still watches that silly show!).

That day still makes me want to cry. I can still remember how I felt sitting on the kitchen floor. I know how tired I was. And I know we made it through.

I don’t share this story for anything other than to show that your terrible days will pass, too. I know how exhausted you are. I know you are just done. I know you sit on your kitchen floor and cry in the phone. But I also know you are stronger than you think.

When you have days like that, go easy on yourself. Yell, cry, pray – whatever you need to do to get through that moment and on to the next. Take a deep breath – slowly in through your nose and out your mouth. Let go of the guilt you may feel over not being the mom/dad that you think your child needs. Your child needs you. Simple as that.

Look at us. We had dark days. We had days that lasted weeks (and still do, at times). And Casey and Rob are both happy. They are doing so well. Her doctor even suggested decreasing one of her medicines and see how she does. They enjoy their lives and being with people they love.

You can do this. I promise.

Autism, Discipline and Manners – Is it Possible?

Autism, Discipline and Manners

For the 5th time in just a few weeks, a parent told me that they never “discipline” their child with autism – that their life is hard enough without rules they need to follow.  HUH??   What exactly does that mean?

You read it right.  There are parents (both of special needs and typical children!) that no longer believe in teaching their children manners or rules.  They want to be the child’s “friend” and too many rules will make that impossible.  They believe no one else is polite, so why worry about their child’s manners?   And I’m sorry – I have the wrong attitude – but I wanted to smack them!  You don’t have a child to get a new best friend (but, if you are lucky, you do become that – through hard work, patience, laughter and love!)

I suppose, in a way, I was lucky that Casey had turned 4 before she was officially diagnosed.  I had certain expectations for her and taught those to her before I was told it would never be something she could do.  (Remember – this was 26 years ago – autism information has come a long way since then!)  I was told she would never be potty- trained, never talk, never be able to communicate her needs/wants, need constant supervision.  (I have since thrown away that first book I read – it was terrifying!)

Some of what I was told may have come true, but not much of it.  And through all of the books I read and conferences I went to, I continued to have expectations for her – the same ones I had for Mandy and Rob.  Sure, it was harder to teach her and Rob some things, but I never gave up.  I had to be creative at times to teach them to say please, thank you and excuse me.  I still have to constantly remind them to let others walk through a door before them and to share.

Sometimes, I have to remind them to say please and thank you.  But, that’s what a parent does – you constantly remind your child to act in a certain way.  You don’t give up because it is difficult.  You find new ways to teach them.  Because rude people are not accepted in society.  It may seem to be the norm, now, but it is not acceptable to me.  Autism does not mean my kids have a free pass to be rude little brats.   Nope, no way, not in my house.

Are they always perfect?  God, no!  Am I?  Nope.  Do I let things slide at times that I shouldn’t?  Yep – especially when we are having a hard day or we are tired.  Do I regret it?  Sure – but I’ve never claimed to be a perfect mom.  I do my best and let stuff slide – probably more often than I should, but some days, the little things just aren’t worth the added stress.

Yesterday is a prime example.  I wasn’t feeling well – Casey was in a mood – Rob repeated his anxiety song for almost 9 (yes – 9!) hours straight with no breaks.  By the evening, I didn’t care about how well they scrubbed themselves in the shower or how well their teeth got brushed.  We just needed it done with as little added anxiety as possible.

But, even at that, having autism doesn’t give them a pass on behaving themselves.  Autism causes certain behaviors and I would never “punish” them for those, but other things are not autism.  And I expect them to behave.  When they don’t, I correct them and explain in as few words as possible what they need to do.  Sometimes, saying “That’s bad.” is all I say.  If you say too many words, your child won’t be able to process what you are saying and you will be wasting your breath – and be right back where you started from.

Everyone has rules.  Your child may have autism, but they need rules, too.  You don’t leave the house.  You don’t climb to the roof.  You don’t jump off the roof.  You don’t leave with strangers.  You don’t hit others.  You have to wear clothes when you leave the house.  No spitting.  No running.  Hold an adult’s hand when you cross the street.  You will wear seat belts.  You don’t sleep at work.

Rules keep your child safe.  Will your child understand that?  Probably not.  Will it be easy?  Nope – you may never teach them some rules so you can trust them to do it.  (Look both ways before crossing a street is a tough one for us.  They both glance each way AS they are crossing the street.  It’s a constant battle, but one that I can’t give up on.  It’s a matter of safety!)

Being impulsive is a huge part of autism with some people, so not only will you be fighting the communication aspect, but also their own impulses.  You will get tired, but you have to do this!  You have to teach your child – you have to discipline them.  Imagine how your typical child will feel if they are punished for something, but the child with autism isn’t.  While I know life isn’t fair, that definitely isn’t!  It’s hard enough to have a sibling with autism without feeling as though they are more important or special than you.

Obviously, you will have to figure out what is autism behaviors and what is just being a brat.  Meltdowns from sensory issues cannot be helped, until you know what’s causing the problem and fix the issue – are their clothes uncomfortable?  Are they hot?  Cold?  Hungry?  Anxious?  Are the lights too bright or blinking?  Is it too noisy?  Is someone’s perfume too strong?  Always remember that meltdowns are NOT tantrums.

A child has a tantrum when they are told “no” or something is taken away they want.  Or when they are tired or hungry.  They kick and scream, but know exactly what they are doing.  A child with autism will kick and scream, but have no awareness of who is around them.  Casey never knew I was there until she started calming down.

You aren’t doing your child any favors by letting them do whatever they want at home.  You are making their teacher’s life miserable because, at school, they have to follow rules!   That teacher has enough to handle without the added bonus of a little brat with parents who refuse to believe their angel could be bad.

Autism or not, discipline and manners are important!  I know you are tired and stressed and don’t want to deal with anything else.  I’ve been there!  But, the sooner you start teaching your child, the easier it will be to continue.  Take a breather when you need to – don’t strive to be perfect.  A perfect parent simply does not exist.


Autism and the Really Bad Night

Autism and the Really Bad Night

I’m tired.  There’s no other way to say it.  I’m not sleepy tired –  just tired of stuff.  Rob had a terrible night Friday and we didn’t sleep much and I think that’s catching up to me.  (I’m always okay the day after no sleep, but man, that second day is a killer!)  Thank you, autism, anxiety and an almost full moon.

I’m still not sure what was going on with him.  There are many possibilities and he can’t tell me what was bothering him.  He didn’t say he was sick or needed Dr. Myers, so I don’t think it was his ear.  He was just off when he got home from the workshop and as the night went on, he got louder.

At 1:00 in the morning, he let out a yell to wake the dead.  I ran to the bathroom to find him leaning over the sink, but as soon as he saw me, he grabbed me in a bear hug and couldn’t let go.  We stood there for several minutes before he would let go and lean his head on my shoulder.  I finally got him back to bed and sat with him for a few minutes before he said “Goodbye, Mommy Jen.”  (He always says that when he is ready for me to leave him alone.)

I’m not sure what time he went to sleep, but I didn’t hear him again.  I kept waking up to check on him and when I was asleep, it wasn’t a restful one.  Things just kept running through my mind…

Was he upset about me telling him to leave the emergency windows alone on the shuttle?  He had been playing with it and the shuttle driver asked him to stop and slide away from it, but he didn’t listen.  I know how much he likes Warren, so for him to ignore him is odd.  Maybe he was worried that Warren was mad at him?  (Rob gets extremely anxious when he thinks someone is upset with him)  When I talked to him, I just told him he needed to listen to the driver and leave the window latches alone, but who knows?  Maybe he was dwelling on it.

Maybe the not quite full moon was already having an affect on him.  I know some months are worse than others and I never know which kind of month we’ll have.

Or maybe his ear was still bothering him and he just didn’t want any more ear drops in it.  But he hasn’t pulled at it for several days, so I don’t think that’s it.

Maybe his room was too hot…. but he had his AC on.

He was a little upset before he went to the workshop that morning about our still unresolved issue.  (It has nothing to do with the workshop, but a family issue.)  I keep explaining to the kids that the problem isn’t them at all and Casey believes this (she rarely thinks anything negative about herself.  🙂  ) but Rob takes it so personally.  Maybe he was fixated on that and wondering why things changed.

Was he hungry?  Too tired?  Who knows?  And so we both cried in the bathroom in the middle of the night.  I hate the helpless feeling – when your child hurts, you want to fix it and I didn’t even know where to begin.  I thought maybe if he got comfy in bed, a few words would come, but they didn’t.

I let him sleep as long as he wanted Saturday morning.  He was still off when he got up, but didn’t seem to be as upset.  He didn’t enjoy his trip to the Dollar Tree (a favorite place to go) and yelled his anxiety song the entire time we were in there.  Usually, I don’t care what other people think, but being tired, I just wanted him to settle down.  So I tried to calm him and it had the opposite effect.  He knew he was stressing me out and got even more anxious.

Luckily, we were going to a car show to see Cory’s car and he calmed a little there.  He enjoyed looking under the hoods of all of the cars and sitting beside Cory’s car.  He was still loud, though.  And it was still getting to me.  I know that’s the absolutely worst thing I can do, but I couldn’t help it.  I was just done.

Tracie suggested we take the kids for a walk after the car show and they both enjoyed that.  He seemed happier after that (seeing Tracie, Cory, Mandy, Grandma and Grandpa helped, I’m sure) and took a short nap before he had supper.  But then, I had to keep waking him up (I was afraid he wouldn’t sleep again, if he slept too much during the evening).  He took his shower early and slept all night.

I was so relieved!  My head knows there is little I can do but offer comfort when the kids are having a hard time, but my heart wants to do more.  I feel like I should be able to figure out the problem, even if they can’t tell me.  I just ache when they hurt and I can’t help them.  And I resent autism.

I get angry when I know what problems are and still can’t help them.  I want to scream at people to make them see the pain they are causing, but I know it won’t do any good.  I just keep praying the situation will resolve in the kids’ best interest.

I know every one of you knows exactly how I feel.  Autism definitely brings out the helpless feeling more than any of us want.  It brings out anger and resentment.  None of these are especially good feelings – they are ones I sure want to avoid!

I’ve got my fingers crossed that the full moon comes and goes without a repeat of Friday night.  It’s been years since we’ve had a night like that (we’ve had sleepless  nights, but not one with this degree of autism anxiety) and I hope it’s years before I see another.

I hope the full moon effects aren’t too bad in your homes this month!  Good luck!

Friends without Autism – and That’s Okay!

Friends without Autism - And That's Okay!

Any one who lives with autism has probably made a comment about not having any friends who don’t understand autism.  I do understand that statement – and I’d never consider anyone a friend who was cruel to my kids or anyone else with special needs – but I think, sometimes, we are too hard on those who don’t live with autism.

I’ve written before about a special group of ladies in my life.  I don’t get to see them often (if you think trying to make plans with one person with autism is difficult, try 6 – 8!) but when I do, it’s as if we’ve never been apart.  We do talk about autism and how it affects every single, teenie tiny part of our lives, but that’s not the only thing we talk about.  And sometimes, it’s the not talking about autism that helps as much!

I don’t know about you, but sometimes, I’m tired of autism.  I am in no way saying I’m tired of my kids – I’m saying I’d like to make simple plans – or watch TV without “Long Black Train” being sung in the background – or be able to eat my supper while it’s still mostly warm (I’ve pretty much given up on hot meals!  🙂  ).  I want to talk about anything but autism.  I’m lucky – I have Tracie.  She’s used to the sound effects in my house (even if she giggles while I grumble!  🙂 ) and we can have a long conversation that would probably be boring to anyone but us.

And this brings me to my point.  Thanks to Facebook (if you ignore the drama and trash, it can be a great way to find old friends and stay in touch with far away family!) I’ve been able to reconnect with some women who were a huge part of my life many years ago.  Mandy and their daughters were in Brownies and Girl Scouts together and the group of us moms became friends.  We took the girls places and worked on the PTO together.  And we didn’t talk about autism.

I never hid autism from them, but when I was with them, I could just be Mandy’s mom.  I could be a Brownie mom or a room mother or a PTO volunteer.  I wasn’t trying to handle meltdowns or sensory issues.  I was simply laughing and enjoying being a mom.  After reconnecting on Facebook, I started thinking about how much fun I had during those meetings.

I’m sure there were days these ladies wondered about Casey and Rob – and I’m sure we even talked about it at times, but those moments are not the ones that stand out to me.  What I remember most was the fact that they were so supportive of me and how much they helped me when getting Mandy places was going to be difficult.  She didn’t have to miss anything because I couldn’t find someone to stay with the other kids.

Cathy knew a lot that happened in our house because she and I were close friends before we had kids – she and Tracie were some of the first people I told when Casey got her diagnosis.  And they were both with me as I worried about Mandy and Rob and whether they may eventually be diagnosed, too.  But when we were with this group, autism wasn’t the topic.  Just being a mom was.

Kristi, Rhonda, Cathy, Stacy and others didn’t live with autism.  They didn’t know much about it.   And they were my friends.  Being friends with them allowed me to just be Mandy’s mom and that is one of the most precious gifts they could have given me.  I hope they understood what they did for me so many years ago, but I doubt it.  We were just having fun.

So many people only want friends who understand autism.  I get that.  Life is easier if your friends accept your children.  I’m only saying that it’s okay to have friends who don’t “get” autism.  Let yourself just be you and not an autism mom or dad.  We don’t get many breaks from autism – don’t ignore those chances when they come your way.

I wouldn’t be friends with someone who refused to ever listen to me if I was having a hard time with the kids.  But because someone doesn’t understand autism is not a reason to never be friends with that person.  Some of my closest friends have never met the kids – we were friends as children and now distances keeps us apart.  Just because they don’t know Casey and Rob is no reason to discontinue that friendship!  Many times, during tough days, a text from one of them brightens my day more than they can imagine.

Sometimes, I just don’t want to talk about autism or what affect it has on us.  I just want to grumble about bills or laundry or the never-ending list of things that need done around the house.  I need friends who understand my life – who are a big part of the autism parts, like Tracie – and friends who understand, but don’t live it, like my awesome co-workers.  And I need friends who truly don’t have a clue, but they care about us.

Don’t believe the memes you might see that say only people who understand autism can be your friends!  Yes, they need to have compassion for those with special needs, but they don’t  need to live it.  Let yourself enjoy an “autism-free” hour or two once in a while.  You will be shocked at how much better you will feel.

Hopefully, each of you will have a huge group of autism and non-autism friends – a big group that supports and loves you and your children.  We need friends to call when we need a shoulder to cry on – and when we need to vent – and when we need to try and think through a new plan – and when we just want to talk about the latest episode of The Walking Dead – and a new restaurant we tried.  Don’t limit yourself to people who live with autism – you might miss out on a most amazing friendship.

And don’t forget about online friends.  Sometimes, people you will never meet become close friends, simply because for some people, it’s even easier to be completely open and honest with those who don’t know you.  The fear of judgement is gone and you can just be you.  Message me anytime!  🙂  🙂